The Film Daily (1934)

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ASIA'S FIERCEST JUNGLE BEASTS CLASH IN MO CLYDE E. ELLIOTT director of "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE" surpasses himself in this roaring torrent of sensational excitement! COMBAT!!! DEVIL TIGER eyes like balls of fire . . . fangs like murderous daggers . . . powerful, crafty, terror-inspiring . . . mad with thirst for human blood. ACTUAL SIGHTS . . . ACTUAL SOUNDS . . . UNPARALLELED THRILLS... HITHERTO UNWITNESSED BY ANY LIVING MAN 15 TREMENDOUS THRILLS Three lone humans. Asia's darkest jungles . . . pitting their puny strength against a maelstrom of ferocious beasts. Snarling tigers ...breath-crushing pythons . . . steel -jawed crocodiles . . . lions . . . hyenas ... bears . . . giant lizards . . . leopards . . . other animals... knowing one law; Kill or be killed! THE RAVES BEGIN: "This travel film is a pip for thrilling animal combats in the jungle. There are so many exploitation angles that IT'S A CINCH TO CORRAL THE CUSTOMERS with just a little smash. Clyde Elliott made this film in the heart of tropical Asia. IT'S A SWELL FILM AND ONE OF THE BEST OF ITS KIND." says M. P. DAILY CIRCUS IT FOR A SMASH CLEAN-UP! Plaster the town with posters! Smack the newspapers with big ads! Flood the dailies with publicity! Turn your front into a jungle! Daze the town with stunts! FOR HERE YOU HAVE THE GREATEST ANIMAL SENSATION YET MADE...AN UNSTOPPABLE MOP-UP! REAL!!!!! GENUINE!! AUTHENTIC! From the black heart of Asia's impenetrable jungles comes this amazing saga of beasts at death grips in the struggle for life. You hear their actual battle cries re-echo through the forest . . . sounds that haunt you for days! 01 F0* produc Directed by CLYDE E. ELLIOTT director of "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE" Edited by Truman Talley Story by James O. Spearing production