The Film Daily (1937)

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THE OSTRERS SAIL FOR HOME: NO GB DEAL ■J (Continued from Page 1) ney R. Kent, president of 20th Century-Fox, Nicholas M. Schenck, president of Loew's and Joseph M. Schenck, chairman of the 20th Century-Fox board of directors, while in the United States. Although the Ostrers, both Maurice and Isidore, never admitted that they had come to America to discuss any important deal, it was understood from authoritative sources that they made the trip as ambassadors of John Maxwell seeking to buy the interests held by 20th Century-Fox, and now shared with Loew's, in Metropolis and Bradford Trust Co., which controls GB. Later, when this deal failed to materialize owing to refusal of the Kent group to sell to Maxwell and their insistence that their deal to buy the Ostrer control of his company was still binding, it was reported that the Ostrers proposed a four-ply arrangement with Maxwell, Loew's, 20th Century-Fox and themselves as the major factors. GB's American company, which has indicated its intention of setting up its own exchanges owing to refusal of 20th Century-Fox to handle physical distribution on its releases outside of its own productions, is understood studying plans for financing the move. A. C. Blumenthal, active in negotiating the original deal under which 20th Century-Fox was to acquire the Ostrer shares, was at the pier to bid the Ostrers goodbye. Fox West Coast Theaters Take Ten-o-Win, New Game (Continued from Page 1) the plan first at Waterbury in its 3,400-seater there while the initial Skouras house to use the game is the Granada. The Brandt circuit is a customer through its Monroe and other outfits using the game include the Goldstein brothers circuit in Springfield and the Mort Shea circuit, which is playing the game at its Weller theater in Zanesville. New Visual Aid Library Watched by Exhibitors Detroit — Exhibitors here are closely watching the program of the International Library of Visual Aid which proposes to operate nationally. As outlined by Miss Pat Paige, president, Library will organize a staff of 150 salesmen to solicit school accounts for educational films. Distribution in this state will be via the Michigan Film Library, operated by Alban J. Morris. The Library plans to operate through a nickel subscription by pupils in the schools using the films. Decision as to restricting attendance to youngsters who subscribe is yet to be made, however. Reviews of Hew ?U*»s "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" Imperial 74 mins. POWERFUL PRODUCTION WITH EMPHASIS ON THE BRUTALITY IN THEME. DOLLY HAAS IS SUPERB. The production opens with a tribute to D. W. Griffith and acknowledging indebtedness to him for the inspiration contained in his old silent version of this classic based on the Limehouse Tales. The emphasis in this Twickenham production from England is, however, on the tragedy, following the old Greek formula where all the horrors and villainies are emphasized. To many sensitive femmes it may prove too strong meat, especially in the final scene where the brutal father mortally injures his daughter with a blow from his whip handle, and also in an earlier scene where he lashes her and you hear her terrified screams. There is another nerve-wracking bit where he breaks down the door behind which the girl has locked herself a minute before he completes the final tragedy. However, there is no denying the power of the production, and the outstanding element is the remarkable work of Dolly Haas, whose emotional range is marvellous, and whose pitiable sufferings would wring the heart of the most callous. Emlyn Williams, who plays the role of Chin, the Chinese missionary youth, is adequate. Arthur Margetson as Battling Burrows, the brute of a father, is magnificent in the sense of repulsion he creates in the mind of the beholder. A powerful, sinister characterization. The rest of the cast are mostly too Cockney in their accents to appeal very much to American audiences, some of their lines being undistinguishable to our people. As an exhibit of sordidness and brutality in the nortorious Limehouse district of its time, here is a stark, gripping drama that has seldom been equalled on the screen, and Dolly Haas' performance makes the entire production a notable event. Cast: Dolly Haas, Emlyn Williams, Arthur Margetson, Ernest Sefton, C. V. France, Ernest Jay, Bertha Belmore, Gibb McLaughlin, Donald Calthrop, Kathleen Harrison, Kenneth Villiers, Jerry Verno, Basil Radford, Edith Sharpe. Producer, Julius Hagen; Director, Hans Brahm; Editor, Ralph Kemplen; Cameraman, Curl Ccurant. Direction, Powerful. Photography, Excellent. Sparks Buys Arliss Film The Sparks Circuit has signed for the new George Arliss starring production, "Man of Affairs," to play over its circuit of theaters in Florida, according to Geo. W. Weeks, GB General Sales Manager. The deal was negotiated for GB by Scotty Chesnutt, Southern District Manager, and By Frank Rogers for the circuit. "Camille" Clicks In Philly 'Camille," Greta Garbo-Robert Taylor picture, has set a new house record for its initial week-end performances at the Lancaster Theater, Philadelphia, M-G-M