The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Tuesday, Jan. 23,1934 DAILY HERSGHEL STUART JOINING F. & M. (Continued from Page 1) Building. It is likely that Stuart will soon sign contracts whereby he will take over operation of certain Fanchon & Marco western houses in association with Harry Arthur and Louis N. Cohen. Board Named to Arbitrate St. Louis Operator Scale (Continued from Page 1) Kleintops, business agent for the local in St. Louis, will act as arbiter for the operators, while Fred Wehrenberg, M.P.T.O. president, is to act for the theaters. If an agreement cannot be reached, Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt will name a third man. "Vanities" Girls Off for Coast Earl Carroll and 11 picked beauties who are to appear in Paramount's screen version of "Murder at the Vanities" will depart today for the coast. As a send-off they will be given a farewell breakfast in the Savarin Restaurant at Penn Station, with music and various Broadway celebrities on hand. New Virginia Censor Richmond — Mrs. Elizabeth Churchill Chalkley, widow of the late State Senator John W. Chalkley, has succeeded Mrs. Emma Speed Sampson as a member of the state division of motion picture censorship. RKO Cameo Sub-Leased RKO yesterday sub-leased the Cameo to Harry Schiffman and Jack Shapiro. The house will continue with a straight picture policy. George Trilling will replace Norman Ek as manager. Frank Winninger Dead Wausau, Wis. — Frank Winninger, 58, of the five Winningers who for years have been identified with various forms of show business, died at his home here Sunday after a long illness. New Contracts for Emerson-Loos West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — New writing contacts with John Emerson and Anita Loos are announced by M-G-M. They ire now working on an original for lean Harlow and Lionel Barrymore. Duals at Shea's Lafayette Buffalo — The Lafayette, formerly vaudeville and pictures, has inaugurated a policy of two first-run feaures. Principal Buys "Dawn to Dawn" Archie Mayer of Du-World Picures has sold to Nat Cherin, presilent of Principal Film Exchange, .nd New York and northern New ersey rights to "Dawn to Dawn." Short Shots from Eastern Studios By CHAS. ALICOATE PRODUCTION on the first of a series of new shorts being made by the Novelty Picture Corp. ha? been completed at the Hayes & Beal studio, Oceanside. • With shooting completed on the new Star Comedy Special, "The Expectant Father," with Ernest Truex, Al Christie is supervising the cutting and editing of the short, which is scheduled for release Feb. 16. • Tentative plans for the opening of Charles "Buddy" Rogers and his orchestra at the Paradise Restaurant, Jan. 26, assures one of the most elaborate demonstrations ever accorded a band leader on his debut. Rogers music will be heard from WJZ and WOR according to pre-opening arrangements. • Harry Gribbon completed production yesterday in "The Nude Deal," his third Vitaphone short. Supporting Gribbon in this two-reeler are Shemp Howard, Don Tompkins, Jimmy Stewart and Lily Stengel. It was directed by Ralph Staub. • Otto Soglow, fresh from his triumphs of impersonating his own pen creation, the "Little King," at society's Peacock ball, is now in the midst of creating gags for the sixth of his RKO Van Beuren series of animated cartoon shorts featuring the antics of the merry monarch. Cleveland Code Meet Scheduled for Jan. 30 Cleveland — A special meeting of the Cleveland M. P. Exhibitors' Ass'n, to which all members of the new Independent M. P. Exhibitors of Ohio are invited, will be held Jan. 30 to discuss signing of the code. The local group last week installed the following officers: Ernest Schwartz, president; A. E. Ptak, vice-president; John Kalafat, treasurer, and G. W. Erdmann, secretary. At a luncheon attended by state legislators, reasons for repeal of the present 10 per cent tax in favor of a general sales tax were set forth. It was pointed out that movies in Ohio now pay 11 different taxes, more than any other industry. New Dubbing Method on 'Maedchen' A new method of synchronization called "phonetage," perfected in France and said to be a decided advance over other methods of dubbing, will make its American debut in connection with the English dialogue version of "Maedchen in Uniform" at the Criterion tomorrow night. Ernest Dilley was brought over here by Krimsky & Cochran to "phonetage" the picture. Harry Arthur in St. Louis St. Louis — Final details of the deal under which Fanchon & Marco will take over the Fox theater will probably be worked out this week with the arrival of Harry Arthur, who is to confer with the receivers. Eighth House for Martina Buffalo — Martina Circuit will add its eighth house Feb. 1, when it takes over the Geiter in Silver Creek. Wide Range for South America Western Electric Wide Range sound has been installed in the Movies theater, Kingston, Jamaica, and the Paramount, Sao Paulo, Bi'azil. These mark the first wide range installations in the West Indies and South America. Zanuck Sets Next Two For Twentieth Century West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — After finishing the George Arliss picture, "House of Rothschild," Darryl F. Zanuck will start "The Firebrand," with Constance Bennett and Fredric March, and "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back," with Ronald Colman and Loretta Young, as the next 20th Century productions for United Artists. Shooting on the first begins about Feb. 10. Smoot Sells 2 Houses to Schine Mount Vernon, Ga. — Harry Smoot has sold the Vine and Memorial theaters to Schine Enterprises. Smoot has gone to Florida for the winter. H. S. McLEOD HEADS LOUISIANA MPTOA UNIT (Continued from Page 1) Charles Lauve are vice-presidents, and the board consists of the officers and Ed Myrick, Joe Alsina and Phil Sliman. A meeting will be held tomorrow to complete a permanent organization including all the territory served by New Orleans exchanges. Saenger Circuit was represented at the meeting but could not be committed until the receiver had been consulted. Howard McCoy spoke on how the organization can benefit the independents affiliated in legislative fights. Glazer Urges Soft Pedal On Educational Values (Continued from Page 1) in check, will keep many people from the theater, declares Glazer, because the public goes to shows to be entertained and they don't want education mixed with their amusement. If films are instructive, let them be that way without making capital of it, Glazer suggests, and the moviegoers won't mind. Denver Operators Elect Denver — Local Operators' Union has elected the following officers for this year: Ralph E. Sturdevant, president; Harold M. LeHew, vicepresident; Edward A. Roegner, financial secretary; R. E. Waller, corresponding secretary; Allen E. Wilson, business agent. 00>^ I OR 1 PERSONS Above the 8th Floor $6.00 and up Enjoy the comforts of a parlor and bedroom suite. . . . All rooms equipped with combination tub and shower bath, and running ice water. Ideal location — adjacent to shopping, business and theatre districts. SWIMMING POOL AND GYMNASIUM FREE TO GUESTS