The Film Daily (1935)

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riday, March 8, 1935 I A Little" from By RALPH WILK IONEL BARRYMORE has been added to the cast of "Public ero Number One," the forthcoming [-G-M picture based on the activies of the Bureau of Investigation, •epartment of Justice. The cast, nder the direction of J. Walter Ruen, includes Chester Morris, Joseph purin-Calleia, Paul Kelly, Arthur iyron, Paul Hurst and Bert Roach. ;uben wrote the story directly for le screen. Tala Birell, second feminine lead i "Let's Live Tonight," co-starring "ilian Harvey and Tullio Carminati, as been assigned to the principal ' eminine part in "Air Fury," Columia production shortly to be placed i work. Wiley Post, famous aviator, will be seen in an important me. tld Final sequence of "A Midsummer u, Wight's Dream", by William Shakes >eare, also will be filmed on Satur lay at the Warner studios. This >icture, directed by Max Reinhardt, e'i Assisted by William Dieterle, is one 'in >f the most important and elaborate ft >fferings ever sponsored by Warners. ^.mong the players are James Cag ley, Joe E. Brown, Dick Powell, lean Muir, Victor Jory, Verree t[ Teasdale, Anita Louise, Hugh Her ,,[ Dert, Frank McHugh, Mickey Roo ney, Ian Hunter, Hobart Cavanaugh, Olivia de Haviland, Ross Alexander, Grant Mitchell, Otis Harlan, Dewey Robinson and Nina Theilade. V V T Paramount has purchased Ferenc Molnar's play, "The Pastry Baker's Wife." T ▼ ▼ Lewis Milestone has signed a two year contract with Paramount. Deal is the result of his current handling of "Paris in Spring," in which Paramount is co-starring Mary Ellis and Tullio Carminati. Milestone's first assignment under the new deal probably will be "13 Hours By Air", with Gary Cooper and Carole Lombard. The story is by Bogart Rogers. Norman Krasna is working on the screen play. T ▼ T Erin O'Brien Moore, stage and screen player, has been assigned to the Fox production, "Heaven's Gate," in which Shirley Temple will star. r ▼ T James Flavin and Gary Owen have been signed by Paramount for "People Will Talk", featuring Charlie Ruggles and Mary Boland, with Al Santell directing. Harry Cording and Water McGrail also were added to the cast of C. B. DeMille's current production, "The Crusades". BEAUX-ARTS APARTMENTS, INC. The Best Values in Town 1 ROOMS (unf.) *55 up 2 ROOMS (unf.) 80 up 3 ROOMS (unf.) 150 up Also FURNISHED APARTMENTS PENTHOUSE AND TERRACED APART'S Ask about our Trojet de Tension Tlan HOTEL SUITES r $/1.00 j •/ Same Rate for jrOm *| daily 1 or 2 Persons FREE BUS TO ROCKEFELLER CENTER AND GRAND CENTRAL 307-310 E. 44*h STREET MUrray Hill 4-4800 Raymond Walburn and Dorothy Dearing have been signed for the Jesse L. Lasky-Fox Film musical, "Redheads on Parade." "Chasing Yesterday" has been chosen as the final title of Anne Shirley's new starring picture for RKO Radio, made from "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard," by Anatole France. T T ▼ Ray Walker, Akin Tamiroff, Rita Rozelle, Paul McVey and Fred Toones have been assigned to roles in "Secret Lives," Fox production featuring Gilbert Roland and Mona Barrie. » T » Two original musical numbers have been added to the three selections already announced for Liberty Pictures' forthcoming production, "The Old Homestead," a modern version of the famous novel in which Mary Carlisle, Lawrence Gray, Dorothy Lee, Eddie Nugent, Willard Robertson, Fuzzy Knight and Lillian Miles are featured. "Love Me Ever," by Howard Jackson and Jack Bennett, and "Harlem Nasty Man," by Howard Jackson, are the two additional songs introduced in the feature which William Nigh is directing. » » » Frank Capra's next directorial effort for Columbia will be "Lost Horizons," from James Hilton's novel. Patricia Ellis has been assigned to "Stranded," new Kay FrancisGeorge Brent vehicle which Frank Borzage is directing for Warners. Colin Clive has been added to the cast of Warner's "Men On Her Mind," which stars Bette Davis with Ian Hunter and Claire Dodd also featured. Alfred E. Green directs. The instructions wired from Florida by Joseph M. Schenck to Darryl Zanuck, advising him to hold up work on the $250,000 studio project recently announced, would seem to indicate that Schenck is not entirely kidding about shifting operations to Florida unless this state goes easy on further taxation. "Mickey's Kangaroo," a production inspired by the gift of three wallabies to Walt Disney from an Australian admirer, is the next film from the creator of Mickey Mouse. It will soon be released through United Artists. Bing Crosby's racing stable was increased to four thoroughbreds a few days ago when the singing star purchased two more horses. ATTENTION MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY THE FOREMOST SPOKESMAN FOR THE ROOSEVELT ADMINISTRATION WILL BE THE PRINCIPAL SPEAKER AT THE Motion Picture Club (1560 BROADWAY) FORUM ON Monday, March 11th AT 12:45 P. M. RAYMOND MOLEY EDITOR OF TODAY" WILL EXPRESS HIS OPINION OF THE NEW DEAL, AND ITS RELATION TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY. OTHER DISTINGUISHED GUESTS ARE: FRANCIS WALTON EDITOR OF "NEW OUTLOOK" FRANK TICHENOR PUBLISHER OF "NEW OUTLOOK" "SPUR" and "AERO DIGEST" MARTIN WEYRAUCH MANAGING EDITOR BROOKLYN "EAGLE" H