The Film Daily (1934)

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THE ■^22 DAILY Tuesday, March 27, 1934 Vol. LXV, No. 71 Tues., Mar. 27, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outsid< of Greater New York $10.00 -one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollv wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Cour des-Noues, 19. wi do oun *us FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Columbia Picfs. vtc. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak East. Kodak pfd 1 Fox Fm. "A" Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount ctfs Pathe Exch do "A" RKO Warner Bros NEW YORK High Low 5y2 51/4 27% 4% 16 1/2 Close 5V4 + 2734 + 45/s + 161/2 + 273/4 43/4 16 1/2 891/4 88 88 331/2 1331/2 133l/2 + 15% 151/s 15V4 3H/2 90 43/4 31/s 18 31/4 6 1/2 Net Chg 1/4 1 1/8 1/8 1 32% 90 5 3% 18% 31/2 634 31% — 90 4% + 3% ■• 18 31/4 — 6% + CURB MARKET Technicolor 8% 8% 8V Trans-Lux 2 2 2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40.. 934 934 Loew 6s 41ww 98i/2 98 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 49% Par. 5%s50 ctfs.. .. 49% Warner's 6s39 55% N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 4% 4% 4% + 93/4 98% 48i/2 49 + % 493/8 + 3/f 55 + % 48% 54% "Jimmy the Gent" Holding Over As a result of the size of week-end business, Warner's "Jimmy the Gent," starring James Cagney, has been set to hold over at the Strand. "Gambling Lady," with Barbara Stanwyck, will follow it.1 Booker and all around thoroughly experienced girl thoroughly familiar with all office routine. Five years with Warner Bros. Box 962 1650 Broadway THE FILM DAILY New York City • • • SOME INTERESTING statistics on stage names in pix have been compiled by M-G-M on the current roster of this company's leading players, more than half are graduates of the New York stage 25 big stage names are now on its payroll 20 of them under long term contracts other studios account for 62 more and there are at least 50 additional stage "names" in Hollywood waiting for recognition from some studio • • • ALL THE gang will be glad to know that Hal Home is back hitting on all 16 cylinders as of yore the lad looks great after his layoff in Florida Famous Theater Corp. execs yesterday were trying to figure out why workers of the American Display Corp. now on strike should start to picket the Paramount theater since that house is not using signs made by this company • • • THE OPTION on Dorothy Dell has been exercised by Paramount on her performance in "Wharf Angel" Dorothy is one of Martin Starr's International Beauty Pageant girls, she being "Miss Universe 1930" Len Daly has taken up his new duties in the foreign publicity dep't at United Artists he was formerly with Paramount Louis Hectlinger, of the Fox studios, won the 25 berries for his suggested title of "Wild Gold" for "Gold Diggers of 1934" Claudette Colbert is suing a whiskey distiller for using her picture in a newspaper ad Buster Keaton ii\ "The Gold Ghost," an Educational short, will have its Eastern premiere at the Roxy on Friday Lunching at the Empey Club yesterday were Felix Feist, Howard Dietz, Leopold Friedman, Dave Loew, Bill Frankel, Harry Buxbaum, Edward Grainger, Hal Hodes Rosenzweig Starts April 2 Name Research Com'tees Charles Rosenzweig will take up his new duties as sales manager for First Division on April 2, President Harry Thomas said yesterday. Dembow Books Frank Buck Typifying one phase of the cooperation existing between Famous Theaters Corp. and its partners, Sam Dembow has arranged three personal appearances of Frank Buck coincidental with the showing of his picture, "Wild Cargo," in Texas, his native state. Buck opens at the Melba, Dallas, April 10, for a week, and then the Texas at San Antonio for a week. The tour winds up at the Hollywood, Fort Worth, where Buck plays four days. Harlow, Erwin Get New Contracts West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — M-G-M has given new contracts to Jean Harlow, whose next will be "Age of Larceny," and Stuart Erwin. Harris in Cleve. Publicity Post Cleveland — Milton Harris has been appointed publicity and advertising manager for Loew theaters. He succeeds Ralph Ravenscroft, who has gone to the coast to enter production. "All Quiet" Revival in Akron Akron — "All Quiet on the Western Front" will play its initial return engagement in this territory at Warner's Strand the week of April 20. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Samuel J. Briskin, chairman of the Academy's Research Council, has completed the personnel of the various subcommittees which are to carry on the technical program of the council. Chairmen of various committees are: J. M. Nicholaus, Subcommittee on establishment of a uniform reel length (1,700 ft.); L. C. Clark, improvement in release print quality; S. J. Twining, revision of standa/rd release print; Virgil Miller, silent camera; Harry Ensign, film preservative; Douglas Shearer, more efficient use of the 35 mm. film area; E. H. Hansen, economies in recording; John Aalberg, establishment of a uniform screen illumination in studio viewing rooms. Several of the committees have meetings scheduled for this week. Jerry Novat Leaves Paramount Jerry Novat, head of the Paramount poster department for years, has resigned and Vincent Trotta. head of the art department, will absorb his duties in addition to his own. Novat is expected to join Fox. Waxman Heads N.V.A. Drive At the invitation of executives of the five major circuits, A. P. Waxman has accepted the chairmanship of the annual N.V.A. drive which starts April 27. Waxman's headquarters will be at 1,600 Broadway. ■oming an dG oing FRED ASTAIRE will return from Europe in time to be in Hollywood for the start of his next RKO picture May 15. IRENE DUNNE will return from the coast Wednesday. FRANK BUCK. NED DEPINET and BOB SISK returned from Washington yesterday. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, director of advertising and publicity for Warner Theaters, left Saturday for St. Louis to open Shubert's Rialto there the end of this week. From there Blumenstock goes to Memphis for conferences with Howard Waugh, zone manager. JIM LOUGHBOROUGH, United Artists exploiteer, is in Cleveland working on the roadshow campaign for "House of Rothschild," which opens March 31 at the Ohio Theater. ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE, author, sails April 3 on the Monarch of Bermuda for a week's stay in Bermuda. FRANCES WILLIAMS returns from abroad today on the Champlain. IRVING WINDISCH1 of Warner's Metropolitan Theaters exploitation department, left Sunday night for Buffalo to handle the campaign for "Wonder Bar" at Mike Shea's Hippodrome. JACK COHN returned to New York yesterday from Florida. LOU DIAMOND of Paramount returns to New York late this week from the Coast. EMANUEL COHEN arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood. Circuit May Lose Blue Eagle Recommendation that the blue eagle be removed from a local circuit has been forwarded to National Compliance Board at Washington by the local Compliance Board, it was stated to Film Daily yesterday by Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, assistant to Nathan Straus, Jr., state NRA compliance director. 2 M-G-M Broadway Bookings Set In addition to "Viva Villa," which opens April 6 for a two-a-day run at the Criterion, another M-G-M picture will play an outside Broadway house when "Lazy River" opens April 3 at the Mayfair. On April 10 the Mayfair is slated to get Monogram's "Beggars in Ermine." COVERS . EVERYTHING I have referred to it frequently for the past sixteen years. I could hardly consider my office completely furnished without it. In my opinion, the 19 34 Film Daily Year Book is one of the "Ten Best Productions of the Year." Samuel Goldwyn 1.000 Panes — Free to Film Dailv Subscribers.