The Film Daily (1933)

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THE '%2a DAILY Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1933 NEWS OF THE DAY Cleveland — Maurice Lebensburger contrary to original announcement, remains as manager of the local Majestic exchange. Mark Goldman has been appointed district manager covering Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia, with headquarters here. Cleveland — The Mall, former Loew house now operated by Meyer Fischer and associates, has opened with Bert Todd as manager. East Weymouth, Mass. — Nate Hochberg has acquired the Jackson and reopened it. Salt Lake City — Manager Erving Schlank of the United Artists office here has appointed Ed Kennedy salesman of the Montana territory. Bridgeport, Conn. — Morris Rosenthal has again been appointed manager of the Majestic, Fox house, which he managed years ago. Oak Bluffs, Mass. — The Seabreeze, a new theater, is now being operated by Albert E. Holmes. Worcester, Mass. — The Rialto theater has been sold by Edward Fodelli to Ernest Sharaf. Buffalo — Among recent theater changes in the Buffalo area are: G. M. De Zutter has taken over the Star, Williams; C. V. Martini has reopened the Rialto, Albion; Harold Raives has taken over the Rialto, East Rochester, and Temple, Fairport. Buffalo — Peter Dana, who was with Warner Bros., at Olean, N. Y., for some time, has joined the Universal sales force and is working out of the Buffalo office. George Mieshe has joined the Standard sales force. New Photophone Representative Oklahoma City— H. 0. Stark, Jr., has succeeded W. B. Dolph as sales representative for RCA Photophone High Fidelity equipment. New Camden House Opens Nov. 1 Camden — The Broadway, new 1,100-seat de luxer, is nearing completion and will open about Nov. 1. Lewis Rovener, who will run it, has contracted with the RCA Victor for Photophone High Fidelity sound. Warners Reopen Chicago House Chicago — Warners reopened the Shakespeare on Sunday under management of Don Malloy. The circuit also has added vaudeville at the Stratford. Mort Singer Gets Brandeis Omaha — Mort Singer has secured the Brandeis. which brings RKO back to Omaha. Methuen, Mass. — The Methuen theater, formerly owned by the Phil Smith Circuit, is now operated by James F. Walsh. Chicago— The Karlov at 4048 Armitage Ave. has reopened under new management. Riverside, R. I. — The Lyric has gone from Mrs. E. L. Chase to C. M. Goff. Woonsocket, R. I. — The Bijou, formerly a Publix house, is being opened by Fred Green, who also operates the Rialto. William Mahoney has given up the Park. Tappahannock, Va. — Plans are reported under way for reopening the Essex theater next month, after harvesting of crops. Indianapolis — Tivary Theater Corp. of Gary has filed articles of incorporation. Incorporators: Adolph B. Cameron, Elsie R. Cameron and P. M. Fitzgerald. Artie, R. I. — The Gem has changed hands, going from William Dietz to J. Rabinowitz. Detroit— The Fine Arts, 24-hour grind, has added burlesque. Jacob Schreiber remains proprietor. Detroit — Fred Lehmeier, late of the RKO Cincinnati offices, comes here as assistant manager of the RKO Downtown, replacing W. W. Bleakley, resigned. Nathan Wise has been appointed director of publicity for the Downtown. Arthur Frudenfeld remains manager. A LITTLE from "LOTS ►// By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD JESSE L. LASKY, JR., will co-write J the screen play of "Coming Out Party," which his father will produce for Fox. Young Lasky will collaborate with Gladys Unger. * * * "Don't call me another Mae West," that is the appeal of Blossom Seeley. "I want to be my own self on the screen. After all, I've been before the public as a stage star for more than 10 years, so I must have my own distinctive personality. My one big hope is that the screen public will like me as I am." * * * By the way, Blossom went from small-town burlesque to become at one time the