The Film Daily (1937)

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DAILV Saturday, Jan. 16, 1937 i MAJORS SETTLE WITH T06IS FOR $75,000 (Continued from Page 1) speaking countries, where they have considerable "frozen" deposits, in the currency of those countries. Tobis, in the March 1936 agreement, had promised that it would endeavor to obtain consent of the German Government to payment in the currency of the countries, but was only able to get such consent for Germany. Milton Diamond, counsel for Tobis, has now agreed to once again try to get the German Government to waive payment in dollars. The American companies were represented at the conferences by Leopold Friedman of Loew's, Franklin G. Irvy of 20th Century-Fox and Roger Clements of Paramount. 20th-Fox Sales Meet at K. C. on Feb. 4-5 A "JUUU" pu»» "Ms" By RALPH WILK (Continued from Page 1) and managers of the Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee branches. The following will go from New York: Division Managers William J. Kupper, William Sussman, and William C. Gehring; director of pulbicity and advertising Charles E. McCarthy; General Counsel Felix Jenkins; Adsales Manager Lee Balsly; Foreign Manager Walter J. Hutchinson, and Leslie Whalen; New York Branch Manager Harry H. Buxbaum; Branch Sales Manager Joseph J. Lee; Northeast District Manager Thomas J. Bailey. Also at the meetings will be William J. Clark, sales manager of short subjects and Movietone News, Clarence A. Hill, Edwin C. Collins, Theodore Shaw, Martin Moskowitz, Nat B. Finkler, Jack Bloom; Harvey Day., representing Terrytoons; and Roger Ferri, editor of Dynamo. Clark will introduce to the meeting Canadian District Manager J. P. O'Loghlin, whom he recently appointed to lead the next S. R. Kent drive. Other district managers to atetnd will be Herman Wobber, San Francisco; Harry G. Ballance, Atlanta; Morton A. Levy, Minneapolis; George A. Roberts, Cleveland; Edgar Moss, Philadelphia; Ward E. Scott, Kansas City. Branch managers present will be Clyde W. Eckhardt, Chicago; Lester Sturm, Detroit; George T. Landis, Indianapolis; Jack Lorentz, Milwaukee; George W. Fuller, Kansas City. By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD (CRASHING Hollywood during his vacation season, Frank Anthony, line coach of the University of West Virginia, is playing a soldier in "23 V2 Hours' Leave," Douglas MacLean's second production for Grand National Pictures. ▼ T T T'other night, in a Hollywood night club, Walter Catlett was being highly praised for his work by an elderly femme fan, who said she followed his career closely. "I'm anxious to see your next picture, Ed Wynn," said she, on leaving. T T T Shirley Ross ate her birthday dinner at the banquet given to celebrate Adolph Zukor's Silver Jubilee and birthday Jan. 7, that day being her birthday also. T T T William Nigh is directing "Ever Since Adam," a comedy, for Republic. Nat Pendleton and Lyle Talbot are playing the male leads. Victor Zobel is the associate producer. T T T Benny Baker, Paramount comedian, mentioned in press stories as being among those present at the "Open Door," the Louis Prima cafe, New Year's Eve, was amazed to get a long distance call at midnight from Lincoln, Neb. The call came from Phil Rosenberg, of that city, schoolmate of Benny, who hadn't seen him for 16 years, but had read about his being present at the cafe and just called to say hello. T ▼ T Bruce B. Pierce, film editor, and Janice Dawson, screen actress, are honeymooning, following their marriage at Tijuana, Mexico. Pierce, grandson of Mrs. Henry Clay Pierce of Santa Barbara, Cal., and his bride first met four years ago when she was appearing on the New York stage. T T T Every art director, film editor, and director of photography in the motion picture industry has received ballots requesting him to name the production which he considers to represent his own best work during the year 1936 for consideration for the Academy Awards for Achievement in Art Direction, Film Editing, and Cinematography. Nominating committees, to meet immediately upon the close of nominations on Monday, Jan. 25, will be appointed within the next week to represent their respective groups by Bernard Herzbrun, chairman of the Art Directors' Section; Harold McCord, chairman of the Film Editors' Section, and Ray June, chairman of the Photographic Section. SENATE GETS DUFFY COPYRIGHT MEASURE Dallas Anti-Trust Trial May Run Only Single Day (Continued from Page 1) sources yesterday. They hold the opinion that the Government, in contrast with the St. Louis case, will not summons witnesses on a wholesale