The Film Daily (1938)

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10 *&%t; Monday, August 15, 1935 Set 5,404 Prizes to Reward Winners of Movie Quiz7 Contest Will Open Sept. 1 and Close at Midnight on Dec. 31 (.Continued from Page 1) lion of them — will be ready for distribution this week and will be sold to exhibitors for $5.50 per thousand. Newspaper advertisements all over the country will carry reproductions of the "Movie Quiz" booklet, acquainting the public with its contents and directing readers to the theaters for their copies. The booklet will list all of the 94 pictures with which the contest is concerned, with cast and illustrations and a line or two of descriptive matter on each, serving to induce the public to see the feature. The industry's message to the public, outlining its reasons for the slogan, "Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment," and the rules of the contest will preface the book. At the end of the book there will be a blank page on which the contestant can state, in 50 words, his preference among the contest pictures he has seen, and his reasons for the choice. 5,404 Contest Awards There will be 5,404 awards totaling $250,000 to be distributed to the winners in this order: First award, $50,000; second, $25,000; two prizes of $10,000 each; five of $5,000 each; five of $2,000 each; 10 of $1,000 each; 40 of $500 each; 40 of $250 each; 300 of $100 each, and 5,000 of $10 each. Official rules and explanations of the contest are reprinted below so that exhibs. may be acquainted with the details before receiving the booklets. 1. This contest is open to everybody residing within the 48 States of the Q. S. A., District of Columbia and Canada with the exception of persons employed by, or related to any person employed in the motion picture industry. Motion picture boards of review or censorship and those connected with the same, persons whose occupation or business is reviewing motion pictures, motion picture radio commentators, employes or relatives of employes of the advertising agencies, judges and the judging organization asso Theater Employes as "Salesmen" for Drive A plan whereby every employe in the picture business will be a "salesman" for the industry's advertising drive was announced over the week-end. Every theater manager will ask every employe to contact 10 friends, telling them of the Movie Quiz contest and inducing them to enter. Oscar A. Doob, head of Loew's theaters advertising, is furnishing all employes with pledge cards on which they promise to enlist 10 friends in the contest. ciated with this contest are not eligible to enter. 2. This contest is a game of skill. A group of 94 motion picture films will be released between Aug. 1, 1938 and Oct. 31, 1938. Free booklets will be available at all theaters where these motion pictures will be featured. These booklets will contain simple questions and the correct answers will be found in the pictures shown on the screen. The name of the motion picture and the question to be answered for that particular picture is clearly described in the booklet. The question asked belongs only to that one specially designated motion picture and to no other. Thirty questions must be answered to be eligible in this contest. Fans to Name Favorite Pix 3. When 30 questions have been answered, then write a statement of not more than 50 words telling the ame of the motion picture you liked best and why. Fancy writing or phraseology are not necessary. Just write as if you were telling a friend why the picture appealed to you. Only one 50-word letter may accompany your set of 30 answers. Your statement may be typewritten or in longhand. Fancy penmanship or artistic writing will not influence the judges. Do not decorate your entries. 4. Your statement must be original and over your own name and signature and bear your true name and bonafide address. Each contestant may submit only one entry. Use one side of paper only in submitting your entry. 5. It is not necessary to wait until the end of the contest to submit your entry. When you have completed the answers to thirty questions you may submit them. Be sure to enclose the fifty-word statement with your answers. 6. Entries will be judged by the highest number of correct answers to questions. In the event of ties then the best fifty-word statements will be selected and graded on the basis of sincerity, merit, originality and advertising value to determine the winners. 7. In the further event of ties in best statements submitted, duplicate prizes will be awarded. 8. The sponsors of this contest will not be responsible for entries lost in the mails. All entries must be sent by first clas mail. In fairness to all contestants no correspondence will be entered into regarding the contest. 