The Film Daily (1935)

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THE iS&H DAILY Wednesday, Jan. 23,1935 Vol. LXVII, No. 19 Wed.. Jan. 23, 1935 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidayj at 1650 Broadway. New York. N. V . by Wid"s Films and Film Folk, lac. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor ; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one ye»r; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 4-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour les-Noues, 19. CODE FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Columbia Picts. vtc. 36'/2 35 Vi 36V4 + 1 Con. Fm. Ind 6% 6Vi 6Vi — Vz Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... 21 '/4 2fJ5/8 20% — Ve East. Kodak 113% "3% 113% — 1 do pfd 144 144 144 + Vi Fox Fm. "A" 11 1/4 11 11 — '/a Loew's, Inc 32% 32 V4 32%— 3/g Paramount ctfs 3% 3% 3% — 14 Pathe Exch 1 V4 1 Vs 1 % do "A" 15% 15% 15% RKO 2% 2 2 — % Warner Bros 37/8 37/g 3% do pfd 20% 20% 20% + % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . . 8% 8% 8% Keith A-0 6s46 . . . . 69 69 69 + % Loew 6s 41ww 1043/4 104% 104%— % Para. 6s 47 filed... 64% 64% 64% + % Para. 6s 47 ctfs... 64% 63% 64% + % Para. 5%s50 filed.. 65 63% 64% + % Para. 5%s50 ctfs... 64% 64 64% + % Pathe 7s37 101% 101% 101% + % Warner's 6s39 56% 55% 56 — % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 11% H% H% Trans-Lux 3 3 3 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 3% 3% 3% William Desmond Sally Starr Ralph Graves Olive Hisbrouck Franklyn Pangborn Ben Bard Federal Attys. to Defend Board at Huffman Appeal Two Federal attorneys will appear to defend the Denver grievance board at a hearing to be held tomorrow in the District Court of Appeals, Oklahama City, in connection with the injunction obtained by Harry Huffman Denver exhibitor, restraining distributors from cutting off his film service as a result of a local board decision ordering him to cease auto giveaways. John C. Flinn, executive secretary of the Code Authority yesterday was notified that Byron Rogers of Denver, assistant U. S. District Attorney, and Masten White of Washington, assistant U. S. attorneygeneral, will represent the board. Allied Board Meeting Set Back to February Allied has put back the dates for its annual board meeting from Jan. 24-25 to Feb. 13-15, at Washington. Change was effected owing to the fact that certain "plans have not crystallized," it was stated in New York yesterday. The program will importantly deal with legislative affairs, both national and state. "Lancer" Holds in Brooklyn Paramount's "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" has set a new attendance record since the adoption of the new straight film policy at the Brooklyn Paramount and will be held for a second week starting Friday. In the first three days of its showing at the Brooklyn house, the picture drew 49,686 paid admissions. "Lancer" also is in its second week at the Paramount on Broadway. Leon Goldberg Reports Holdings Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Among the few film men who have reported their holdings of company shares in accordance with recent federal requirements is Leon Goldberg, as KeithAlbee-Orpheum treasurer, who reports 200 shares of 7% preferred stock on Dec. 31. He bought 100 shares on that date. Hank Linet on His Own Henry A. Linet, will continue law practice individually, with offices at 1450 Broadway, following dissolution of the law firm of Sutton & Linet. "Imitation of Life" in Cleveland Run Cleveland — "Imitation of Life" will go into its fifth week here on Friday. After a week at the firstrun RKO Palace, it was booked into the Alhambra, where it is being held a fourth week, with the prospect of a fifth. N. J. Allied Asks Fund To Push Charnow Case Allied States Ass'n of New Jersey yesterday voted to authorize Sidney E. Samuelson, president, and the executive committee to appropriate funds and to retain counsel, if necessary, to obtain a speedy adjudication from the Code Authority, or from some other body, of the clearance case of Julius Charnow's Leonia Theater, Leonia, N. J. The case has been pending since last July, Samuelson stated, and added that Allied demanded justice for Charnow and not any mercy such as the Code Authortiy offered last week by saying that it would intercede for Charnow. Allied also took under consideration a proposal for publication of a group program for Allied members, carrying propaganda to picture patrons on clearance, the right to buy pictures, indecent pictures, chain competition and kindred subjects. The Association voted to hold a oneday legislative session at Trenton at a date not yet set. Issuing of Feature Seals All to Be Done on Coast A switch in the operation of the Hays certificate of approval plan now requires all features to be reviewed at the coast under the direct supervision of Joe Breen, who is in charge of administration of the production code. Previously Vincent Hart examined pictures produced in the East and imported from abroad, but now they are sent to Hollywood for viewing by the Breen staff. Hart is reviewing shorts made in New York and vicinity, as well as reporting on the character of Broadway stage shows. M. & S.