The Film Daily (1934)

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THE uesday.Feb.6,1934 DAILV ANALYSIS OF MOTION PICTURE CODE By LOUIS NIZER Twenty-First Installment ARTICLE V— UNFAIR PRACTICES—PRODUCERS (Continued) ec. 5. Decisions of the Agency Committee ' (a) Recommendations to Administrator The Agency Committee shall make findings of fact concernany dispute and shall make recommendations to the Administrator, if the Committee is unanimous. If it is not unanimous, separate recommendations may be submitted with the report that the Committee has disagreed. (b) Hearing Notice and full opportunity must be given to all interested parties to appear and be heard at any hearing. (c) Transcript of Testimony A complete transcript of the testimony and arguments must be certified to the Administrator together with the WORDS WISDOM. 'TF YOU'VE got something big, ad1 vertise it. Look at Mae West."— GEORGE JESSEL. "Screen comedians are paid more than public officials — because they ,are funnier." — JULIA SANDERSON. "The chief virtues the critic can bring to the theater are humility and enthusiasm. These are the chief virtues any one can bring to the theater."— ARTHUR HOPKINS. 'Very soon we shall have on the one hand the art cinema with its triumphant beauty and also on the other hand the art theater with its triumphant beaut y." — PAUL GREEN. "Compare a hundred business men with a hundred actors in their capacity as husbands, and you'll find that the success average of the actor is far higher than that of the man who deals with facts and not with fantasy."—RALPH MORGAN. "I dislocated my shoulder once when I was a kid and it used to slip out of place after that on the slightest provocation. Now my mind is like that."— GRACIE ALLEN. recommendations of the Committee. (d) Administrator's Final Authority The Administrator may approve, reject or modify the recommendations. He may conduct further investigations and hearings. The order of the Administrator is final. Sec. 6. Information Furnished by Producers The Agency Committee, subject to the approval of the Administrator, has authority to require all Producers to furnish such information as it may desire to carry out the provisions of this Part. Sec. 7. Rules of Procedure The Agency Committee may prescribe rules of procedure for determining disputes coming before it. Sec. 8. Definition of "Agent" An agent is any person, firm, corporation or association who directly or indirectly, for consideration, obtains or promises to obtain employment for any person in connection with the production of motion pictures. Sec. 9. Limitation on Power of Code Authority The power of the Code Authority to make rules governing the conduct of Producers with their employees (Article II, Section 7) does not supersede the powers of the Agency Committee (Part 4), or the powers of a special committee for such purpose, set forth in Part 4 (A), analyzed below. Sec. 10. Disclosing Dual Interest of Producer and Agent It is an unfair trade practice for any Producer or an employee of a Producer, directly or indirectly,, to carry on or be financially interested in the business of an agent without advising the Agency Committee of this fact within twenty days from the effective date of this Code. (a) Dual Interest Subsequently Acquired If the interest is acquired after the effective date of the Code, then the Agency Committee must be notified within ten days after such interest is acquired. (b) Public Disclosure The Agency Committee may require disclosure in such Ask Receiver for Wheeling House Wheeling, W. Va. — Appointment of a special receiver for the Capitol, largest local theater and ace movie house, is asked in an equity action instituted in the Ohio County Circuit Court by Cleveland Trust Co., which claims default of bonds amounting to $480,000. Gamby to Take Screen Test Maria Gambarelli, who has left for Hollywood to appear at Grauman's Chinese Theater in conjunction with the showing of "Queen Christina," will be tested by a major company for a role in a forthcoming musical film. 2 Cleveland Houses Reopening Cleveland — As a result of better local conditions, Paul Gusdanovic is reopening the Moreland for Sunday shows, while George Israel will reopen the Temple, colored house, after alterations. The Allen is reported planning to change its policy to include stage appearances. Jolson, Paul Moss at Cheese Club Al Jolson, just back from the coast, and Paul Moss, new city license commissioner, will be the headliners at today's luncheon of the Cheese Club at Leone's Restaurant. Moss will talk on censorship and kindred matters. Loew's, Akron, Cuts Scale Akron, O. — Loew's has reduced admission prices to 36 cents top at night and 22 cents in the afternoon. M-G-M Buys "Repeal" M-G-M has acquired screen rights to "Repeal," the story by Charles Francis Coe which ran serially in the "Saturday Evening Post." Variety Club for Cleveland Cleveland — Plans for a local Variety Club will be formed today, when John Harris, president of the National Variety Clubs, will meet with a • group of local film men at the Statler Hotel. Warners Improve Canton House Canton, T. — Warner's Alhambra goes dark Feb. 10 for a week to permit alterations. It will reopen Feb. 17 with "Fashion Follies of 1934," according to J. Knox Strachan, manager. Chicago Film Relief Dance Chicago — Extensive preparations are being made for the Film Relief Dinner Dance to be given at the Medinah Athletic Club on March 4. Henry Herbel, Jack Miller, Aaron Saperstein, Emma Abplanalyp of the Film Board, and Louis Abramson comprise the committee. Max Mazur Promoted Chicago — Max Mazur is the new sales manager for B. N. Judell. He formerly managed Judell's Indianapolis branch. 'Wonder Bar" Serialized A special ten-day fictionization based on Warner's forthcoming "Wonder Bar" has been completed and made available in mat to exhibitors. manner as it thinks advisable. (c) Other Requirements The Agency Committe may make further rules in connection with such disclosure subject to the approval of the Administrator. Part 4 (A). Rules Governing Relations Between Producers and Others (a) Special Committee The Administrator may determine, upon a fair showing and after notice, that a special committee shall be appointed to adopt rules of fair practice governing relations between: 1. Producers and writers. 2. Producers and directors. 3. Producers and technicians. 4. Producers and actors. 5. Producers and agents. In each case the Producers and the class interested shall be equally represented on the committee. (b) Appointment of Committee The appointment of the special committee and its procedure shall be the same as in the case of the Agency Committee. (c) Making Public Committee's Report At the same time that the report of the Committee is sent to the Administrator, it shall be made public in such manner as the Administrator decides. (7"° &e Continued) Tabloid Reviews of FOREIGN FILMS "DER TRAUMENDE MUND" ("The Dreamy Mouth"), in German, with English titles; produced by Bayerischen; directed by Paul Czinner; with Anton Edthofor, Elizabeth Bergner, Rudolf Forster, Margarete Hrusy, Saro Fuerth, Peter Kroger, Hanne Mann, Ernst Stahl-Nachbauer. At the 79th St. Theater. Engrossing love drama about a wife who kills herself as the way out of a triangle involving her husband's best friend, a musician. Fine musical background makes for added entertainment value. The leading woman, Elizabeth Bergner, will soon be seen here in an English picture, "Catherine the Great," which also was directed by Paul Czinner. "LA CRUZ Y LA ESPADA" ("The Cross and the Sword"), in Spanish; produced by Fox; directed by Frank Strayer; with Jose Mojica, Anita Campillo, Juan Torena. At the Teatro Variedades. Enjoyable historical romance of early California with Jose Mojica as a young priest fighting to resist the lure of gold and the love of a beautiful girl. Has lots of action and several good song numbers sung by Mojica.