The Film Daily (1934)

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THE -<^2 DAILY Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1934 /ol.LXV. No. 32 Wed.. Feb.,7 1934 Price 5 Cents M< W. ALICOATE Editor and Pnbiisnei Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. • FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net Close Chg. 5% + y8 High 6 261/z 4% 151/2 Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc Con. Fm. lnd Con. Fm. lnd. pfd.. East. Kodak 92/2 East. Kodak pfd Fox Fm. "A" Loew's, Inc 34 do pfd 85V4 Low 51/2 26 4% 141/2 901/2 261*2 _ V8 4% 143/4 92 + 1/4 Cokell is Questioned At Paramount Hearing Attorney Saul E. Rogers, counsel for a group of Paramount Publix bondholders, questioned Walter B. Cokell, assistant treasurer, along lines of relatives of executives on ':he company's payroll, at a meeting of creditors yesterday at the office of Referee Henry K. Davis. Cokell recalled submitting a list of relatives to John Hertz, chairman of the finance committee, at Hertz's request. He said he did not remember all the names on the list. S. S. Isseks, attorney representing the trustees, also examined. The meeting was adjourned until Feb. 20. Another meeting of creditors takes place this afternoon to pass on a compromise on a claim of Harry K. Stone in connection with Brockton 4heaters. He originally sought $16.231.25 but the compromise plan offers $7,500. N?than Yamins Opposes Code Board Nominations Opposition by Nathan Yamins, Allied's representative on the Code Authority, to membership proposals for the Boston grievance and zoning boards made by major company officials is understood to be a princinal reason for delay in finally deeding upon personnel of the local bodies. The tangle will again receive consideration at the Code Authority meeting scheduled for Friday in the New York Athletic Club. Tn addition to Boston, membership of boards in Detroit. Chicago, Cleveland and New York is yet to be definitely approved. I.T.O.A. and Local 306 Told to Adjust Dispute Granting the I.T.O.A. motion for re-argument and then affirming his original decision temporarily enjoining the I.T.O.A. from employing members of the Allied Motion Picture Operators union in the action brought by Local 306, Supreme Court Justice Collins, in an opinion handed down yesterday, advised the litigants to adjust their disputes either among themselves or through the NRA machinery and, failing in that, to proceed with trial at the earliest possible moment. Form Cleve. Variety Club Cleveland — The Cleveland Variety Club was organized yesterday at a meeting in the Statler Hotel attended by John Harris and other members of the national Variety Club. Officers elected were: J. E. Fontaine, Pres.; H. M. Addison and Frank Drew, Vice-Pres.; I. J. Schmertz, Secretary; M. B. Horwitz, Treasurer. Directors are: George Roberts, Nat Holt, Nat Wolf, E. F. Flanigon, Harry Howlett and Fred Meyers. .1253/4 1253/4 1253/4 + 234 . 171/s I6I/2 16% 41/s 3 147/8 33/8 26V2 323/s 85 3i/2 23/4 141/8 31/4 26 75/8 335/8 + V, 853/4 + 1 41/8 + 5/f 2% — '/e 143/4 — l/2 33/8 24 Paramount ctfs. Pathe Exch. . . . do "A" RKO Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros 8Vs do pfd 243,4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 93/4 9l/2 9y2 — Trans-Lux 23/4 2V2 2y2 — NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40.. 7!/2 7 7ys Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 7 Keith A-0 6s46... 63 1/2 Loew 6s 41ww 96 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 42 Par. By. 5i/2s51 .... 39 Par. By. 5y2s51 ctfs. 355/8 Par. 5l/2s50 ctfs.. .. 42 Pathe 7s37 90 Warner's 6s39 58i/2 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 4l/8 3i/2 4l/8 + 26 — 7% — 24 — + Koplar on St. Louis Fox Board St. Louis — Board of managers for both the Fox and St. Louis theaters will include Harry Koplar in addition to Charles E. Kurtzman and Harry Greenman. Koplar is among the owners of the St. Louis, taken over several months ago by Fanchon & Marco, who have now acquired the Fox as well. 63/4 6% — 1/4 62 62 — 1/2 95 95 — 1 40 42 + 2 36 38 35 35 — 1/4 393/4 42 + 2 90 90 + 1/2 563/4 563/4 — H/4 Millionaire Usher Marries Everett, Mass. — William H. Quigley, local young man who inherited a quarter million and still kept his job as usher in a theater here, has pulled another surprise by marrying a New Hampshire girl whom he kept in ignorance of his wealth until after the ceremony. Musicians to Hold Referendum About 15,000 musicians will meet March 12 to hold a referendum on local autonomy for the Associated Musicians of Greater New York, comprising Local 802, American Federation of Musicians. Aim is to oust Joseph N. Weber. Would Probe Code Setups Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A senate resolution calling for the records of all personnel concerned with the formulation and enforcement of codes was offered by Senator Nye yesterday. Majority leader Robinson asked that it go over for consideration at a later date. Meet Again on Code A continuation of the meeting on code interpretation held Friday at the Hays office took place yesterday with about a score of major company representatives attending. Trumbull on Hays Publicity Walter Trumbull, newspaper man who was associated with Col. Louis McHenry Howe, President's aide, in a series of radio talks, has been assigned publicity duties at the Hays Office in New York. Henry King to Sail from Florida Henry King, who left New York yesterday for Florida, will embark from the latter place for Panama to make shots for his next Fox picture, "Marie Gallante." His latest directorial effort, "Carolina," has opened in several out-of-town spots to fine business and will have its New York first-run at the Radio City Music Hall following "Nana." Universal Buys Two Stories West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Okay on two Universal story purchases was received yesterday from Carl Laemmle, Jr., in New York. The stories are "Frailty," by Edith and Edward Ellis, and "Humbug," by Max Marcin, who will direct it with a free hand. Giving Chair Demonstration J. George Fineberg gives a luncheon and demonstration of his new theater chair tomorrow noon at the Hotel Astor. "Dark Hazard" for Rialto Edward G. Robinson in "Dark Hazard," First National picture, will1 play the Rialto starting Feb. 21. Dick Sutherland Dead West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Dick Sutherland, 55, for years a character actor on screen and the stage, died at home here a few days ago. the his Nat Fields Dead Detroit — Nat Fields, brother of Lew Fields and formerly an actor in film comedies with the Sidney Drews, died here a few days ago. • Drama with a punch! Stars with I pulling power! ELISSA LANDI J and JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT in i "Sisters Under The Skin," with Frank Morgan. Directed by David , Burton. Keep your eyes on this one! » / • You'll soon be able to see it ! You'll soon hear the whole world talking | I about it! The screen's mightiest i | soul-stirring spectacle, "NO GREATER GLORY," Frank Bor 1 * zage's masterly production based j i on Ferenc Molnar's famous novel. ,