The Film Daily (1934)

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Features Reviewed in Film Daily June 13 to Jan. 24 I ,ti. Reviewed Above The Clouds-COL. 12-19-33 Ace of Aces-RKO 11-11-33 Advice To The Lovelorn UA 12-14-33 After Tonight-RKO 10-26-33 Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men-RKO 10-19-33 Alice in Wonderland-PAR 12-11-33 Almas Encontradas-XX ..7-7-33 An Hour with Chekhov-AM 9-6-33 Another Language-MGM. .8-5-33 Ann Vickers-RKO 9-29-33 Arizona to Broadwav-F. 7-22-33 As the Devil Commands-COL 9-1-33 Avenger, The-MOP 10-4-33 A Woman's Man-MOP. 1-19-34 Baby Face-WA 6-24-33 Beauty for Sale-MGM. . .9-13-33 Bed of Roses-RKO 7-1-33 Before Dawn-RKO 10-17-33 Before Morning-GRB .. .10-19-33 Before Midnight-COL 1-9-34 Berkeley Square-F 9-15-33 Best of Enemies-F 7-17-33 Big Attraction (Grosse Attraktion)-BAV 7-25-33 Big Brain-RKO 8-5-33 Big Chance, The-GRB. .8-30-33 Big Executive-PAR 10-19-33 Bi" Time or Bust-TOW. 1-10-34 Bitter Sweet-UA 8-25-33 Black Beauty-MOP 8-23-33 Blarney Kiss-PRI 8-19-33 Blind Adventure-RKO . 10-31-33 Blonde Bombshell-MGM, See Bombshell 10-11-33 Blood Money-UA 11-11-33 Bomben Auf Monte Carlo XX.. 9-28-33 Bombay Mail-U j, . .1-6-34 Born Anew-AM 7-25-33 Bowery, The-UA 10-7-33 Brief Moment-COL 8-31-33 Broadway Thru a Keyhole UA. .11-2-33 Broadway to Hollywood-MGM 9-2-33 Broken Dreams-MOP ... 11-8-33 Bureau of Missing Persons-FN 9-2-33 Bv Appointment OnlvTNV 7-12-31 By Candlelight-U 1-6-34 Chance at Heaven-RKO .12-23-33 Ca.itornia Trail-l-OL 7-22-33 Captnred-WA 8-19-33 Carnival Lady-GOP 1 1-29-33 Cascarrabias-PAR 10-31-33 Charlie Chan's Greatest Case-F 10-7-33 Charming Deceiver-MAJ. 12-9-33 Chevenne K^^KO 7-13-33 Chief, The-MGM 12-2-33 Christopher Bean-MGM . 11-22-33 College Coach-WA 11-10-33 College Humor-PAR 6-14-33 Conquerors of the Night AM.. 8-1-33 Corrup';on-IMP 6-21-33 Counsellor at Law-U. . . 11-28-33 Convention City-FN 12-14-33 Cradle Song-PAR 11-18-33 Criminal At Large-HEL. 12-20-33 Cross Country Cruise-U . 1-10-34 Crossfire-RKO 8-15-33 Dance. Girl, Dance INV.. 10-26-33 Dance Hall Hostess-MAY 8-26-33 Dancing Lady-MGM 12-2-33 Das Schicksal der Renate Langen-XX 11-6-33 Day of Reckoning-MGM. 11-4-33 Deluge, The-RKO 10-7-33 Der Hellseher-XX 9-13-33 Der Frechdachs-UFA 1-9-34 Der Liebling von Wien-XX 6-14-33 Der Sohn der Weissen Berge XX-10-28-33 Design for Living-PAR. 11-17-33 Devil's Brother-MGM 6-10-33 Devil's in Love-F 7-28-33 Devil's Mate-MOP 9-23-33 Die Galavorstellung — XX 12-11-33 Die Grosse Attraktion BAV.. 7-25-33 Dinner at Eight-MGM . .8-25-33 Disgraced l-PAR 7-17-33 Doctor Bull-F 8-31-33 Don't Bet on Love-U. .. .7-29-33 Double