9. All entries become the property of the sponsors of this contest and none will be returned. Midnight of Dec. 31, Deadline 10. Mail your entries to Movie Quiz Contest (Address to be announced) New York City, N. Y. All entries must be postmarked not later than midnight, December 31, 1938. 11. The sponsors of this contest pledge that each and every entry will be carefully read and considered by a nationally known, independent judging organization highly skilled in contest work. 12. To assure absolute fairness to each and all contestants, the final adjudging and distribution of awards will be made bv an honorary committee as follows: (To be announced). 13. The judges' decision will be final. Each and every participant in this contest agrees to abstain from any form of litigation whatsoever in any and all matters relating to this contest. Your signed, submitted entry is an express acceptance of the rules and conditions governing this contest. 14. A complete list of winners will be released as soon as possible after the contest closes. Watch for mnouncements. Caution: Under no consideration should you purchase solutions to 32-page Illustrated Booklet | to Be Distributed to Theater Patrons this series of questions from so called solution experts. The correc answers are known only to th' judges and to nobody else. Sample Questions Listed In addition to making public th above rules, the contest committcj also offers this sample of how ques ; tions will be listed: Let us presume that the pictur. is "The Singular Mr. Quiz," a Fie | titious Picture Corporation produc tion, starring Joe Doakes and Mar tha Millicent. (The title and th stars are of course suppositious). ■ In one of the scenes from thi picture, Joe and Martha are lef alone in the drawing room of he Park Avenue mansion. Suddenl; Martha walks out on Joe. Th question is: "Why did Martha wall out on Joe in the picture, 'The Sin gular Mr. Quiz'?" One of these four answers is th| correct one: 1. She remembers that she has t address a meeting of the League fo Prospective Brides. 2. She smells something burnin; in the kitchen. 3. The script calls for it. 4. They have quarreled. Common sense, plus your recol lection of the picture should tell yo that Number Four is the correc answer. Check it. The question may involve neithe personalities nor action, but ma deal with the description of a seen or a major "prop" as for example. "Frozen Champagne (again a imaginary title) a SuperSuper C< production, starring Pierre va Zilch and Gwendolyn Goldilocks. Pierre and Gloria have finally dis posed of the stolen jewels, and sa from New York to Zanzibar to es cape the police. They embark o the following type vessel: (Chec the correct answer). 1. A two-seated kayak. 2. The Hoboken ferry. 3. A tramp steamer. 4. The Confederate iron-cla "Merrimac." Number three is, you may hav guessed, the correct answer. "Alexander" Draws 10,576, Sets Pittsburgh Record Pittsburgh — "Alexander's Ragtime Band," opening its first-run engagement at the Alvin Theater on Thursday, broke the all-time attendance records of this house, playing to 10,576. The theater seats 1700. The Alvin played a midnight show Friday, it was the first time in the city's history that any theater has run a midnight show during the week, exception being New Year's Eve. Cosmocolor Will Be Used For Series of 14 Shorts A deal has been closed by David Blankenhorn, president of Cosmocolor, for the use of the process in a series of 14 shorts. Blankenhorn left for Hollywood headquarters by plane Saturday and will return to New York Sept. 1 to start activities on the new productions. He said he was not at liberty to disclose at this time the name of the company involved. Theater Closed, and City Council Wants Reason Neenah, Wis. — Gilbert Courshon, manager of the Embassy, local Fox house, has been invited by the Common Council to present his version of why the theater has been darkened for the summer months. Reason given for the closing is that the local projectionists' union refused to take a cut in wages. Local business men have been vexed at the irregular operation of the house, ! it is reported. Connecticut Exhibs, Meet On Drive Co-op. Tomorrov New Haven — Exhibitors from aover the State will attend a joir. Allied Theaters of Connecticut an' Connecticut MPTO meeting at th Hofbrau Haus Restaurant tomorro" noon to further decide on a plan c cooperation with the national a campaign of the industry, and 1, hear a report of the special commii tee appointed at a previous meetin hst week to confer with Harold 1 Franklin in New York. Downtowi are using teaser trailers on screer announcing the $250,000 contest.