The Film Daily (1934)

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YOU DON'T PAY FOR EXPERIMENTING WHEN YOU USE UTOMATlP in,mil ID ^IFAMi " \^ GOLD SEAL ICKET REGISTERS ^he Quardians of Qash <rRgceipts THE BOX OFFICE IS THE HEART OF YOUR THEATER PROTECT IT WITH AUTOMATIC GOLD SEAL TICKET REGISTERS FOR TWENTY YEARS The Standard Modern Means For Handling Tickets PROTECTION SPEED Protect cash receipts and safeguard the net profits. Prevent collusion and the resale of tickets. Prevent the use of counterfeit and misappropriated tickets. Keep tickets securely under lock and key. ACCURACY Maintain an unfailing, unchangeable and accurate record of ticket sales. Facilitate accurate, dependable and quick audit. Furnish double check on ticket sales. Leading theater circuits throughout the world endorse Automatic Gold Seal Ticket Register Serve your patrons faster and more conveniently. Prevent "walk-aways" by reducing waiting lines. CONVENIENCE . . . . Simplify the cashiers work and promote accuracy by eliminating lost motion in ticket selling and change making. Tickets may not be removed from ticket booth at night but remain safely in the registers after their mechanism has been locked. Accurate registration simplifies audit. GENERAL REGISTER CORPORATION 1540 BROADWAY Telephone BRyant 9-6546 BRANCH OFFICES NEW YORK CITY 1018 SO. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. 1726 SO. VERMONT AVE. LOS ANGELES, CAL. 80 BOYLSTON STREET BOSTON, MASS. 307 NO. 13TH STREET PHILADELPHIA. PA.