The Film Daily (1934)

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ED KUYKENDALL RAPS ALLIED CODE ADVICE (Continued from Page 1) leading propaganda, half-baked opinions and advice about the code" uttered in connection with "trick reservations." He charged that "Aliied-prepared reservations make a futile attempt to (1) withhold as""t to parts of the NRA code relating to unreasonable clearance and at the same time give qualified assent to other parts, (2) tie the hanfs of President Roosevelt in administering the code, (3) reverse and amend the Act of Congress creating the NRA and (4) at the same time agree to comply with all of the act." "Affiliated theaters are dues paying members of Allied units, just the same as they are in the M. P. T. 0. A. and the T. 0. C. C," declared Kuykendall. "We are not criticizing this policy in any way as we believe that all theater owners should belong to and support their local trade associations." Revive Spanish Film Council Madrid — The Spanish Motion Picture Council, formed some time ago but never really active, is now to be definitely attached to the Section of Hispano-American relations in the international labor bureau of the Ministry of Labor and will handle various film matters, including preparations for the second Hispano-American Motion Picture Congress. Establishment of film quotas, as soon as native production is sufficient, looms as a possibility. ANALYSIS OF MOTION PICTURE CODE By LOUIS NIZER Italian Gov't Approves Exposition Rome — Official approval has been given by the Italian Government on the general program of the Second Exhibition of Cinematographic Art to be held in Venice, Aug. 1-20. Films from various nations will be shown in original version, with prizes to be given for the best. A congress for writers and directors also will be part of the event. Thirteenth Installment ARTICLE V— UNFAIR PRACTICES—DISTRIBUTORS— EXHIBITORS—(Cont.) 2. Arbitration Under Contract (a) If the Distributor and Ex j hibitor agree to arbitration in | the exhibition contract, the j arbitration shall be in accordance with the arbitration clause of the Optional License Agreement. (b) Where the contract provides for arbitration, the parties may stipulate that one arbitrator shall be appointed by each and if the two appointed cannot agree, they shall appoint an umpire. 3. Inducing Breach of Contract No Exhibitor or Distributor shall induce another to breach a contract for the exhibition of film. 4. Obtaining Advantage by Gifts No Exhibitor or Distributor shall give or offer to give a gift for the purpose of — (a) Obtaining advantages that would not otherwise be obtainable, or (b) Influencing a Distributor or Exhibitor not to deal with any other Exhibitor or Distributor. 5. Disclosing Box Office Receipts for Publication No Exhibitor or Distributor shall receipts for pubreports to stock reveal box office lication except — (a) Necessary holders (b) To credit and governmental agencies (c) To other like bodies. No Exhibitor or Distributor shall be responsible for disclosures made by agencies not authorized to do so. 6. Ten Percent Cancellation (a) To What Contracts Cancella tion Applies The right of the Exhibitor to cancel ten per cent of the feature pictures arises only if — 1. The Exhibitor has contracted for all of the pictures offered at one time by the Distributor; and, 2. The average license fee is not more than $250.00. (b) Conditions of Cancellation If the ten per cent cancellation applies to a contract, there are two conditions upon the right to cancel: — 1. The Exhibitor must not be in default under the contract; and, 2. The Exhibitor must have lived up to the terms of the contract requiring exhibition at certain intervals. (To be Continued) Sparks Host on Fishing Trip Jacksonville, Fla. — E. J. Sparks is host on a fishing expedition to Jules Levy of RKO, Grad Sears of Warners, J. D. Clark of Fox, Fred Jack of Warners, E. C. Peppiatt of Warners, C. E. Kessnich of M-G-M, William Richards of Universal, and Ernest Morrison and William A. Kraus of the Sparks theaters. "Nana" in Chicago Feb. 1 United Artists expects to open "Nana" at the United Artists, Chicago, Feb. 