The Film Daily (1937)

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The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Eighteen Years Old VOL. 71, NO. 15 NEW YORK, TUESDAY. JANUARY 19, 1937 TEN CENTS Sales Tax D es lax uecision is Delayed Several More Weeks CLEAR WESTERNS' STATUS IN CANCELLATION RIGHT GB's '37-38 Program Will Offer From 24 to 36 Pictures Product Plans to Be Developed By Ostrers Upon Return to London GB will have a program of between 24 and 36 features for distribution in the United States during the 1937-38 season, said Arthur A. Lee, vice-president, yesterday, in announcing that plans for the lineup will be developed coincidental with the return of Isidore and Maurice Ostrer to England from New York. Budget for the new year schedule will be increased, it was stated, at the Shepherd's Bush and Gainsborough studios. FIFTY "RANK NIGHT" CASES UP THURSDAY Chicago — Fifty cases against Chi. cago theater managers charged with using "Bank Night" have been con| tinued until Thursday by Chief Justice John Sonsteby to give attorneys ; more time for preparation of their I defenses. It is expected that other (Continued on Page 9) United Artists Launching George Schaefer Drive A. W. Smith, United Artists sales head, on Jan. 24 launches the George Schaefer sales drive which will run until May 1. Harry Gold will have charge of the activities in the East, (Continued on Page 4) Mr. and Mrs. Dietz Due Howard Dietz, Loew's publicity-advertising-exploitation head, and his bride of two days, the former Mrs. Tanis Guiness Montague, were temporarily delayed yesterday from reaching New York when their plane was grounded at Dallas because of bad weather to the east. They were married Saturday at Juarez, Mexico, after a flight from New York. The newlyweds are expected here today. Mayor LaGuardia Defends Star Salaries Mayor LaGuardia of New York has come to the defense of picture star salaries. In replying to an address made by his Commissioner of Correction who deplored top-figure earnings, Hizzoner said: "I don't know to whom he's referring, but whether it's Clark Gable or Joanna Roos, I know that they deserve it. You people, with your many interests in life, music, friends and books, don't know what it is to be a drudge all week. The only opportunity many people have for an hour of make-believe is in the local movie house. Don't belittle the people that make this opportunity possible." COLUMBIA TO ENTER LEGIT. STAGE FIELD Columbia intends to produce shows on Broadway during the theatrical season of 1937-38, a spokesman for the company said yesterday. At present all major film companies are, by agreement, inactive in this field due to dissatisfaction with the new Dramatists' Guild basic minimum contract. D. A. Doran, who recently re-joined Columbia, will have charge of its stage producing activities. Ohio Measure Would Ban Merchandise Chance Games Columbus, 0. — State Rep. Carl L. Wintzler, Wapakoneta, O., has introduced a measure into the House of Representatives which would prohibit using merchandise schemes (Continued on Page 4) SEE MINIMUM WAGE LAW FOR N. Y. STATE Enactment of some sort of a minimum-wage law is certain to occur during the session of the New York State Legislature, according to authoritative sources at Albany. In addition to the Fischel-Steingut bill, which is reported to have the approval of Gov. Lehman, the body will consider measures submitted by Senator Thomas C. Desmond of (Continued on Page 9) Providence Theater Workers Are Now Being Organized Providence — Organization of all theater employes, including skilled, unskilled and management help, has been started in this city with Edward Volante as temporary president and with John Wathey as or (Continued on Page 4) Court of Appeals' Recess to Defer Decision on United Artists Appeal Sidney Lehman Appointed U. A. Buffalo Manager Sidney Lehman has been appointed manager of United Artists' Buffalo exchange, George J. Schaefer, vice president and general manager in charge of distribution announced yesterday. Lehman, formerly of the Washington sales force, succeeds Saul Resnick in Buffalo. That a Court of Appeals decision on the New York City 2 per cent sales tax, as it concerns film rentals, will be delayed for several more weeks, inasmuch as the Albany body plans to . recess . tomorrow until sometime next month. The case had been down for arguments next Monday, with Frederick H. Wood slated to represent United Artists, the plaintiff, in the matter. O'Brien, Driscoll & Raftery are counsel for the distributor in the action. Pictures of This Type Not "Part of All Product Offered" Inasmuch as Westerns are generally sold separate from a program, they are not included in "product" referred to in the 10 per cent cancellation privilege granted by major distributors in their replies to the M. P. T. 0. A., it was learned yesterday in New York. The distributing firms, in their answer to the exhibitor group, have indicated that a theater, in order to gain the right to eliminate 10 per cent, must buy all product offered. The majors have also made it (Continued on Page 4) HIGH COURT GRANTS ORDER IN FOX CASE Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The United States Supreme Court yesterday issued an order granting the petition of Hiram Steelman, trustee in bankruptcy (Continued on Page 4) 27 Day and Date Showings Set For "Black Legion" Twenty-seven day and date prerelease showings have been set on Warner Bros. "Black Legion," announces the company. The dates (Continued on Page 4) Kirsch "Radio Daily" Mgr. Marvin Kirsch, for the past 14 years associated with THE FILM DAILY as special representative, has been appointed business manager of THE RADIO DAILY, which soon makes its debut as the pioneer daily trade paper in the field of radio and television. He is located in the new offices of that publication on the 24th floor of the Paramount building and his telephone number is Wisconsin 7-6336-7-8-9. Before joining THE FILM DAILY and its subsidiary publications, Kirsch was for some years engaged in the distribution field in various key cities.