The Film Daily (1934)

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RAY WALKER VIRGINIA CHERRILL GEORGE E. STONE W. I ., lackey ':• Pioduction TESTED! HE COULDN'T TAKE IT Directed bv William Nigh Story and screen play by Dore Schary SALLY O'NEIL CREIGHTON CHANEY Produced by Paul Malvern Directed by Armand Schaetet 'Excellent entertainment"— Variety 'Should be a strong moneymaker — Hoiiywood Reporter FATHOMS DEEP Adapted by A. B. Barringer Screen play by Norman Huston Record business New York Mayf a i r (Held Over) JOHN HALLIDAY WALLACE FORD KITTY KELLY MARGUERITE DE LAMOTTE Directed by Edward Ludwig Based on the Cosmopolitan Magazine Story byAdela Rogers St. John Supervised by Ben Verschleiser WOMAN'S MAN tr Sure tO please"^ Hollywood Reporter Real entertainment for any exhibitor's audience"-MofionPicrure Hero/d