The Film Daily (1934)

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gjL/RMt«OH Intimate in Character Internationa! in Scope " independent in Thought AJ The Da ily N ewspc iper Of M t i o n Pict ures Now Sixteen Years Old iVCL. LX\. NO 25 NEW YCCr, TUESDAY, JANLACr 3C, 1934 A CfNTJ 0 Exhibs Top Producers in Profits, Tax Figures Show tCODE AUTHORITY SUIT~EXPECTED TO BT"PUT OFF Errors Claimed in Labor Action Against Indie Exhibs J.T.O.A. Says Absence of Prevailing Scale Obviated Violation Pending decision by Supreme Court Justice Collins on a motion for re-argument made several days ago by the I.T.O.A., the hearing scheduled for yesterday on the temporary injunction obtained Jan. 2 from Justice Collins to restrain the I.T.O.A. from employing members of the Allied Motion Picture Operators union is indefinitely postponed. In applying for a re-argument, {Continued on Page 7) DcFORESfliCENSEES ASSUREDPROTECTION In line with similar action taken by RCA Protophone and Western Electric, General Talking Pictures (DeForest), through Vice-President J. Stark, has assured its sound licensees that they will be protected under any outcome of the fly(Continued on Page 6) Grosses Up Everywhere, Says Harry Gold on Trip New Orleans — United Artists grosses "are rising everywhere," said Harry Gold of the home office while here on a tour of exchanges. Conditions throughout the south, especially Texas, are very good, he said. Felix F. Feist of M-G-M, who also arrived here last week en route to the coast, made similar observations about improvement in the south. Second Tax Bill in Kentucky Louisville — In addition to the bill for a gross sales tax of 1 cent there is being introduced into the Kentucky Legislature another bill calling for a tax of 5 cents on every 25 cent-ticket. Theaters are fighting both bills with hopes of success. Meet the Duchess! Paramount yesterday announced the signing of the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, first cousin of the late Czar, to act as technical advisor on "Thirty Day Princess," which B. P. Schulberg will produce with Sylvia Sidney starred. The Grand Duchess leaves New York today for Hollywood. Sylvia Sidney, who has been on vacation in the east, may accompany her. ROWLAND AND BRIGE PARTNERSHIP ENDED William Rowland and Monte Brice, whose eastern production activities this season included several shorts as well as two musical features, "Moonlight and Pretzels," released by Universal, and "Take a Chance," made in association with Lawrence Schwab for Paramount, have dissolved partnership. Each expects to announce new plans in -he near future. Laemmles Here to Confer ; May Call off Trip Abroad If conferences in New York are satisfactorily concluded, Carl Laemmle, Jr., who arrives in New York today with Carl Laemmle to discuss pictures for 1934-35, will return to the studios in several weeks instead of going to Europe. Laemmle, Jr., had intended to go abroad in connection with European production for Universal. Facilities are already available for a certain number of pictures scheduled to be made in London and Paris, the company an (Continued on Page 7) LAST FIVE BOARDS TO BE SET FEB. Personnel of local boards in five key cities, not yet finally determined by the Code Authority committee handling the job of making recommendations, will be decided upon at a meeting of the group Feb. 8, the day prior to the next session of the Code Authority. Membership makeup of boards in Boston, Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago were not agreed upon at the committee meeting which concluded last Saturday (Continued on Page 7) Redrafting Measure To Regulate Agents Ralph Whitehead of the Actors' Betterment Ass'n has arranged for a conference with State Senator Albert Wald for the purpose of redrafting the latter's bill for the licensing of artists' representatives. Whitehead is opposed to the measure in its present form and declares that the original draft was intended to cover only such attractions as come under the jurisdiction of the A. B. A. Actors' Equity Ass'n al (Continued on Page 7) Tax Figures Show Exhibitors Fared Better Than Producers Toledo Long-Run Record Set By "Little Women" Toledo, O.-^Tohn Kumler of the Pantheon claims to hold the city^s record engagement. He recently played "Little Women" for 25 consecutive days. Motion picture exhibition is the most profitable branch of the amusement business according to income tax data just released by the federal government. For the year 1931, out of 2,314 exhibitor returns filed 1,167 reported a profit and 1,(Continued on Page 8) Hearing of Allied Action Set for Today Likely To be Postponed Hearing on the second suit filed in behalf of Allied against members of the Code Authority is expected to be adjourned when the case is called this morning at 10:30 o'clock in the U. S. District Court, New York, with Judge William Bondy presiding. Counsel fwi defendants will ask that the case be put over until Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt returns from the Coast just before the next Code Authority session, scheduled for Feb. 9. Attorneys will also point out that, (Continued on Page 8) expect mato grant assentjxtension That the NRA would grant an extension of the period for filing code assents to Feb. 28 was virtually certain last night, following formal petition of the Code Authority seeking this permission. Execu(Continued on Page 6) Resuming Operation Of B'klyn Paramount Paramount on Friday takes over operation of the Brooklyn Paramount from Allied Owners. The policy of pictures and stage shows will be retained. William Raynor will continue in charge of the de luxer under supervision of Boris Morros. Sheehan in Credits West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Winfield Sheehan's name will appear in screen credits for the first time when the main title of "Carolina" shows him as producer of the picture. This inaugurates Fox's new policy of identifying producers of its pictures. Forthcoming Sheehan productions will include "David Harum" and "Fox Follies."