The Film Daily (1934)

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14 FILMS UNDER WAY AT THE NX STUDIOS West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Fox now has four pictures in work, five others in the cutting room and another five slated to start this month. In work are "Fox Follies," "Scandals" and "Bottoms Up," all musicals, and "David Harum." Those in the cutting room include "Carolina," "Coming Out Party," "Ever Since Eve," "Hold That Girl" and "Disillusion." In preparation are "Wife for Sale," "All Men are Enemies," "Murder in Trinidad," "Three on a Honeymoon" and "Odd Thursday." Paramount Promotes Two Paramount has promoted two Washington exchange employees. Gerald Westergren, ad sales manager, has been placed on the home office exploitation force and Stanley R. Chase, Washington ad sales clerk and Westergren's former assistant, has moved up to the vacated post. "Before Midnight" at Mayfair "Before Midnight," Columbia feature with Ralph Bellamy and June Collyer, opens Monday with a 6 P. M. preview at the Mayfair. Coming and Going JULES DEMARIA, honorary president of the French Cinema Syndicate, sails today on the Lafayette for Paris after a New York visit. CARLYLE BLACKWELL, star of the silent days, sailed last night on the Europa for the other side. CLAIRE TREVOR, Fox player, sailed yesterday on the Saint Paulina for California. JESSE L. LASKY is expected in New York this week from the coast. MITZI MAYFAIR sails on the Lafayette tod^y for London to appear at Dorchester House. She is accompanied by her mother, MRS. NINA PIQUE. C. C. MOSKOWITZ of M-G-M sailed yesterday on a West Indies cruise. HERBERT T. SILVERBERG of Buffalo is in New York for a brief visit. IKE LIBSON, theater operator in Cincinnati, was a visitor at the Warner home office yesterday. ROBERT GILLHAM and JOHN HAMMELL left New York yesterday for the Coast. WILLIAM FERGUSON arrives back in New York Monday from a brief Southern trip. EUGENE O'BRIEN is in New York from the Coast. JACK MILLER is scheduled to arrive in New York immediately from Chicago. GARRETT FORT has arrived in New York following the death of his father. MAX ARNOW is en route to the Coast after a visit to the Warner home office. STANLEY B. WA1TE will visit Paramount's San An'onio and Oklahoma City branches following the meetings being held next week in Atlanta and Dallas. GEORGE J. SCHAEFER will return to New York after the Dallas confab Tuesday. SAM DEMBOW and RALPH A. KOHN leave New York tomorrow for Atlanta. THE RIAtTO WITH PHIL M. DALY • • • FRANK BUCK'S arrival Thursday from Ceylon, Johore, Nepal, Sumatra, Northern India and the Malay Peninsulawhere he filmed his second adventure pix, "Wild Cargo" was the signal for much rejoicing feeding quenching and "glad-ter-meet-chers" As the good craft Rex swung up the Hudson a score of newspapermen fired vollies of questions while quick on-the-trigger Frank returned answers, shot for shot Every ten minutes the ship's surgeon dashed in the stateroom to examine a nasty dig on Frank's shin presented by a very grizzly bear as something to remember him by • • • AFTER TEN and a half months in the jungle . . . the intrepid gent had a swell array of hair-raising tales to tell the folks who dined him at luncheon at the Tavern Seated around the large table with their ears sticking out were J. P. McEvoy, Will Du^ant, Ursula Parrott. Joseph Connolly, Bugs Baer, Delight Dixon, Charles Colebough. R. L. Simon and M. L. Shuster, George Bye, Ned Depinet, Clayton Heermance, Harry Hansen, Frank Snell. Fred McConnell, Sam Jacobson, Mrs. Frank Buck and Amedee J. Van Beuren who financed the trip and paid for the luncheon • • • ARRIVING IN San Francisco today is the technical crew of the Buck expedition headed by Armand Dennis and with them are several rare animals captured by Buck during the filming of the pix a male baby rhino, an orang-outang, two black leopards, a white water buffalo and a couple of cages of monkeys The new film will be devoid of animal fights but Frank's encounter with a badtempered python the capture of rare beasts of the jungle, and many exciting and interesting episodes make what the adventurer claims to be a sure bet for next year's Ten Best. * * * * • • • AMONG BITS of the day's news Jules Demaria, honorary president of the French Cinema Syndicate leaves today for France aboard the Lafayette after what he terms a beaucoup visit part of which was spent as the guest of H. R. Kossman of the Andre DeBrie Co Listen in if you're home Tuesday night at 8:30 over WOR and you'll hear Roger Bauer interview Ham Fisher, cartoonist of "Joe Palooka" which has been made into a swell pix by Harry Goetz and Edward Small of Reliance Productions for United Artists release Up at the County Center in White Plains, today there will be six showings of the Walt Disney program of shorts which recently played a run at Carnegie Hall under the sponsorship of Mrs. Joseph Sonneborn in connection with the United Parents Association many prominent folks attended the New York showings, among them were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winchell, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor, Dr. Walter Damrosch, Rabbi Stephen Wise and Ernest Schilling * * * * • • • THE OPENING of "Disraeli" at the Hollywood Wednesday evening is being handled by the Warner exploitation lads under Charles Einfeld's supervision just as though it were a brand new release Jeane Kelly, a new film discovery from Costa Rica, has just reached our shores Jeane's mother is half Spanish and half English and her father is Irish so your guess is as good as any, when it comes to figuring what the publicity gents are going to do about it Well it seems to be finally settled . that David Graves George of Richmond, is NOT the author of the folk ballad "The Wreck of the Old 97" George sued the Victor Talking Machine Co. and won, in the U. S. District Court but the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals has set aside the claim suggesting that George had obtained the words of the song from an old record made by Victor. ....... ZUKOR IS CHAIRMAN OF FAMOUS THEATERS (Continued from Page 1) Frank Freeman ; vice-president, Sam Dembow, Jr.; treasurer, Walter B. Cokell; assistant treasurer, Paul A. Raibourn; secretary, Austin C. Keough. NRA Intervention Sought In Chi. Operator Trouble (Continued from Page 1) mediately to seek aid of Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt in adjusting the dispute. Difficulties are understood to be based on a back-pay dispute. Joins Gettinger Legal Firm Charles Horowitz has resigned as first assistant and acting corporation counsel of the city of New York to resume private practice as a member of the firm of Gettinger & Gettinger, which will continue under the name of Gettinger, Horowitz & Gettinger. Sixth Showmens Release Ready A print of "The Moth," sixth of the Showmens Pictures releases for this season, was received yesterday from the coa,st by Dave Mountan, president, and release is set for Jan. 15. Sally O'Neil and Paul Page head the cast. Davies Joins Detroit Exchange Detroit — Charles Davies, former city salesman for Universal and later Omaha manager, has joined Excellent Pictures, being handled by William Flemion while S. K. Decker is in Hollywood. Walter Huston in Toronto Chicago — Walter Huston and his wife stopped over in Chicago this week on their way to Toronto, where they planned to visit Huston's brother, Alex, before going on to New York, where Huston will rehearse for "Dodsworth." January 6-7 Tom Mix Ruth Hiatt Ludwig Berger Fred Niblo Loretta Young Stanley Smith Adolph Zukor Ernest L. Robbins Kenneth Thomson