Harness-RKO. ..7-13-33 Drums of Doom-MAF. .10-4-33 Duck Soup-PAR 11-17-33 r>.,de Ra"->it-ALD fi-21-33 East of First Avenue — COL 11-28-33 Fasv Mi'lions-FR 9-6-33 Easy to Love-WA 1-13-34 Fat 'Em Alive-AUS 1*1 -4-33 Eight Girls in a Boat-PAR 1-13-34 Eisenstein in Mexico PRI.. 11-2-33 KEY TO DISTRIBUTORS ABC — Arkay Film Exch. AE — Aeolian Pictures AG— Agfa ALD — Allied Pictures ALX — William Alexander AM — Amkino A M R — American Roumanian Film Corp. ARL — Arthur Lee AST — Astor Pictures AU — Capt. Harold Auten AUS — Harold Austin BAV — Bavaria Film A-G BEE — Beekman Film Corp. BO— John W. Boyle BRO — Broadway-HoJywood CAP — Capitol Film Exchange CHA — Chadwick C H E — Cheaterneld COL — Columbia COM — Compagnie Universelle Cinema tographique EOU — Eauitab e Pictures EXP — Exploitation Pictures F — Fox FAI — Faith Pictures Corp. FAM — Foreign American Films FD — First Division FOR — Foremco Pictures FR — Freuler Film Associates FN — First National FX — The Film Exchange GB — Gaumont-British GFF — General Foreign Films GEN — General Films GRB — Arthur Greenblatt GOL — Ken Goldsmith GOP — Goldsmith Productions GKF — Garrison Films HEL — Helber Pictures HER— Charles B. Herrlitz HOL — Hollywood HOF— J. H. Hoffberg Co. ICE — Int. Cinema Exch. IDE— Ideal IMP — Imperial Dist. IN A — Inter-Americas Films INT — Interworld Prod. INV — Invincible Pictures JAFA— Jafa JE — Jewell Productions JEW— Jewish Talking Pictures JRW— J. R. Whitney K I N — Kinema trade KRE — Sherman S. Krellberg LEV — Nat Levine MAD — Madison Pictures M A F — M ayf lower MAJ — Maiestic Pictures MAR — Marcy MAY — Mayfair Pictures MO — Monopole Pictures MGM — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer MOP — Monogram Pictures PA R — Paramount PO— Powers Pictures POL — Bud Pollard Productions POR — Portola Pictures PRI — Principal Dist. Corp. PRO — Progressive Pictures PRX— Protex Dist. Corp. REG — Regent Pictures REM — Remington Pictures RKO— RKO-Radio Pictures ROY — Fanchon Royer SCA — Scandinavian Pictures SCO— Lester F. Scott SHO — Showmen's Pictures SNO — Sidney Snow. SUP — Superb Pictures SYA — Synchro Art Pictures SYN — Syndicate TF — Tobis Foreign Film TOW— Tower Prods. U — Universal UA — United Artists UFA— Ufa WA — Warner Bros. WEL — Carveth Wells WIN — Windsor Pictures WK— Willis Kent WOK— Worldkino WW— World Wide XX — No distributor set ZBY — Zbyszko Polish-American Film Co. I ttte Reviewed El Precio De Un Beso F.. 8-1 -33 El Principe Gondolero-PAR 9-13-33 Emergency Call-RKO 6-24-33 Emperor Jones-UA 9-16-33 Enemies of Progress-XX. 1-16-34 En.ighten Thy Daughter EXP 12-27-33 Eskxmo-MGM 11-16-33 Es Wird Schon Wieder Besser-UFA 1-24-34 Ever in My Heart-WA. 10-13-33 Faithful Heart-HEL 8-15-33 Fashions of 1934-FN 1-9-34 Female-FN 11-4-33 Fiddlin' Buckaroo-U . . . 