The Film Daily (1934)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily N Of Motion Now Sixteen ewspe Pict Years i per ures Old er" VOL. I_W. NO. 3€ NEW yCCr, MCNDAy, fCBCLACy <S, 1934 <S CENT/ Musicals Again to Figure Big on '34-35 Programs LOEW PROFIT IN FIRSTJjUARTER JUMPS 100* Labor Board Orders Reinstatement of Local 306 Men Operators Dropped by I.T.O.A. Must be Rehired Ruling that no employer has a right to discharge employees for non-valid reasons and make a contract with a union which does not represent a majority of such employees in his field, the NRA Regional Labor Board has ordered 10 I.T.O.A. theaters to reinstate about 55 members of Local 306 dropped last August. The theaters had engaged members of the Allied Motion Picture Operators Union, which Local 306 charged was a company union. 52 MINIMUM PLANNED BY FOX FOR 1934-35 Fox's program for 1934-35 will offer at least 52 features. The company's current season schedule affords a similar number. Work on the new year program begins within a few weeks. 16,000 Persons Aided By Coast Relief Fund West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Approximately 4,800 cases, representing about 16,000 persons, were aided last year by the Motion Picture Relief Fund, it is announced by Marion Davies, president. Expenditures totaled $150,000, including $40,000 worth of food provided to feed about 15,000 people, $20,000 paid for rents and public utilities, and in any number of cases saved eviction of families from their homes. About 1,000 people received private medical care, of which 300 {Continued on Page 7) Gets Front Page Review Chicago — "Nana," Goldwyn's U. A. release, opened to standout business here with the Chicago "Herald-Tribune'" giving the picture front page review. Cooper to Make 3 Specials for New RKO Lineup West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY' Hollywood — Merian C. Cooper, who resigned last week as head of production at the RKO studios, will make three specials for the new season's lineup of Radio Pictures. The program is expected to total about 52 features. In addition to "Last Days of Pompeii," the group will include "The Life of Cecil Rhodes." B. B. Kahane, president of Radio Pictures, will continue in general charge of production under the unit system. Senator Copeland Writes President Urging Series of Government Films Washington Bureau of Washington — -Possibility of the production of a complete series of onereel films depicting the activities of the various Government bureaus is indicated following an exchange of correspondence on the subject between Senator Royal S. Copeland, who has taken a deep interest in the matter, and President Roosevelt. THE FILM DAILY As a member of the Senate Committee on Education, Copeland told the President that he has been keenly interested in watching the reaction to the series of educational films produced under the supervision of the Bureau of Mines, these pictures being made in cooperation {Continued on Page 8) Nets $1,594,608 in First 12 Weeks of Current Fiscal Year Net profit of Loew's, Inc., for the first 12 weeks of the current fiscal year totaled $1,594,608, an increase of more than 94 per cent over the $741,910 profit shown in the corresponding period of the previous year. The latest earnings figure is equal to, $1.09 a shoreon the common siock, or nearly the annual dividend of $1 covered in the first quarter. Success of Musical Pictures Augurs for Continued Policy Musicals will continue to seek box-office favor during the 1934-35 season, it is indicated by preliminary production plans of both major and independent companies. Although none of the new year schedules will be definitely set before late spring, tentative plans generally show that (Continued on Page 8) National Board to Review 25 Years of Film Interest Twenty-five years of public interest in films will be reviewed at the annual conference of the National Board of Review to be held Feb. 8-10 at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Motion picture study groups from all (Continued on Page 2) CAMPAIGNS . . Showmanship de luxe By DON CARLE GILLETTE WITHIN the memory of the oldest Broadway settlers, there have been few campaigns to compare with the one that ushered in Samuel Goldwyn's new find, Anna Sten, in "Nana." Proof, in the form of results, is available to anyone interested by merely dropping around to the Radio City Music Hall, where folks are waiting in the cold and fighting to get in to see this new personality who was a stranger to them up to a few days ago. How all these thousands of film fans were keyed up into that irrepressible desire to see Anna Sten so badly would make a very useful textbook for any showman. (Continued on Page 2) ROSENBLATT TO ACT IN ITOA LABOR JAM Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt will step into the New York metropolitan territory wage scale dispute between Local 306 and the I. T. O. A. next week and try to adjust the situation through arbitration. He has informed James Hodgson, chairman of the NRA regional compliance committee, of this intent. Conferences held with the object of deciding upon a basic scale for the zone blew up several weeks ago, following the local's demand for the membership roster of the association. 301 U. S. Pictures Seen in Buenos Aires Last Year Buenos Aires — Of 404 features shown here last year, 301 were American, according to figures compiled by American Vice Consul John C. Pool. Germans came next with 39, followed by French, 31; British, 13; Italian, 11; Argentine, 6; Spanish, 3. Stop Us If You've Heard It And Jack Skirball of Educational tells about the two exhibs who met on the street. "How's business by you?" asked the first. "Colossal!" replied the second, "but I think it will get better soon."