1, day and date with the New York premiere at the Music Hall. Expectations are that the company will roadshow "Catherine the Great." Joe Koehler Loses Mother Twin Falls, Ida. — Joe Koehler, operator of the Roxy, is mourning the death of his mother in the east. "Catherine the Great" Opens Paris — "Catherine the Great," London Films production for United Artists, had its woi'ld premiere Friday night at the Miracles theater before a gala audience that included Douglas Fairbanks, Senior and Junior; Alexander Korda, Paul Czinner, L. Toeplitz, Elizabeth Bergner, George Grossmith and others. Fashion Week for "Fashions" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — As part of the exploitation campaign on First National's "Fashions of 1934," which will have its dual premiere at the Hollywood and Downtown theaters here on Feb. 17. Mayor Frank L. Shaw will proclaim a Fashion Week. The local campaign on "Fashions" :s being handled by Harry Maizlish, Warner theater advertising manager in this territory, and will include the cooperation of all neighboring communities in this Fashion Week. CODE AUTHORITY GETS 62 ADDITIONAL NAMES (Continued from Page 1) — Milton Guggenheimer, Henry Seilheimer. Emma Abplanalp; Boston — A. D. Rudenstein, Francis Lydon; Dallas — Miss Laura Roberts. G. A. Luchesse, Raymond Willie; Des Moines — Lester F. Martin, N. C. Rice; Detroit — E. S. Kinney; Indianapolis — Monty Salomon; Kansas City — June Medcalf; New York City — Robert Wolff; Arthur Mayer, David Loew. Win. Scully, Edward Schnitzer, C. C. Moskowitz, Walter Reade, Harry Arthur, J. Louis Geller. William A. Landau, Lee A. Ochs Leon Rosenblatt, Edward Rugoff, George Skouras. Charles Steiner, Harmon Yaffa, F. Thomas Murray, Arthur Abeles, Sidney E. Samuelson, Lee Newbury, David Snaper, Reuben L. Haas, I. A. Roth, Harry K. Hecht. Fred W. Falkner. Julius Charnow. Miss Lillian Silver, Charles Moses. Irving Doll'nger; Omaha — A. W. Person; Pittsburgh —Harry Goldstein, Robert F. Klingensmith; Philadelphia — Earl W. Sweigert, William Heenan; San Francisco — Charles A. Caballero; St. Louis — M. Schweitzer, Ben Cammack, Tos. Garrison, C. T. Lynch, Lou Elman, C. D. Hill, Miss Lila B. Schofield; Seattle — John Danz, Ed Lamb, George Endert; Washington — Jerome Cohan, Herman Hable. Robert Wyler Organizes Own Producing Company (Continued from Page 1) atest play has just been accepted by he Theater Guild, Dick Krakeur, producer, and C. R. Caley. Wyler weaves in a few days for Paris and Vienna to secure material for several plays. Theater Manager Is Hero Brighton, Colo. — Glen W. Miller, manager of the Rialto, by climbing a telephone pole and directing firemen where to turn the water, probably sived the town from destruction. Fire started in the old Opera House building. Damage was held to $500. B. I. P. Extends Activities London — Besides its activities at Elstree, British International Pictures is embarking on a series of big productions at the Welwyn studio, now under the managership of Douglas Murray. Louis Marcus Under Knife Salt Lake City — Mayor Louis Marcus, head of Marcus Enterprises, is convalescing in a local hospital following an operation for goitre. Kids' Cartoon Matinee Clicks Canton, O. — L. Ward Farrar, new manager of Loew's, sprung a surorise on downtown theaters when he announced a 10 o'clock Saturday morning cartoon show for kids. House was capacity, despite the quarter admission, highest yet here for a kid show. Tom Olsen Gets Schine Post Bellefontaine, O. — Tom Olsen has been named district manager for Schine Enterprises with jurisdiction over the Holland here and the circuit's house in Piqua. He succeeds George Reister, who has joined Skouras. HOLLYWOOD PLAZA MOST CONVENIENT Hotel in Hollywood $2. SO up, Single $3.00 up, Double Special weekly and monthly rates The Plaza is near everything to see and do in Hollywood. Ideal for business or pleasure. Every room has private dressing room, bath and shower. Beds "built for rest." Every modern convenience. Fine foods at reasonable prices. Convenient parking for your car. Chas. Daaziger, Mgr. Eugene Stern, Pres. The "Doorway of Hoipitality" Vine at Hollywood Blvd. HOLLYWOOD