reigning feminine favorite of Broadway musical comedy. She starred in London and New York with such celebrities as Al Jolson, Barney Bernard, Lew Fields and Nora Bayes. She was selected as soloist by Paul Whiteman when he gave the only jazz concert ever presented in New York's Carnegie hall. William Seiter is preparing to direct the Laurel-Hardy feature soon to go into production at the Roach studio. Glenn Tryon will assist Frank Craven in the preparation of the story. * * * M. A. Hanline, who wrote "The Lottery Lover," in collaboration with Sig Hersig, has joined the M-G-M scenario staff. "The Lottery Lover" will be made by Fox with a cast headed by Lilian Harvey and Lew Ayres. Wynne Gibson is working in "Special Investigator," which Edwin L. • The Broadway Parade • Picture Distributor Theater Masquerader United Artists Rivoli Broadway to Hollywood M-G-M Capitol One Sunday Afternoon Paramount Paramount Goodbye Again First National Strand One Man's Journey RKO Music Hall I Have Lived Chesterfield Mayfair Voltaire <3rd week) Warner Bros Hollywood Moonlight and Pretzels (3rd week) Universal Rialto Morning Glory RKO Cameo Her First Mate Universal Original Roxy ♦ TWO-A-DAY RUNS ♦ Power and the Glory (3rd week) Fox Gaiety Dinner at Eight (2nd week) M-G-M Astor ♦ FOREIGN PICTURES ♦ Sous La Lune du Maroc and Le Rois des Resquilleurs* Protex Little Carnegie La Femme Nue (2nd week) Pad-Film 5th Ave. Playhouse Revivals. ♦ FUTURE OPENINGS ♦ First National Strand 'Columbia Music Hall Bureau of Missing Persons* Lady for a Day (Sept. 7) Passion of Joan of Arc (Sept. 7) Passion of Arc Pics. Little Carnegie Song of Songs (Sept. 8) Paramount Paramount The Man Who Dared (Sept. 8) Fox Original Roxy Thunder Over Mexico (Sept. 15) Principal Rialto Follows Goodbye Again. Marin is directing for Universa Miss Gibson's new contract provide that her three Universal picture must be made within 10 months. Sh also has a contract to make thre more for RKO. Miss Gibson has th only feminine role in "Special In vestigator," which is a murder mys tery drama. * * * Charles Farrell is being kept busy to say the least. He had no soone: finished work in "Aggie Applebv Maker of Men," at RKO, than hi was signed for the top-spot in "Tin Shakedown," at Warner Bros. "Th< Shakedown" deals with modern-da; gangsters and their methods. It wii mark the first appearance of Farrel in this type of picture, as wTell a: his second production since he lef Fox. * * * George Stevens, Jr., 16-months-olt] son of the RKO director, made hi screen debut in "Wild Poses," arl "Our Gang" comedy, at the Ha Roach studio. The youngster, according to Director Bob McGowan gives promise of becoming a regulai "gangster" in a few years and is being groomed for stellar honors b> McGowan. * * * Irving Lippman, former "still' man at Paramount and Warner Bros., has joined Columbia. Fred Niblo, Jr., scenarist, formerly with Paramount, Columbia, Universal and United Artists, has rejoined the M-G-M scenario department. * * * Frank Partos, in collaboration with Marc Connolly, wrote the screen play for "Cradle Song," which has just gone into production at Paramount. Our Passing Show: L. B. Mayer, Marie Dressier, Conway Tearle, Eo5 Wynn, Jack Pearl, Jack Dempsey, Jean Harlow, Max Baer, Jimmy Durante, George Benny, Grace Moore, Hoot Gibson at the premiere of "Dinner at Eight" at Grauman'sChinese; May Robson stating she had not missed a season in 50 years of acting. * * * El Brendel's first starring comedy for Fox is being written by James Tynan. Louise Long and Henry I Johnson are collaborating on the yarn. CAST ASSIGNMENTS RKO: Frances Dee for "Rodney" and "Success Story"; Vivian Tobin for "Behold Live"; Dot Grainger for "In the Devil Dog House," two-reeler. COLUMBIA: Mary Carlisle for "East of Fifth Avenue"; Andre Cheron for "My Woman"; James Robinson, Marvin Stephens for "Mickey's Touchdown," two-reeler. FOX: Ned Norton, Gus Reed, George Ovie for "My Weakness."