12-20-33 ' Figaro e la Sua Gran Uiornata-XX 10-30-33 Fighting Code-COL 1-10-34 Fighting Parson-ALD 8-2-3; Fighting Texans-MOP ..7-26-33 Film Parade-GEN 12-20-33 Flaming Goid-RKO 1-18-34 i-laming Uuns-U 6-1/-33 Flying Devils-RKO 8-26-33 Flying Down To Rio-RKO 12-20-33 Fog-COL 1-6-34 Footlight Parade-WA 9-30-33 Found Alive-IDE 11-8-33 F. P. 1-F 9-16-33 Fraoulein-Falsch Verbuden XX.. 1-1 6-34 Frau Lehmann's Toechter XX-10-28-33 From Headquarters-FN. 11-16-33 Fugitive Lovers-MGM. . .1-3-34 fugitive, The-MOP 9-13-33 oallant Fool-MOP 8-9-33 GaUant Lady-UA 12-7-33 Galoping Romeo-MOP. .11-2-33 Gambling Ship-PAR 7-13-33 Ghoul, The-GB 11-25-33 Gigolettes of Paris-EQU 7-19-33 Girl Without a Room-PAR 12-7-33 Going Hollywood-MGM. 12-22-33 Golden Goal (Das Lockende Ziel) -B A V 6-20-33 Golden Harvest-PAR 11-8-33 Goodbye Again-FN 9-2-33 Good Companions, The-F 10-10-33 Gow-FX 12-2-33 Gun Law-MAJ 7-13-33 Havana Widows-FN 11-25-33 Headline Shooter-RKO. 10-21-33 He-AST 12-28-33 He Couldn't Tak» It — MOP 12-13-33 Hell's Holidav-SUr ...7-19-33 Heroes for Sale-FN 7-22-33 Her Bodyguard-PAP 8-5-33 Her First Mate-U 9-2-33 Her Forgotten Past MAY.. 10-31-33 Her Resale Value-MAY .6-21-33 Her Splendid Folly PRO.. 10-28-33 Her Secret-IDE 12-19-33 Her Sweetheart-MGM, See: Christopher Bean 11-22-33 Her Unborn Child-WIN . 10-10-33 Hell and High Water-PAR 12-16-33 Heute Nacht-Eventuell-XX 7-7-33 Hips, Hips, Hooray-RKO 1-24-34 Title Reviewed His Double LUe-PAR. 12-16-33 Hold the Press-COL... 12-1-33 hold Your Man-MoM 7-1-33 Hoopla-F 12-2-33 House on 56th Street-WA 12-2-33 I Am Suzanne-F 1-19-34 I Have Lived-CHE 7-19-33 Ich Glaub Nie Mehr An Eine Frau-BAV 10-13-33 If I Were Free-RKO 12-8-33 1 Loved a Woman-FN . .9-21-33 I Love That Man-PAR. . .7-8-33 I Loved You Wednesday-F 6-16-33 I'm No Angel-PAR 10-14-33 Important Witness-TOW. .9-6-33 Invisible Man-U 11-18-33 In the Money-CHE 1-6-34 Island of Doom-AM 7-20-33 It's Great to Be Alive-F. .7-8-33 I Was a Spy-F 1-13-34 Jimmy And Sally-F 12-16-33 Kennel Murder Case WA.. 10-28-33 King For a Night-U . . . . 12-t-33 King of the Arena-U ... .8-23-33 La Cancion Del Dia-XX. 8-28-33 Ladies Must Love-U. .. 