The Film Daily (1935)

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Intimate in Character rnational in Scope vfaependent in Thought &>S The D, Bily N ewspe per Of M o t i o n Pict ures Now S ixteen Years Old |VCL. LXVII, NC. 1€ NEW YCCK, SATLCDAy, JANLACy 12, 1^35 S CENTS Congressman Culkin Sees Less Need for Regulation ST. LOUISTURY INDICTS JARNERS, PARJUND RKO Jos. Sehenck Raps Catholics for Rating Film Not Seen Claims "Clive of India" Unfairly Rated "for Adults" Classification of 20th Century's 'Clive of India" by the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae as a film "for adults only", without any member of the organization having seen the picture, drew a broadside yesterday from Joseph M. Sehenck, head of United Artists and 20th Century. Sehenck declared that the picture, a historical document, had been made for all members of the family and that the "adult" listing imposed on it by the Catholic group was unfair to the public. Mrs. (.Continued on Page 4) TRI-ERGOYhEARING NOT BEFORE THURS. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Hearing on the J American Tri-Ergon case pending I before the U. S. Supreme Court will I probably not be held before ThursI day or Friday of next week, the I clerk of the court told The Film I Daily yesterday. Merger of Philly Units Definitely Declared Off Philadelphia — Merger of the M. P. T. 0. and the Independent Exhibitors Protective Ass'n is definitely off, due to a disputed point over the M.P.T.O. retaining circuit members, it was announced by the latter unit yesterday at the board of manag{Continued on Page 2) wyi Fewer Detroit Censor Cuts Detroit — Only 99 cuts were made last ear by the local film censor, Lieut. Royal A. Baker, compared with the high of 500 cuts a few years ago, according to his annual report. Baker viewed over 400 features and 1,500 shorts. Seven features were banned, but all shorts passed, some with eliminations. "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" Jams Paramount It was S.R.O. by noon at the Paramount yesterday for the opening of "Lives of a Bengal Lancer," with attendance for the day topping the Mae West record. The Paramount picture was ushered in with an intensive advertising campaign. Holdover of the picture already is assured. COURT DOUBTS ASGAP CAN AGREE ON PRICES Recognition of the right and necessity of songwriters to be organized, but doubt that Ascap could reach any agreement on prices, was expressed yesterday by Federal Judge John C. Knox during a hearing on motion of the U. S. Attorney General's office to dismiss Ascap's answer to the U. S. suit to dissolve the society as an illegal monopoly. Judge Knox reserved decision on the motion after hearing (Continued on Page 2) 8 of 9 Broadway Films Get Catholic Approval Eight out of nine current Broadway first-run pictures are approved in the week's listings by "The Brooklyn Tablet", official Catholic church publication. The picture not okayed is "The Man Who Reclaimed His Head". Those approved for (Continued on Page 2) COCHRAN-SELWYN PLAN BRITISH PRODS, Proposal by Chas. B. Cochran and Arch Selwyn, theatrical producers to finance and produce British quota pictures in England for an American company which would release the pictures here is under consideration by Radio, Fox and Paramount, it is understood. Under the arrangement to be perfected by Cochran and Selwyn, American stars will be borrowed for the pictures to be made in England in return for the loan of outstanding British stars to the American company. Legion Advisory Council Is Drafting Legislation Heretofore concerned only with classifying pictures, the local Legion of Decency Advisory Council, of which Al Smith is chairman, is now understood to be drafting a bill to make it a state penal offense to show films showing objectionable nudity. Less Need for Film Regulation Seen by Sponsor of Federal Bill Street Car Company Helps In Boosting Attendance Kansas City — Kansas City Public Service Co., operator of street cars and buses in Greater Kansas City, has started a six-month movie contest which is expected to increase movie attendance, especially at downtown houses. Prizes amounting to $1,050 will be awarded at the end (Continued on Page 2) By RICHARD H. CUNNINGHAM FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — That the need for federal movie regulation "is not so strong today as it was a year ago" was the opinion voiced to The Film Daily yesterday by Congressman Francis D. Culkin, sponsor of a bill to create a federal motion picture commission. Observers here were surprised by Culkin's conciliatory {Continued on Page 4) Charge Restraint of Trade in St. Louis FirstRun Situation Bv DAVID BARRETT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent St. Louis — An indictment returned by federal grand jury yesterday afternoon charges conspiracy in restraint of trade against Warner Bi'os. Pictures, Vitaphone Corp., First National Pictures, Warner Bros. Circuit Management Corp., General Theatrical Enterprises, Inc., Paramount Pictures Distributing Co., Inc., Paramount Pictures Distributing Corporation, Paramount Pictures Distributing Company, Inc.; (Continued on Page 4) CODE AUTHORITY COST $29,003 UNDER INTAKE Financial statement of Code Authority for 1934 shows total receipts of $240,459.37 and total disbursements of $204,459,37. After state income tax and reserves for lease and rental, total cash on hand is $29,003.37. Expenses for the last six months were about $7,000 less (.Continued on Page 2) Music Awards Being Made By the Academy This Year West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Two certificates of merit in the musical end, one for the best composition and the other for the best scoring are included in this year's Academy awards, on which balloting is now in progress. In ad (Continued on Page 2) Fight Michigan Tax Bill Detroit — Allied Theaters of Michigan and other state movie interests are preparing to fight the 10 per cent amusement tax bill filed this week in the legislature by Representative Frederick Kappler. The measure came as a surprise after the absence of any amusement bills last year.