The Film Daily (1934)

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TAX FIGURES SHOW EXHIBS PROFIT MOST (Continued from Page 1) 148 showed a loss, while out of 199 producer reports, only 54 indicated a profit and 145 showed a loss. Of 525 theaters playing stage attractions, 182 reported a profit against 343 in the red; Toledo Ball Committee Toledo — Henry Sticklemeir of the Paramount, Howard Feigley of the Rivoli, Wally Caldwell of Loew's Valentine, James Walters of the Empire and Jack O'Connell of the Ohio form the entertainment committee for the President's Ball and Stage Show to be given tonight at Civic Auditorium. Bernard Lustig is director of publicity, Jack O'Connell will be master of ceremonies, with Wally Caldwell as stage manager. The Toledo Federation of Musicians is cooperating with three dance bands and the Paramount Orchestra will play the stage show. Stage employees and operators are donating the services of their men. 3 New Educational Comedies Booked Three new Educational comedies open this week in New York and Brooklyn. "Get Along Little Wifie," a Coronet Comedy with Taylor Holmes and Natalie Moorhead. starts today at the Mayfair, New York; "The Good Bad Man." another in this series, with Charles Judels and Tom Patricola, opens Friday at the Roxy, and "The Inventors," starring Stoopnagle and Budd. starts Friday at the Fox Brooklyn. Louis Kaufman Joins Warners Cleveland — Louis Kaufman, a former vice-president of the defunct Guardian Bank, has joined Warner Bros, in charge of code violation complaints with headquarters in New York. WARNING TO EXHIBITORS If you have recently received a notice about alleged infringement of certain sound equipment patents, we say to you: "DON'T WORRY". Keep right on operating your theatre and giving your patrons the best pictures you can get. s. o. s. WIDE FIDELITY is a certain, safe buy for any exhibitor, at anv time. Priced at one-third to one-fifth the prices asked by the monopoly. Don't be Hoodwinked S.O.S. HAS THE FACTS and Will Advise You Under expert legal counsel, S.O.S. will gladly guide you — if you will write naming the type of equipment you are using . . . Just Address SERVICE BOARD s. o. s. con p. 1600 BROADWAY N. Y. CITY ANALYSIS OF MOTION PICTURE CODE By LOUIS NIZER Seventeenth Installment ARTICLE VI— GRIEVANCE AND ZONING BOARDS— (cont.) Part 2. Grievance Boards Sec. 1. Purposes (a) The Complaint Any Exhibitor may .file a complaint with the Grievance Board against a competing Exhibitor on the ground that the competing Exhibitor has committed any one of four acts which have deprived him of a sufficient number of pictures to operate his theater. The complaint must be that the wrong conduct had the following elements in it: 1. That it was done with the intention of depriving the complaining Exhibitor of a sufficient number of pictures to operate. 2. That it had this effect. 3. That it was done without just cause. (b) The Four Acts Conferring Jurisdiction The complaint must be that the competing Exhibitor deprived the complaining Exhibitor of a sufficient number of pictures to operate his theater by any one of the following four methods: 1. Over-Buying Licensing more pictures than are reasonably required. 2. Change of Program Adopting an unfair operating competing policy of unnecessarily and too frequently changing pictures. 3. Preventing Contract with Complaining Exhibitor Exacting without just cause an agreement from a Distributor as a condition for making a contract with him that he will not contract with the complaining Exhibitor. 4. Any Other Similar Act Committing any other similar act with the intent and effect of depriving without just cause the complaining Exhibitor of a sufficient number of pictures to operate his theater. Sec 2. Hearing (a) Complaint Each complaint must be in writing and must be made immediately after knowledge of the wrong committed. If the wrong is threatened, the complaint must be made immediately after notice. (b) Extent of Hearing A full hearing must be had of all parties concerned. This includes: 1. Exhibitors directly involved 2. Distributors having contracts with the defending Exhibitor. 3. Exhibitors having subsequent-runs after the Exhibitors directly involved. The Grievance Board may, if it thinks necessary, make an independent investigation. It must make a prompt determination of the complaint. (To be Continued) 8 Vita. Releases in February Vitaphone will release eight subjects in February, it is announced by Norman H. Moray, sales executive. They include four two-reelers, "Nervous Hands," with Ben Blue; "Picture Parade," with Hal LeRoy, Dawn O'Day and Jack Fulton; Harry Gribbon in "Mushrooms," and "Come to Dinner," burlesque on "Dinner at Eight," and four onereelers, E. M. Newman's "Spanish America," Block and Sully in "The Wrong, Wrong Trail," Mills Blue Rhythm Band in a "Melody Master" and "Song Hits," by Roy Turk. Anti-Walkathon Ordinance Milwaukee — Walkathons would be prohibited under a proposed ordinance introduced in the common council. In Madison an application for a walkathon license was denied. CODE AUTHORITY SUIT EXPECTEDjm GO OVEF \ (Continued from Page 1) with the extension of the time limit for filing assents moved back to Feb. 28, there is no immediate necessity for action on the matter. John C. Flinn, executive secretary of the Code Authority, who was served last Saturday with six members, will appear in court this morning, as will Ed Kuykendall, a member of the body. Other defendants so far served are: Sidney R. Kent, George J. Schaefer, W. Ray Johnston, R. H. Cochrane and Nathan Yamins. Felix A. Jenkins of the Fox legal staff will represent Kent, Austin C. Keough, Paramount general counsel, will appear for Schaefer and W. S. McKay is expected to represent Cochrane. The Dept. of Justice will handle the case for Rosenblatt when he is served. # ^ f5nn I OR? PERSONS ^ ^y Above the 8th Floor $6.00 and up Enjoy the comforts of a parlor and bedroom suite. . . . All rooms equipped with combination tub and shower bath, and running ice water. Ideal location — adjacent to shopping, business and theatre districts. SWIMMING POOL AND GYMNASIUM FREE TO GUESTS 5 Ross Promotions in Effect Five promotions made last week by Ross Federal Service went into effect yesterday. They included: Arthur S. Kane, made western division manager with headquarters in Los Angeles; Walter I. Brown, appointed midwest division manager; Max Ungerman, Denver manager, transferred to Atlanta; J. C. Page, Indianapolis manager, transferred to Denver; B. E. Jolley, Atlanta manager, transferred to Indianapolis. Jane Winton in Opera Jane Winton will appear in the opera, "La Boheme," at Baltimore Feb. 24.