11-16-33 Lady for a Day-COL 8-9-33 Lady Killer-WA 12-28-33 La Femme Nue-XX 8-28-33 La Lev del Haren-XX .. .6-20-33 La Melodia Prohibida-F. 10-10-33 La Sombra de Pancho Villa COL.. 1-9-34 Last Trail-F 12-1-33 Laughing at Life-LEV. .7-12-33 Laughter Through Tears WOK.. 11-16-33 La Vuida Romantica-F. . .9-6-33 Le Noche del Pecado-COL 12-29-33 Le Sang D'un Poete XX.. 11-13-33 Let's Fall in Love-COL. 1-20-34 Life in the Raw-F 10-19-33 Life of Jimmy Dolan-WA 6-14-33 Lilly Turner-FN 6-15-33 Litt'e Woraan-RfO 11-16-33 Live and Laugh-JEW 12-8-33 Long Avenger-WW fi-30-33 L'Opera De Quat Sous-WA 12-11-33 Lo Tu Y Ella-F 12-11-33 Love, Honor and Oh, Baby! U-l 0-28-33 Luegen Auf Ruegen-XX. 1-5-34 Lucky Dog-U 8-30-33 Lucky Texan-M OP 1 -6-34 Mad Game-F 11-11-33 Mama-F 7-20-33 Mama Loves Papa-PAR 7-22-33 Man trom Monterev-WA. 8-1 6-33 Man of Action-COL 6-6-33 Man of the Fo-e-Jt-PAT? 8-25-33 Man of Two Worlds-RKO 1-13-34 Man Who Dared-F 9-9-33 Man of Sentiment CHE. .11-16-33 Man's Castle-COL 12-28-33 Marriage on Approval-FR 12-27-33 Mary Stevens, M.D.-WA. 7-28-33 Massacre-FN . 1-18-34 Master of Men-COL 11-28-33 Mayor of Hell-WA 6-23-33 Meet the Baron-MGM. .10-28-33 Reviewed title Maz-Zelle Nitouche PRO.. 11-18-33 Melody Cruise-RKO 6-16-33 Melodia de Arrabal-PAR. .8-9-33 Midnight Club-PAR 7-29-33 Midmgnt Marv-MGM .. .7-17-33 Midshipman Jack-RKO. 11-17-33 Mirages de ParisAU. .12-29-33 Milady-GFF 9-13-33 Miss Fane's Baby is Stolen-PAR 1-20-34 Money Talks-SYN 8-12-33 Moonlight and Pretzels-U 8-23-33 Morning G'ory-RKO 8-16-33 Moulin Rouge-UA 1-10-34 Mr. Broadway-BRO 9-15-33 Mr. Skitch-F 12-23-33 My Lips Betray-F 11-4-33 Myrt and Marge-U 1-16-34 My Weakness-F 9-22-33 My Woman-COL 10-17-33 Narrow Corner. The-WA. 6-20-33 Neighbors' Wives-ROY ..9-20-33 Night Flight-MGM 10-4-33 No Dejes la Puerta Abierta F.. 11-13-33 No Marriage Ties-RKO. . .8-4-33 Notorious but Nice-CHE. 8-23-33 Olsen's Big Moment-F. .. 1-9-34 One Man's Journey-RKO. 9-1-33 One Sunday Afternoon-PAR 9-2-33 One Year Later-ALD. .11-16-33 Only Yesterday-U 11-10-33 Paddy the Next Best Thing-F 8-25-33 Passion of Joan of Arc-KRE 9-9-33 Patriots, The-AM 9-25-33 Penthouse-MGM .9-9-33 Phantom Thunderbolt-WW 6-14-33 PilgrimageF 7-17-33 Police Call-HOL 8-23-33 Police Car 17-COL 11-6-33 Power and the Glory, The-F 8-18-33 Private Detective 62-WA . . 7-8-33 Private Life of Henry VIII-UA 9-21-33 Prizefighter and the Lady MGM.. 114-33 Public Stenographer MAR.. 1-10-34 Quartorze Juillet-PRX. 10-21-33 Queen Christina-MGM. .12-28-33 Quick, Koenig Der Klowns UFA 12-11-33 Rafter Romance-RKO 1-9-34 Rainbow Over Broadway CHE 12-27-33 Rainbow Ranch-MOP. . .10-18-33 Rangers' Code-MOP 9-20-33 Rebel, The-U 7-27-33 Return of Casey JonesMOP 6-30-33 Riders of Destiny-M OP. 11-29-33 Right to Romance RKO.. 11-22-33 Riot Squad-MAY 7-26-33 Roman Scandals-UA .... 12-14-33 Russia Today-WEL 10-21-33 Rustlers' Roundup-U ...9-16-33 Rustv Rides Alone-COL. 10-1 0-33 Sagebrush Trail-MOP ..12-8-33 Sagebrush Trail-MOP. .12-27-33 Sagrario-XX 1-24-34 Saison in Kairo-UFA. .12-29-33 Saturday's MillionsU ... 