-KAO Case Adjourned Arbitration hearing on the claim of Meyer & Schneider that K-A-0 had breached the agreement under which the Hollywood and Apollo came under RKO operation was adjourned yesterday to tomorrow after an all-day session at the N. Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n. Max D. Steuer is representing Meyer & Schneider. K-A-0 maintains that if a breach did occur it was not a material breach of the contract. Nasser Circuit Goes Bank Night San Francisco — Instead of pressing its charges against the Levin Theater Co., which refused to abide by a code board decision against bank nights the Nasser Bros, circuit announced it would install banknights in its own houses. The Gold State circuit headed by Robert McNeil and various downtown houses also protested against Levin. "Home on Range" for Criterion Paramount's "Home on the Will Rojrers Film Holds at Roxy Range" goes into the Criterion fol Will Rogers' new Fox picture, lowing "The Wandering Jew", "The County Chairman"' will be which is being held for another ' held for a second week at the Roxy week. I starting Friday. ommg an dG omg t h LILA LEE has returned to Hollywood from New York to join her bridegroom, Jack Peine. S. N. BEHRMAN. who left this week for the coast, will be back in New York in about six weeks. ROBERT LORAINE has arrived on Broadway to rehearse for the stage play, "Times Have Changed." DANIEL FROHMAN leaves tonight for Florida, where he will remain about two months. HENRY GINSBERG is due in New York today. ROGER MARCHETTI, Hollywood attorney and manager of stars, has arrived at the WaldorfAstoria for a short stay. BERT WHEELER left for Chicago yesterday with Harry Jans to produce an act. GENE RAYMOND and JUNE CLAYWORTH, both members of the cast of Universal'i "Transient Lady", have arrived in the east foi a vacation. Raymond is stopping at the Lombardy and will remain in New York for about a month. Miss Clayworth has gone to visit her family in Allentown. Pa. SI SEADLER returned yesterday from Havana. BILL FERGUSON leaves this week for Miami. MELVIN P. LEVY, author of "Gold-Eagit Guy," current Broadway play, has left foi Hollywood under an M-G-M writing contract. WANDA PERRY, one of the models picked for the style sequence in RKO Radio's "Roberta", is in New York from the coast for a vacation. AL CHRISTIE, ART JARRETT and WILLIAM WATSON sailed from California this week foi New York on the "Virginia." MR. and MRS. ARCHIE MAYO are en route from the west coast to England by boat. PHIL FRIEDMAN of the Fox casting departmerit on the coast is coming east to hunt foi material. WILL H. HAYS gets back from the coast this week. ALEXANDER GRAY is back from Tulsa, Okla., where he was called by family illness. WILLIAM WYLER, director of Universal's "Good Fairy", is on his way to New York where he will attend the opening of the picture at the Radio City Music Hall on Feb. 7 or 14. MARGARET SULLAVAN also will come east for the premiere. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, in charge of advertising and publicity for Warner theaters, left yesterday for Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Chicago to set the campaigns for "Devil Dogs of the Air", Warner's first Cosmopolitan release. He will be gone a week. ANTONIO and RENEE DE MARCO, ballroom dancers leave New York tonight for Hollywood to appear in their first feature motion picture, First National's "In Caliente." VIRGINIA SALE leaves Feb. 1 for the coast, where she will start work in "Highway Robbery" for Fox. DAVID SARNOFF was in Washington yesterday for an appointment with President Roose velt. WILLIAM O'BRIEN, British theatrical agent and husband of Elizabeth Allan, is on his way back to England after a visit on the coast. GEORGE TEAGUE, background technician, ar rived from England yesterday and is stopping at the Pennsylvania for a few days before leaving for Hollywood. RECORDING ON Film or Disc INDUSTRIALSLIDE filmBRUNSWICK PRODUCTIONS CORP. CH. 4-2200 321 W. 44th St. N.Y.C.