basis. Answers to the Government's complaint will be filed by the defendants before Jan. 24. Selznick International Personnel Is Realigned West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A realignment of the personnel of Selznick International Pictures was announced yesterday by Henry Ginsberg, general manager. Under the new set-up, the department heads will be: E. W. Butcher, production manager; E. L. Scanlon, comptroller; Charles Richards, casting director; Charles Morrison, talent scouting; C. R. Walrod, purchasing agent; Lillian K. Deighton, research department; Val Lewton, story department; Barbara Keon, stenographic; Hal Kern, film editing; Lyle Wheeler, Art; Harold Fenton, construction; Ernst Dryden, wardrobe designing; Edward Lambert, wardrobe department; Edward G. Boyle, property department. Best Supporting Role Work to Get Academy Accolades Three Industry Measures to Reach Roosevelt Today (Continued from Page 1) prises, another sets up a National Economic Advisory Council to study sources of revenue and its expenditures, and the third covers minimum wages, maximum working hours and fair trade practices. Colorado May Place Ban on All Marathon Contests Denver — Two of the first bills introduced into the state legislature, would prohibit the holding of marathon and endurance contests that extend more than 24 hours. These measures are the direct result of agitation at the first convention last summer of the Theater Owners and Managers of the Rocky Mountain Region. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will make two additional awards this year for the best performances by an actor and actress in supporting roles. A change will be made in nominations for four major awards — production, acting, directing, writing. In the past, each branch made its own nominations. This year a nominating committee of 50 chosen from five branches of the Academy will nominate five leading choices for each of three awards and the general membership will then elect winners from this ballot. (Continued from Page 1) will sponsor a bill in the House to retain the $250 fine. Ascap holds that elimination of the fine would make it easy to violate the copyright law and make the society's business difficult to conduct. One of the few changes in the present bill from that of last year is a clause providing that the life of a copyright shall be for 28 years with a 28 year renewal. The previous bill provided for a straight 56 year term. The Duffy Bill provides for entrance of the U. S. into the Berne Convention. Ascap is opposed to this. Recently the M.P.P.D.A. sent Edwin P. Kilroe, 20th Century-Fox attorney, abroad to make a study of conditions under which the motion picture industry would favor entrance of the U. S. into the Berne Convention. Kilroe's report was approved by the M.P.P.D.A., which approved entrance under certain conditions which the Duffy Bill does not meet. Congressman Sol Bloom of New York has introduced in the House a companion measure to the Duffy bill. The Bloom bill, identical with the measure the Wisconsin Senator introduced last week, was referred to the House Patents Committee. Congressman J. Burwood Daly yesterday told The Film Daily he and Chairman Sirovich were progressing on their own individual copyright bill. Daly said a joint bill will "iron out" many difficulties met last year in hearings. RKO to Start Seven Before End of Jan. (Continued from Page 1) Going," "New Faces of 1937," "She Sang for Her Supper," "The Dawn's . Early Light" and "Satisfaction; Guaranteed". The activity of the last year will be continued without cessation throughout 1937, according to S. J. Briskin, vice president in charge of production. Stanley at Pittsburgh To Drop Stage Programs Pittsburgh — The Stanley Theater, only local house to operate with a weekly combination policy, switches to straight pictures on Jan, 29, Harry Kalmine, Warner's zone manager, announces. The Harris-Alvin which formerly contemplated a return to stage bills will continue with straight pictures, the latter policy doing exceedingly good business. Basey Funeral Today Funeral services for Alexander Basey, 54, impresario, head of the Amsov Artists Bureau of New York, will be held at 12:30 p.m. today at his late home, 1073 East 12th Street,tj Brooklyn. His widow and son sur-i F. B. Connelly Rites Held Detroit — Frank B. Connelly, 68, better known in show business as Mark Shaughanessey, former theater manager for the John W. Considine circuit and other interests, was buried in Detroit. ITOA Ball Tonight The ITOA will hold its annual bal tonight at the Waldorf-Astoria.