1 0-14-33 Secret Sinners-MAY ..12-13-33 Titlt Reviewed Secret of the Blue Room-U 9-13-33 Secrets of Hollywood-SCO 8-30-33 Sensation Hunters-MOP. .1-3-34 Shanghai Madness-F 9-23-33 She Had to Say Yes-FN 7-28-33 Shepherd of the Seven Hills FAI 8-8-33 Ship of Wanted Men-SHO 9-9-33 Should Ladies Behave?MGM 12-6-33 Shriek in the Night, A-ALD 7-22-33 Silent Men-QOL 11-8-33 Silk Express-WA 6-23-33 Sing, Sinner, Sing-MAJ. .8-12-33 Sin of Nora Moran-MAJ 12-14-33 Sitting Pretty-PAR 11-22-33 Six of a King-PAR 1-24-34 Sixteen Fathoms Deep MOP. .1-19-34 Skyway-MOP 10-18-33 Sleepless Nights-REM ..7-22-33 Solitaire Man-MGM 9-23-33 Son of a Sailor-FN 12-1-33 Son of Kong-RKO 12-30-33 Son of the Border-RKO. .8-2-3; Song of Songs-PAR 7-22-33 S. O. S. Iceberg-U... 11-28-33 Sons of the Desert-MGM. 1-6-34 Sphinx. The-MOP 8-16-33 Smoky-F 12-23-33 Stage Mother-MGM 9-30-33 Storm at Davbreak-MGM 7-2?-" Straightaway-COL 1-16 34 Strange Heople-C HE 6-17-33 Stranger's Return-MGM. .7-29-3? Strawberry Roan-U ...12-6-33 Sunset Pass-PAR 10-28-33 Sweden, Land of the Vikings BO.. 1-6-34 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi MOP.. 10-26-33 Take a Chance-PAR. .. 11-25-33 Tarzan the Fearless-PRI .8-12-33 Terror Abroad-PAR 7-3-33 This Day and Age-PAR. 8-1 6-33 This Is America-BEE.. .6-23-33 Three-Cornered Moon-PAR 8-8-33 Three Thieves-AM 10-31-33 Thrill Hunter-COL 10-4-33 Throne of the Gods-IMP 12-22-33 Thunder Over Mexico-PRI 9-20-33 Til'ie and Gus-PAR 11-11-33 Toda Una Vida-PAR 10-28-33 Tod Uber Shanghai-MO. 12-19-33 Too Much Harmony-PAR 9-23-33 Tomorrow at Seven-RKO 7-12-33 Torch Singer-PAR 10-7-33 To the Last Man-PAR. 10-26-33 Trail Drive-U 1-3-34 Trouble Busters-M A J 8-30-33 Tugboat Annie-MGM 8-12-33 Turn Back the C!ock-MGM 8-23-33 Ulan I Dziewczvna-XX 10-10-33 Under Secret Orders-PRO 12-6-33 Under the Tonto Rim-PAR 7-19-33 Unknown Valley-COI 8-18-33 Victims of Persecution-POL 6-17-33 Vi Som Gar Koksvagen SCA.. 10-10-33 Volga, Volga-KIN ...12-19-33 Voltaire-WA 7-28-33 Walls of Gold-F 10-21-33 Waltz Time-GB 9-29-33 Wandering Jew, The JAFA.. 10-21-33 War of the Range-FR. .11-22-33 Way to Love-PAR 11-11-33 Wie Sag Ich's Meinnem Mann?-XX 1-24-34 Wenn Die Liebe Mode Macht XX. .10-30-33 West of the Divide — MOP 1-13-34 What Price Innocence-COL 6-24-33 When Ladies Meet-MGM 6-24-33 Whirlwind, The-COL ...7-29-33 White Face-HEL 11-22-33 White Woman-PAR 11-18-33 Wild Boys of the Road FN.. 9-22-33 Wine. Women and Song CHA 12-16-33 Woman I Stole-COL. . .6-30-33 Women in His Life-MGM 12 9-33 World Changes-FN 10-28-33 Worst Woman in Paris? F.. 11-25-3J Wrecker, The-COL 8-5-33