The Film Daily (1938)

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tsr^n <& ^ +» V U O «*M v^ Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought i >■ i. v W ■— > vl The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old VOL. 74, NO. 24 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JULY 29. 1938 TEN CENTS Hollywood Committee Named to Aid in Film Biz Drive FINAL RKO REORG. PLAN FILED; HEARING SEPT. 8 Paramount to Launch Own Brit. Production in April Rose, Sailing, Says Company Plans Pix for World Market Paramount plans to launch its •iown production units in England Hiabout April 1, 1939, David Rose, mforeign production head, stated yesterday as he sailed on the He de x France. Rose said the three pictures now in production for Paramount .in England were being made by outside producers, but that after : April of next year Paramount iplanned to produce its own, which would include not only quota picsttures but product for the world H market. Still in negotiation is the plan to (Continued on Page 13) HEART ATTACK FATAL TO HERB. M. WILCOX Herbert M. Wilcox, 56, former vice-president in charge of opera:ions for Erpi and one-time execuive assistant to John E. Otterson when the latter was president of Paramount, died suddenly yesterday from a heart attack. Wilcox, who (Continued on Page 13) Warners Holding Final Bookers Meet Tomorrow The fourth and final Warner regional bookers and ad salesmen's onvention will be held tomorrow (Continued on Page 2) "Letter" Preview The Rivoli on Broadway was jammed to the doors last night when Universal^ "Letter of Introduction" was offered to a preview audience. The picture blends riotous comedy with moving drama. Edgar Bergen and "Charlie McCarthy" were sensational, while Adolphe Menjou and Andrea Leeds gave outstanding performances and were supported ably by the other members of the cast. Credit John M. Stahl for his fine direction. A box office natural. — KENNAHAN. $0,500,000 Associated British Profit London (By Cable) — John Maxwell's Associated British Pictures Corp. yesterday reported trading profits exceeding $6,500,000 and a dividend of 20 per cent for the year. Production, distribution and theater profits all were maintained. 20TH-F0X 26 WEEKS NET IS $3,419,658 Twentieth Century-Fox, following a board meeting yesterday, reported a consolidated net operating profit of $3,419,658 after all charges including Federal income taxes for the 26 weeks ended June 25, last. This compares with a profit of $3,755,483 for the first 26 weeks of 1937. For the second quarter ended June 25, last, the consolidated net operating profit, after all charges, (Continued on Page 3) $1,225,811 PARA.NET FOR FIRST 6 MONTHS Hellinger Signed as WB Producer; to Make "A's" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Mark Hellinger has been promoted from writer to producer of "A" pictures at Warner Bros, and has been given a new five-year contract. Paramount estimates its earnings for the second quarter ended July 2, last at $394,945, it was announced following yesterday's board meeting. This amount includes $359,000 representing Paramount's direct and indirect net interest as a stockholder in the combined undistributed earnings for the quarter of pai'tially owned non-consolidated subsidiaries. Earnings for the six months ended July 2 last are estimated at $1, (Continued on Page 3) Name W. A. Finney Manager of Loew's Southern District Appointment of W. A. Finney as manager of Loew's Southern district was announced yesterday by Joseph R. Vogel, head of Loew's out-oftown circuit. Finney replaces Lionel Keene who leaves the company. Finney for many years was Mid (Continued on Page 3) Frank Whitbeck to Produce Film On Biz Drive, Beetson to Contact Guilds Ad Campaign Leaders To Get Contest Bids Today Committees in charge of the industry's advertising campaign will meet today to receive bids from individuals and companies experienced in conducting nation-wide contests. The contest which is being considered in connection with the drive is said to be virtually complete with the exception of a few minor (Continued on Page 14) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — At a meeting held yesterday a permanent local committee of studio and theater advertising and publicity men to work with New York committee in charge of the "Movies Are Your Best Entertainment" campaign, was organized and immediately began to function. Frank Whitbeck will take charge (Continued on Page 3) Stirn Move for Change in Wording of Order Blocked by Court By GEORGE H. MORRIS FILM DAILY Staff Writer Coincident with the formal filing of Special Master George W. Alger's supplemental report upon the amended RKO reorganization plan, Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard at a hearing yesterday afternoon signed an order setting Sept. 8, at 10 a.m., in Federal Court Building, as the time and place for the initial session at which the proposed plan and the Special Master's recommendations will be considered before Federal Judge William Bondy. The signing of the order by Judge Goddard was preceded by the objection raised by John Stover, counsel for the Stirn group of Milwaukee, to the phraseology of the first paragraph of the order, which, it was contended, fails to modify the plan as one which is merely proposed, and further throws, by implication, the burden upon objectors to the plan rather than upon its proponents. Counsel for the latter, Atlas Corp.'s Hamilton C. Rickaby, defended the wording of the order, and was upheld by Judge Goddard who, in turn, declared that he would (Continued on Page 4) $1,500,000 UA MONEY FOR WANGER PICTURES More than $1,500,000 in additional finances has been made available to Walter Wanger by United Artists, it was announced yesterday. The (Continued on Page 13) 20 Years Is A Long Time In Pictures! — Advt. NEC Eyes Distrib. Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — NEC has placed a study of the machinery of distribution on its study program, it was learned yesterday. Decision is the result of the Administration's feeling that distrib. system faults are a major factor in the country's economic ills.