The Film Daily (1937)

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:!7 *A "JUitte" font. Hoiiuwood. "£ots ■■-: I HI . .:; Saturday, Feb. 27, 1937 DAILY // By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD f JLRICH STEINDORFF, Warner Bros, scenarist, is awaiting the arrival of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Georg Steindorff, who will celebrate :heir golden wedding anniversary in Hollywood. Dr. Steindorff is professor of Egyptology at the University of Leipzig and will deliver a series of lectures in this country. Benny Baker, who has just signed a new contract with Paramount, started his theatrical career as a candy butcher at the Gaiety Theater, Rochester, N. Y. From there he went up to the Lyceum Players under the direction of George Cukor. Later he became stooge for Lou Holtz and Jack Benny. Hal Roach brought him to Hollywood for some shorts with Irvin S. Cobb. "Love In Bloom" was his first picture for -. Paramount and "The Crime Nobody Saw" his most recent. T t ▼ David 0. Selznick has signed Jackie Moran, boy-actor, to a long term contract. He joins the stock company which includes the newly discovered youngster, A. W. Sweatt. Jackie appeared in "Valiant is the Word for Carrie," and followed that with an important role in "The Outcast." His first Selznick assignment will be in the Technicolor production "Let Me Live" starring Fredric March and directed by William A. Wellman. ::• Monogram will be one of the first companies to send a producing unit across the Pacific since windup of the west coast maritime strike. Dorothy Reid, associate producer on "Paradise Island" for Monogram, WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities: No. 54 • • • LJAROLD HURLEY. Paramount associate producer. Born in Pentwater, Mich. ' ' Reared in neighborhood of Los Angeles' first studio. Started as copy boy for Los Angeles Tribune when he was 10. Enrolled in U. S. C. Law School and was there two years when war was declared. Served with American supply forces and after Armistice, completed education in the University of London. Worked as publicity man for several London theaters and did special work for Universal's London office. Returned to Hollywood and went into private publicity firm with Harry Hammond Beale and others. Next with Universal. Later, in 1923, to Paramount as assistant studio publicity director. Four years later, became assistant to B. P. Fineman, associate producer. In 1933, was made associate producer after serving as aide to Schulberg, and Cohen. embarks on the S. S. Mariposa Mar. 3 with a technical and camera crew of 12 for Samoa to secure atmosphere and background shots for the picture. T T T Frank Dolan, Eva Greene and Daniel Rubin, scenarists, have been signed by B. P. Schulberg in anticipation of increased production activities in completing his 1936-37 contract with Paramount. Dolan and Miss Green will collaborate on an untitled original story. Rubin will adapt "Song of Hell", an original story by Monique Jean of New York. ▼ ▼ ▼ Virginia Van Upp, Paramount writer, has been selected by the Ladies Home Journal as the subject of an article in a series on women in the creative end of motion pictures. ▼ ▼ T Production on "Sing While You're Able" Melody Production produced pleted. Co-starring Pinky Tomlin by Maurice Conn, has been comand Toby Wing, the cast includes: H. C. Bradley, Monte Collins, Sam Wren, Suzanne Kaaren, Bert Roach, Rita Carlyle, Fern Emmett, Prince Michael Romanoff, Lane Chandler, Jimmy Newell and the Three Brian Sisters. Pictm-e was directed by Marshall Neilan. Cop Poe is the associate producer. John Hofman, writer and director of the earthquake montage sequences in "San Francisco," has been signed by David O. Selznick to produce special dramatic transitions and montage shots for Selznick International's Technicolor production, "A Star Is Born," co-starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric March. Hofman also did the montage scenes for "The Great Ziegfeld." T T T Oscar Apfel, veteran character actor has been signed by Columbia for "Trouble in Moroco," now in production, with Jack Holt in the starring role and Mae Clark opposite him. t t r Gregg Toland is the latest of Hollywood's ace cameramen to be made a director. Toland yesterday was given a new contract by Samuel Goldwyn, the terms of which provide for his promotion to directorial rank some time next year. v T T Samuel Goldwyn has started a nationwide talent search for America's most beautiful girls. The damsels selected will be signed by the producer to term contracts and will in conclave become the famous Goldwyn Girls group in Hollywood. T T T Samuel Goldwyn yesterday commissioned George Gershwin to write a special "Swing Symphony," for the "Goldwyn Follies" sequence in which the entire American ballet, will appear under the direction of its famous ballet master, Georges Balanchine. T T T Confined to his home with a cold for the past ten days, James Cagney yesterday resumed story conferences with Grand National producer, Richard Rowland, who will make Cagney's next starring picture, "Dynamite," formerly titled "Hot Oil." Majors Not to Join Federal Industry Control Move — Hays (Continued from Page 1) his first planned trade press interview in at least three years. At a conference held in the directors' room of the association, Hays, when queried concerning present relations between the film industry I and radio from the angle of boxoffice competition, declared that "a more intelligent and constructive use of star values" has developed. He denied that any arrangement has been made to control performances of picture players on the radio and said that exhibitor "worry" over the situation has lessened, owing to a better understanding. Asked concerning his attitude on a possible code governing the motion picture industry, Hays answered that it "would be unwise to prejudge" such a plan. In connection with the M. P. T. 0. A. trade practice proposals, he asserted that the distributors are "sympathetic" and have given every consideration to them. Incidentally, he pointed out, in an industry with ramifications as great as the motion picture business, any changeover in practices or policies would require much time. Supporting this statement, Hays stated that 27,000 miles of film are handled by the industry daily to entertain 12,000,000 persons a day in its theaters. Hays expressed the opinion that development of television will find the best of motion picture elements available for the new entertainment medium. That includes Mickey Mouse, he stressed, and eulogized the meaning of the Walt Disney cartoon character to audiences throughout the world. Discussing the foreign situation, the association head remarked that "it continues to cause us worry." "We realize the reasons for the barriers imposed and are hopeful that they will not become prohibitive," he said. "The nearest approach to the answer to that problem is good pictures," asserted Hays. Hays coined a couple of expressions when speaking of advances be Appellate Div. Affirms Injunction on Pix Title Appellate Division yesterday affirmed the lower court ruling enjoining Victor and Edward Halperin from using the title "Revolt of the Zombies" in the action brought by S. S. Krellberg, distributor of "White Zombie." The court also affirmed the judgment of $7,500 against the Halperins, AmerAnglo, J. T. Cosman and the Rialto Theater and ordered an accounting. Alfred S. Krellberg represented his brother. ing made in the production of better films. They are "say it with pictures" and "the screen speaks for itself." Hays indicated that a policy of greater news cooperation will be in effect as regards his association's cooperation with the press. Annual meeting of the organization is scheduled for Mar. 29, he stated, and no changes in officers is contemplated at that time. Disney Signs 10Year Deal For Photophone Recording (Continued from Page 1) ing on all of his productions for the next ten years. Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck and all other popular Disney cartoon characters will have their voices recorded for the screen through High Fidelity equipment under terms of the agreement. In addition, all Disney cartoon or dramatic features made during the next decade will utilize RCA sound apparatus. "Nancy Steele" for Rivoli "Nancy Steele Is Missing," 20th Century-Fox's drama, will have its first New York run at the Rivoli starting March 6.