home office said yesterday. "LARCENY ON THE AIR" with Robert Livingston, Grace Bradley Republic 60 mins. LIVELY, DRAMATIC EXPOSE OF PATENT MEDICINE RACKET, THAT WILL THRILL POP AUDIENCES. Packing punch and plenty of mass appeal, this feature goes hammer and tongs after manufacturers of phoney patent medicines,— a racket whose suppression has long occupied the attentions of government and state authorities, plus the medical profession. In addition to being solidly entertaining and in its swifter action sequences decidedly thrilling, the film deserves wide booking because of its virile, crusading theme. Nat Levine, its producer, chose both cast and technicians fortunately, for Robert Livingston and Grace Bradley in the leads are ideally suited to their roles; the supporting players skillful and convincing in their characterizations; and direction by Irving Pichel smooth as silk. Much of the picture's effectiveness is due to the closely-knit, logical story by Richard English and the complete capture of its spirit by his screenplay collaborator, Endre Bohem. Robert Livingston is a young doctor, zealous of professional ethics. He carries on exhaustive experiments which disclose the eventually fatal effects of a patent medicine containing radium. The compound is being widely marketed, and promoted via radio by Pierre Watkin, the head of a ring whose "medicines" are consumed on a huge scale by a trusting, innocent public. Livingston determines to wipe out the clique, and in course of his efforts meets the charming daughter of a quack health magazine publisher. The girl, Grace Bradley, disapproves of her father's vocation and aids Livingston. With help of government and local law enforcement agents, the tenacious young medico smashes the criminal medicinemakers' racket and marries magnetic Miss Bradley, but only after hair-raising experiences, auto chases and timely escapes from death. Jack Marta's photography is fine and rounds out nicely this diverting melodrama. Pop audiences will like. Cast: Robert Livingston, Grace Bradley, Willard Robertson, Pierre Watkin, Smiley Burnett, Granville Bates, William Newell, Byron Foulger, Wilbur Mack, Matty Fain, Josephine Whittell, Charles Timblin, William Griffith, De Wolf Hopper, Frank Du France, Florence Gill. Producer, Nat Levine; Director, Irving Pichel; Author, Richard English; Screenplay, Endre Bohem, Richard English; Cameraman, Jack Marta; Editor, Edward Mann. Direction, Smooth. Photography, Fine. Hunt Seated as Senator Trenton, N. J. — William C. Hunt, owner of a circuit of movie houses in south Jersey and center of a Republican-Democratic battle for control of the State Senate, has been seated as a senator. Hunt's election by 437 contested votes in the Cape May County election last November is being contested by his Democratic opponent, Jesse Ludlum. Oscar Hanson Improves Oscar R. Hanson, ill at his home in Toronto, is reported substantially improved in condition. PREVALENCY OF DUALS BLOCKS B FILM SLASH (Continued from Page 1) mands made by widespread double featuring, which has been on the increase, is expected to block all hopes for such a move. "There is another angle, too," commented a leading distribution executive yesterday. "Obviously we have not got enough box-office names to use in all productions so naturally the pictures other than the ones they appear in cannot rate the same level of expenditures or generally the same box-office value. The only solution to the problem seems to be the development of new and additional starring personalities, which, of course, every studio is trying to do." Legislative Committee Named by Neb.'s MPTOA Omaha — Following a special meeting of M. P. T. O. A. .of Nebraska and Western Iowa a committee to be prepared for any eventuality which might arise in the current session of Nebraska's unicameral legislature was appointed by President Charles Williams of Omaha. The committee includes L. C. Ehlers of Minden, Charles Prokop of Wahoo, M. Thompson of St. Paul, R. E. Falkenberg of Lexington and I. N. Kuhl of Seward. President Williams announced at the meeting that he believes Governor R. L. Cochran's opposition to any new tax in Nebraska will forestall a ticket levy and that the Iowa legislature probably will not change the present sales tax on theater admissions. Pittsburgh — Fred J. Herrington, secretary of the M. P. T. O. of Western Pennsylvania, and William L. Brown of Tarentum, chairman of the legislative committee of that association, left for Harrisburg where they will be on guard for bills affecting the independent exhibitors. One measure already confronting them is the attempted continuance of the two-year "emergency" amusement tax originally scheduled to expire in July. Managerial Shifts Pittsburgh — John McCurdy resigned as manager of Warner's Enright Theater here. He was succeeded by George Bronson, veteran manager of the Sheridan Square. Other switches effected by this change include the transfer of Lyle Harding from the Regent to the Sheridan Square, with Sam Gould, manager of the Cameraphone, going into the Regent. Sam Kleeban, assistant manager of the Regal Theater in Wilkinsburg was promoted as manager of the Regent. UHI