The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Saturday, Feb. 3, 1934 ■ TO il"B— — P— — I DAILY ■REGIONAL BOARDS START IN MARCH {Continued from Page 1) 'in the RKO building are not as yet Iready for occupancy. Executive Secretary John C. Flinn will submit to Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt immediately a list of nominations for non-indus'try board members. Approval of these selections rest with him. At the Code Authority session ! Friday, Rosenblatt is expected to i report concerning his work in setting up code machinery at the Coast. A meeting of the committee preparing a manual for the local boards .will be held in New York next week, prior to the Code Authority session. "Wonder Bar" Easter Dates Following its international premiere in New York, Paris, London and Vienna on Feb. 21, "Wonder Bar" will be available for special pre-release playdates during Easter Week, it is announced by Warners. It is expected that over 150 key city theaters will simultaneously show "Wonder Bar" during this Holiday week. Richard P. Penny Dead Denver — Richard Pendleton Penny, 59, former owner of a string of theaters in northern Colorado, died at his home in Denver after a long illness. After selling his theaters he spent four years as a booker in the Bert Levy agency in Dallas. Releasing "Girls in Uniform" "Girls in Uniform," English-dialogue version of "Maedchen in Uniform," will end its Criterion run tomorrow night and will be generally released by John Krimsky and Gifford Cochrane. Joan Lowell Film on Way Joan Lowell has cabled Van Beuren from Guatemala that the picture she made of her adventures in South America is on its way to New York and that she will arrive in New York on Feb. 8. The picture will be released through RKO about April 1. Ben Pollock Orchestra for Vita. Ben Pollock and His orchestra have been signed by Sam Sax for a one-reel Vitaphone short. "He" Held Over at Cameo "He, King of Virtue," First Division release, is being held for a second week at the Cameo. Kent Taking Month's Rest Sidney R. Kent, who is resting in Florida, is expected to remain away from his office for a month. DALY • • 9 IN MANY instances hobbies and fads serve a much greater purpose than mere self-gratification One case in which a fad has proven undeniably useful is the International Perfume Cabinet which Jeanette MacDonald has installed in her dressing room at the M-G-M studios Perfumes of all nations fragrance of oriental flowers scents that carry you far away to distant lands of romance all are in her collection to take the place of music and effects in the creation of moods * * * * • • • SO SUCCESSFUL has this stunt been for the titian-haired songstress that other stars have followed suit and each mail brings small packages of precious oils to Hollywood but Jeanette's cabinet is complete and with a couple of dabs behind each ear she can emulate and carry the native atmosphere of f emmes from anywhere on the globe Bali to Greenland • • • THE PERSONAL hobby of Leslie Howard is making movies with his portable outfit While waiting to start work in RKO's "Of Human Bondage" the star is dashing into the mountains out to the ocean over hill and dale preparing his own first complete pix "America as seen by an Englishman" It's for the folks back in Lun non but because it's a silent he's depriving them of our peculiar humor and nasal twang as they choose to call it * * * * • • • ARRIVING IN Baltimore today is the Moulin Rouge Caravan sponsored by Twentieth Century Pictures which started a nation wide tour at the Nation's Capitol yesterday Proceedings at Washington included a gala luncheon in a private eats room at the Capitol which was attended by members of the California Congressional delegation the entire proceedings were broadcast over a NBC hook-up Last evening a score of movie stars in the Caravan paraded their fleet of cars through the principal streets of Washington preceded by a 150 piece band broadcasts from the moving automobiles flood-lights to blaze the way and plenty ballyhoo turned the Capitol into a veritable Moulin Rouge * * * * • • • TODAY THE Caravan will be met at the Baltimore City Hall by a detachment of Maryland State troopers and a hundred city policemen Mayor Jackson will greet the parade . . and at noon newspaper officials will be hosts at luncheon at the Lord Baltimore Hotel to be fol lowed this evening by a dinner attended by city officials _ . Tomorrow the Caravan moves to Wilmington, Philadelphia and points en route to New York where they arrive Tuesday . Stars in the troupe are John Hundley, Mary Carlisle Anna Q. Nilsson Nancy Welford, Dorothy Dunbar, Roscoe Ates, Eddie Quillan, Jack Mulhall, Ben Turpin, Creighton Hale and Antonio Moreno The New York reception is in preparation^ and predictions are that it will surpass anything of its kind to date , . * • • • REGARDLESS OF what some folks may say to contrary Roxy holds a unique niche in the hall the of showmanship.'. '".. and stands out head and shoulders above anyone in his profession This fact is evidenced by the tl * ^^i-nZ by Paramount of the impresario to take charge of stage affairs and appear fn^persorfaf the New York Paramount starting Feb. 23... and thereafter appearing at the company's de luxe houses in key cities His remuneration will be large and the receipts will be larger CIRCUITS DICKERING WITH SERVICE UNION {Continued from Page 1) no attention to them, Levey declared yesterday. He said that if he received no word from these circuits by Feb. 12, he intends to take the matter up with the NRA Regional Labor Board. Meanwhile the union will hold a meeting next week, at which time Levey says he will ask the membership to vote a general strike to be called if recognition is not forthcoming. The union now has a membership of close to 5,000. Wesley Barton, Eastern auditor for the building service Union international, arrived in town yesterday. In the event of a strike, Barton will be detailed to handle negotiations, Levey said. Next week the union will move from Brooklyn to new headquarters at 145 West 45th St. Local 306 Case Ended An order making the order of the Court of Appeals the order of the Supreme Court in a dismissal of an appeal by three receivers has been written by Justice Lydon, thereby bringing to a close the receivership action involving Local 306, operators' union. The receivers not only were denied commissions of $7,500, and counsel fees of $3,000, but were made to bear the outlay of about $900 in disbursements. Whitney Bolton on Air Whitney Bolton, scenarist and dramatic critic of "The Morning Telegraph," goes on the ether via station WNEW within two weeks to offer a broadcast comprising reviews and Broadway gags. Extend Film Center Lease Industrial Pictures Corp. has renewed its lease on the fourth floor of the Film Center Building. Hess Laid Up By Cold Gabriel L. Hess was confined to his home yesterday by a severe cold. « « « » » »