The Film Daily (1938)

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In This Issue: Essentials of the Modern Film House Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought (See Pages 4-5-6) The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old >74 . NO. 37 NEW YORK, SATURDAY. AUGUST 13, 1938 TEN CENTS Report Deutsch to Visit Canada on Circuit Project SIGN EDjJCAT'L-GRAND NATIONAL MERGER PACT Over-seating Called Principal Difficulty in Atlanta Exhibs. and Exchange Heads Agree It's Major Factor in Poor Biz By WILLIAM SPECHT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Atlanta, Ga. — This Southern city *pparently does not need either adlitional theaters or more modern •nes. But it does seem to need nore patronage for the up-to-date touses which offer it film fare. Exhibs. and exchanges alike consider the entire situation suffers rom overseating. In the downown area alone, there are almost 4,000 seats, not including the 2,700eat Georgian, which an operating ircuit keeps closed. The nabes are erved by about 8,000 more seats in iddition to Which there are the touses exclusively for Negroes. And (Continued on Page 8) 'ANTOINETTE" DRAWS 19 TRADE SCREENINGS Thirty-nine trade screenings of Marie Antoinette" have been schedled by M-G-M for the next 10 days, irst of which was held last night t Loew's Penn, Pittsburgh. Six thers are slated for tomorrow (Sunlay) at Loew's State, Memphis; (Continued on Page 6) J. S.-Australian Trade Pact to Include Films? rashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Reciprocal trade .greement between the U. S. and iustralia, if and when it materialees, may bring direct benefits to (Continued on Page 8) 2hi. Projectionists Ask for Early Negotiations Chicago — Projectionists' local has ailed the attention of all Chi. exibs. to the expiration of the presmt contract on Aug. 31 and has uggested that negotiations start at n early date. Uncle Sam May Start Own Casting Office Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — That Uncle Sam may soon have to start his own central casting office was revealed here yesterday when it was disclosed that femmes are storming the government film offices for roles in Federal motion pictures. Applicants have been pouring into the offices of the National Emergency Council, set up for eventual production of documentary pictures about government activities. Wage-Hour Law Seen Affecting Only Extras, Casual Studios Workers Federal wage and hours law insofar as application to the studios is concerned will probably affect only extras and casual employes, in the opinion of three leading film attorneys who have completed analysis of the statute. It is the conclusion of counsel that the hours provision will be ap plied only to non-contractual and non-professional designations, in which groups, extras and casual workers fall. As far as wages are concerned, all extras earn more than the stipulated 25 cents an hour every day employed, while casual workers, no matter what their task, also re (Continued on Page 6) Brit. Variety Stages Comeback; See Record Year London (By Cable) — The biggest season variety has had in four years is looked for in the Fall in cinema and variety hall circles. The expectation is based, not upon rumor, but on undertakings actually in progress and others that are nearing a close. At lease one major picture circuit will add variety acts to its pro grams. Another circuit new to variety has engaged a booking office and a booking committee. Many other cinemas, it is stated, running one long film because of the shortage of features, are looking towards variety acts as substitutes for the second feature. Booking by the General Theaters (Continued on Page 8) Expect Oscar Deutsch to Visit Canada on Odeon Circuit Expansion Project SEC's Proxy Rules Undergo Tightening, Getting "Teeth" Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Major changes in proxy rules, of direct interest to holders of film securities, are announced by the SEC, to take effect on Oct. 1. They broaden substan (Continued on Page 6) London (By Cable) — Oscar Deutsch, now vacationing in Scotland, is reported planning a trip to Canada and possibly the United States sometime after he returns here in another week. Canadian visit, it is understood, is linked to his plans to establish theaters there as part of an Empire(Continued on Page 8) Agreement's Terms Withheld Pending Submission to Creditors, Court Final agreement for the merger of Educational Pictures and Grand National Films was signed last night by E. W. Hammons, Educational president, and the trustees for GN, Loyd Wright and Edward L. Alperson. (First report that Educational and Grand National were discussing a consolidation deal was published exclusively in The Film Daily on Jan. 15.) Details of the merger, it was said (Continued on Page 8) ST.LOUISBiZDRIVE MASS MEET AUG. 22 St. Louis — Final details for the local drive participation in the "Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment" will be made at a monster mass meeting of theater owners and managers and film exchange executives and salesmen, etc., to be held at the Coronado Hotel at noon on Monday, Aug. 22. An outstand(Continued on Page 7) Hicks to Spend Six Weeks on Inspection Trip Abroad John W. Hicks, vice-president in charge of Paramount's foreign department, leaves in mid-September for his annual European inspection (Continued on Page 7) "Alexander" Expected to Go 3 Weeks in Chi. Chicago — Twentieth-Century-Fox's "Alexander's Ragtime Band" is expected to go three weeks here as a result of its approximately 20,000 attendance mark at the Chicago theater on opening day. Attendance (Continued on Page 8)