The Film Daily (1934)

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THE &&*. DAILY Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1934 «=THE IKNBHMFffi Ot FIUHDOM i ol.LXV, No. 1 9 Tues.. Jan. 23. 1934 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays ♦t 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., ->T Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. \licoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Tr-asurer •nd General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso■iate Editor; Don Carle Gillette. Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outside )f Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. 1 1 5.00. Subscriber should remit with order Vddress all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Table Address: Filmday, New York. HoTly•rood. California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly »ood Rlvd Phone Granite 6607. London— Rrne«t VV Fredman. The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildhuehne. Fried richstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue He la Cour lei-Nouei. 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Seat 434 4% V/a, Col. Picts. vtc 263/s 25% 26% Con. Fm. Ind 3% 3% 3% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd 14 13% 131/2. East. Kodak 86% 86 86% East. Kodak pfd. . .120 120 120 Fox Fm. "A" 151/2 15 15 Loew's, Inc 29% 283/8 28% Metro-Goldwyn, pfd. 21 1/2 21 1/2 21 l/2 Paramount, ctfs. ... 3% 3 3% Pathe Exch 2 1% 1% do "A" 12'/2 12 12% RKO 3 2% 3 Warner Bros 73/8 6% 7% do pfd 23i/2 23 23 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 10% 9% 10% Trans-Lux 3% 2% 3 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 . 7% 7 7 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 7 6% 6% Keith A-0 6s46 57 56 57 Paramount 6s47 filed 38 38 38 Par. By. 5i/2s51 ... 38y4 38% 38% Par. 5</2s50 ctfs . . . 39 37i/2 37'/2 Warner's 6s39 51 % 50 503/4 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURI Para. Publix 3% 2% 3% Net Chg. + % Vi + % + % — % + Vi + Va — V* TIES THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today: Ohio Valley Independent Exhibitors' League meeting to discuss code, Cincinnati. Today: Allied Theater Owners of New Jersey meeting at New York headquarters, 2 P. M. Jan. 29: Columbia regional sales meeting, Chicago. Jan. 30: Allied Theater Owners of New Jersey meeting at New York headquarters, 2 P. M. Publix Service Claims Approved Without a ripple of opposition, claims for services submitted by the Irving Trust Co. and Dan Michalove in connection with the Publix Enterprises bankruptcy were approved by Referee Henry K. Davis at a creditors' meeting in his office yesterday. Attorney Allan T. Klots, representing Irving Trust, trustees, explained the items, which included $76,171.53 for the trustees and $15,000 additional for Michalove. Creditors' meetings will be held tomorrow and Thursday at Davis' office to act on other claims against the theaters. Phillipson Reorganizes General Register Corp. General Register Corp., manufacturers and distributors of ticket issuing machines, has been completely reorganized under the personal supervision of Percy Phillipson, president, with new spacious office and showrooms located on the 15th floor of the Loew State building. C. Foster has been named vice-president and treasurer, with W. L. Tenney as general manager in charge of sales. Ray Duport will head the Pennsylvania district with headquarters in Philadelphia. A new register that will revolutionize the ticket issuing machine is now in process of manufacture, according to Phillipson, with marketing expected to start in a few weeks. May Robson for Capitol; Lionel Barrymore Follows May Robson will appear in person at the Capitol the week of Feb. 2 in conjunction with "You Can't Buy Everything," her latest M-G-M picture. The following week Lionel Barrymore will appear with the showing of "This Side of Heaven." Vaude Hearing Today United Producers & Directors Ass'n, newly-formed organization of vaudeville producers, will be given a hearing today before the Code Authority in the Bar Association Building on their requests for revision of the Code. After the hearing a committee composed of all interested parties, including theater owners, Chorus Equity, Actors' Betterment Ass'n and the N. V. A., will be named to study and report on the suggested changes. Pine to Handle Exploitation Bill Pine, Paramount studio advertising manager, will take charge of Paramount exploitation in addition to his other duties, succeeding John C. Flinn in this post. Pine arrives in New York next month and will spend part of his time in the East and part at the Coast. At the studio his assistant, William Thomas, will handle advertising under Pine's supervision. Flinn is now executive secretary of the Code Authority. Amelia Summerville Dead Amelia Shaw Summerville, 71, stage and screen actress, died Sunday at her home, 340 West 55th St. