The Film Daily (1934)

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I THE DAILV Thursday, Jan. 2b, I>s4 NRA RULES TO SPEED ACTION IN DISPUTES (Continued from Page 1) on an independent NRA review either in Washington or by the state director. If the complainant goes to officials and charges the code authority with being hostile or monopolistically dominated, the case will not be referred to the code authority. Whenever a code authority fails to satisfy a complainant he has full right to demand a personal hearing before it, and failing satisfaction to take the case up with NRA. The new rules were required to meet the change being made in the country-wide compliance organization, now being transferred to agencies under the national emergency council set-up. The manual fm-ther states that while many codes state that the code authority is authorized or required to adjust complaints of various kinds within an industry, such statements are not in themselves an authorization to the code authority to proceed to adjust complaints. Approval by the deputy administrator is necessary in order to authorize it to receive complaints "in the first instance" or to handle complaints "on reference." It emphasizes the fact that the government has the final say, and must assume that responsibility. The various rights of appeal and restatement of the ultimate power of the code authorities, is applicable, it was stated here, to all members of an industry whether they have signed the code or not. From now on the various state and regional units of the National Emergency Council will fill the gaps in all code authority machinery replacing the local compliance boards who will handle only NRA matters. General Johnson had a lengthy conference with Senator Nye yesterday regarding further administrative steps for protection of "the little man." Evelyn Laye Resumes Work London — Evelyn Laye has resumed work in "Princess Charming" at the Islington studios of GaumontBritish following recovery from an accident. Eddie Schelsi Marries New Orleans — Eddie Schelsi, associated with the Inter-city film delivery service, and Florence Betzer of Bromberg Attractions were married this week. Anxious to Tell Minneapolis — Merle Potter, motion picture critic of the "Minneapolis Journal," was so enthusiastic over "Eskimo," which he saw at a preview, that he printed his review in the Sunday edition a whole week before the film's premiere here. The picture was awarded an AAAAA (extraordinary) rating by Potter. ANALYSIS OF MOTION PICTURE CODE By LOUIS NIZER EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to a mixup in continuity of the installment of the analysis published yesterday, part of it is being repeated. Exhibitors may ignore yesterday's installment and let today's follow the sections published Jan. 23. Fourteenth Installment ARTICLE V— UNFAIR PRACTICES—DISTRIBUTORS— EXHIBITORS—(Cont.) (c) Manner of Cancellation The Exhibitor must live up to the following terms in order to cancel : — 1. Notice The Exhibitor must give written notice of cancellation to the Distributor within fourteen days after the general release date of the picture in that territory. Under the Standard Optional Contract, a picture is generally released in a territory if it has been exhibited three consecutive days at a theater in the territory in which the exchange is located which serves the Exhibitor and at admission prices usually charged at such theater. 2. Cancellation Without Pay ment If the Exhibitor has paid for nine feature pictures, he may cancel the tenth feature picture without payment for it. This is true of each subsequent group of ten. 3. Cancellation With Payment If the Exhibitor wishes to cancel a picture prior to having paid for the other nine of the group, he may do so by paying the license fee of the cancelled picture at the time the notice of cancellation is sent. In such a case the payment is credited against the tenth picture when he exhibits it. 4. Groups Less Than Ten and More Than Five If the only group licensed or if the last group under the contract is less than ten pictures but more than five, the Exhibitor is still entitled to cancel one. In such ease he need not pay for nine pictures before having the right to cancel. He must pay for all of that group except one. In other words, if the last group, for example, is composed of eight pictures, he must pay for seven before he may cancel the eighth. (d) Loss of Cancellation Privilege and Refund If the Exhibitor fails or refuses to comply with any term of the contract or with any arbitration award rendered under it, two things happen:— 1. The privilege of cancellation is revoked so that the Exhibitor may not cancel any more pictures under the contract. 2. The Exhibitor must pay to the Distributor the license fees of all pictures previously cancelled. (To be Continued) Code Authority Names Vaudeville Committee (Continued from Page 1) Loew's; Sam Dembow, Jr., Publix; Major L. E. Thompson, RKO; Joseph Bernhard, Warner Bros.; George Skouras, Skouras Theaters; Jack Partington, Fanchon & Marco; Henry Chesterfield, N. V. A.; Ralph Whitehead, Actors Betterment Ass'n; Charles B. Maddock and Marty Forkins, vaudeville producers. It is expected that a hearing will be arranged in order to give all vaudeville elements an opportunity to submit their proposals. Another Code Authority committee, named to prepare fire regulations for exchanges, will meet this morning at 10 o'clock at the Paramount Building. W. Ray Johnston, George J. Schaefer and Felix F. Feist comprise the committee. As Feist is on the Coast, J. S. MacLeod of M-G-M will serve for him. Grownups Swamp Kiddie Matinees Kiddie matinees being conducted extensively in Loew houses, with programs consisting of Walt Disney cartoon shorts, have shown surprising results in drawing out the grownups as well. Outstanding instance occurred at Loew's Parkway, Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, when 1,500 kids and adults were turned away by Manager George A. Jones. Though the show was arranged for children only, about 600 adults sought admission, but adults without children were barred. With doors scheduled to open at 10 A.M., by 8 o'clock there was a line four deep and five blocks long. There was so much crying among the kids turned away that Jones will repeat the performance this week. He also is considering a Walt Disney show for adults. Before the Parkway was taken over by Loew under Jones' management, it was a "white elephant" for years. PARAMOUNT SETS 60 FORJ 934-35 Continued from Page 1) ecutives the company is benefiting from tangible recovery efforts. Paramount's theater setup under its decentralization plan launched some months ago is planned as permanent. Its partners generally dominate the tei-ritories in which they operate. In addition to their expertness in their fields, their rating as leaders of their respective communities makes them invaluable adjuncts to Paramount in particular and the industry in general. The Paramount partnership roster includes such exhibition names as Barney Balaban, A. H. Blank, Mike Kincey, Robert Wilby, E. J. Sparks, E. V. Richards, Karl Hoblitzelle, Robert O'Donnell, William Jenkins, M. E. Comerford, M. J. Mullen, Sam Pinanski, Arthur Lucas and George Trendle. Paramount's distributing force is bringing in more than sufficient revenue to take care of the company's production as well as other costs. While a policy of economy is being rigidly practiced in all departments, quality of negatives or efficiency will not be impaired, company executives state. Didn't Intend 10% Clause To Disturb Existing Deals Continued from Page 1) ments yesterday from several industry leaders, who helped draft the document, to the effect that the intent was that its provisions become operative simultaneous with the code effective date but not so as to disturb existing contracts. The Code Authority has not appealed to the NRA for a ruling in the matter, the Executive Secretary of the body said yesterday, and denied that it has intention of such an action. New House for Swampscott Boston — If members of the annual town meeting in Swampscott vote to rezone one section of Humphrey Street, a new theater may be erected on a vacant site by Charles Wong. Hub architects have already drawn plans for a house to seat 1,500 persons. Movies Expanding in China Shanghai — An era of expansion for movies is seen for China. New theaters are opening up at a rapid rate and there is a good demand for production. Warner Bros., having opened its own office here, plans eventually to release pictures in this country within 30 to 60 days after U. S. release. In Hongkong the Theater Equipment Co., subsidiary of Hongkong Amusement Co., has bought $100,000 in RCA Photophone equipment, and it is expected that within three years that this country can make pictures almost as good as American product.