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Church of the Strangers. Service Employes' Union Filing Demands Tomorrow Building Service Employes Union, composed of ushers, ticket takers, janitors, matrons, maintenance men and others, will present its demands for a new wage scale and working conditions to major circuits tomorrow morning, according to Charles C. Levey, secretary of the union. Levey said that if the circuits refused to deal with him, he would call a meeting of his members within 10 days to vote a general strike. Levey expects rulings today from .he NRA on numerous complaints •nade last week, including one that a circuit had discharged an employe because he had joined the union. Al Greason Funeral Today Funeral services for Alfred Rushton Greason, "Variety" staff member who died Sunday will be held at 11 o'clock this morning at the Riverside Memorial Chapel. Greason, who wrote under the signature of "Rush," suffered a stroke New Year's Day and had been fighting kidney trouble ever since. He was 52 years old and had been with "Variety" almost since it started. Besides his rating as the paper's leading theatrical critic, Greason wrote a weekly analysis on amusement stocks. Paramount Memphis Changes Memphis — William F. Burgie has been named Paramount branch manager, succeeding Paul Wilson, resigned. Burgie, who has been a salesman connected with that office for the past six years, has been succeeded by W. Grover Wray, head booker. Gary Hammond, assistant booker, assumes Wray's duties. H. G. Wells to Make Film of Future London — A picture depicting what civilization will be like 150 years from now is to be made by H. G. Wells in collaboration with Alexander Korda at the Elstree studios. It is tentatively titled "Whither Mankind?" and will cost about $300,000. Maine Premiere for "Earth Turns"! World premiere of Warner's "As the Earth Turns" will be held in either Portland or Bangor, Maine, where the action of the story takes place. "Massacre" Holding Over Richard Barthelmess in "Massacre," First National release, is being held over at the Strand. "Hi, Nellie!" will be the next attraction. Coming and Going SAM KATZMAN arrives in New York this week to arrange distribution on a series of 12 pictures he plans to produce. RUTH DONNELLY is en route east for a vacation. ROBERT S. GILLHAM, Paramount's <hief of advertising and publicity, returns this week from the coast. BILL PINE, who is to be the studio contact man in New York, comes east early next month. HARRY WILCOXON, English player signed for Paramount's "Cleopatra," arrives tomorrow on the Mauretania, instead of trie Majestic, and leaves immediately for Hollywood. EDMUND GOULDING is on a rush trip to New York from the coast to see his wife, MARJORIE MOSS, who is ill. EDGAR SELWYN, M-G-M director, arrived Sunday at the Warwick from the coast. WALTER CONNOLLY, who recently finished his role in Columbia's "It Happened One Night," arrived in New York yesterday from the coast for a brief vacation. SOPHIE TUCKER has left for Hollywood, Fla., to appear at the Hollywood Club for four weeks, after which she goes to the coast for picture work. WERNER RICHARD HEYMANN, composer of music for "Congress Dances," has arrived from abroad and leaves tomorrow for Hollywood to write the score for Erik Charell's first Fox picture. JOSEPH M. SCHENCK and ARTHUR W. KELLY are due in New York on Thursday from abroad. JAY EMANUEL and MRS. EMANUEL return to New York on Feb. 12 by boat from the Coast. NRA Not Yet Served In Allied's Code Su;t Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — NRA officials up to last night had not been notified or served with notice of the suit brought in New York on Saturday against the Code Authority and Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt. All comment was withheld pending official notification here. "Fighting Priest" Booked Inter-Americas Film Corp., headed by M. David Strong, who recently acquired "The Fighting Priest," has closed a deal with RKO for the showing of the picture with opening scheduled for Jan. 31 at the Center. RKO Signs Sidney Fox West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Sidney Fox has been signed by Lou Brock for RKO's "Down to Their Last Yacht," .... ..,■ Philly MPTO Elects Today Philadelphia — Re-election of Lewen Pizor as president and Dave Barrist as chairman of the board of the M. P. T. O. of Eastern Pennsylvania is expected at today's meeting at the Broadwood when the annual election is held. The unit is expected to approve the code. Percentage demands, including those of United Artists, will be considered. The operators' situation will also be acted upon and information provided concerning the letter sent exhibitors by American Tri-Ergon Corp. concerning its court decision protecting its flywheel sound patent.