The Film Daily (1938)

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MOTION PICTURES1 GREATEST YEAR-Page 2 Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought M DO (MOT The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty Years Old -IF DAILY rOL. 74, NO. 45 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1938 TEN CENTS Expect Showdown Shortly On Mexican Union Situation ST. LOUJpOES "OVERJOP" FOR BIZjpPAIGN 1938-39 British Production Hitting New High in Color tecord Number of Features And Shorts as Well In Prospect London (By Cable) — British protection for the coming season will at a new high in color. Many more matures will be made in color than ] any preceding year, and in addion 80 shorts have already been .•heduled. A number of features ill be made in Technicolor. The vitish color company, Dufaycolor, Iso has a number contracted for. ufaycolor has announced that withi the next 12 months it will be rinting a minimum of 15,000,000 set of film. George King is to make six fea (Continued on Page 8) OLIGE GUARDHOUSES "BOMBED" IN B'KLYN Following the explosion of stench >mbs and tear gas bombs in 12 waters of the Century Circuit in rooklyn on Saturday night, a speal detail of police has been on duty guard the houses against further ouble. Police say that the bombs (Continued on Page 3) F of L Exec. Council Takes No Action on Studio Guilds Atlantic City — The executive uncil of the American Federation Labor opened its sessions here the Ambassador Hotel, yestery, but failed to take any action discuss the film situation as in (Continued on Page 6) Score Charge Needed Cincinnati — Twenty-eight innings and a disputed score of 35 to 34 awarded the baseball game to the Branch Managers in a contest vs. The Bookers, at Sharon Woods here. A stag luncheon followed the game. Joe Coetz, RKO, sponsored the affair, which was attended by a huge crowd. Ostrer Rep. Coming Here on Important Deal London (By Cable) — Lou Jackson, representing the Ostrer interests, sails tomorrow on the Normandie for New York, where, it is said, he will shop for product. However, it is believed that his mission extends beyond product-buying and that he is going to New York for the purpose of discussing an important production deal with American interests. Midwest MPTOA Units May Hold State Meetings at O. C. Conclave Oklahoma City — Executives and \ during the first week or second week officials of state associations border \ of October. ing on Oklahoma will be asked to I Morris Loewenstein, secretary of hold their state conventions in con! the MPTOA, has sent letters to offljunction with the MPTOA conven1 cials of the Texas, Kansas, Missouri, tion, unofficially set for this city I (Continued on Page 8) LOEW EXECS. ANSWER STOCKHOLDERS SUIT Loew's, Inc., and individual executives have filed their answers to the action brought by a group of stockholders who are protesting against a plan whereby a portion of (Continued on Page 8) NO OBSTACLES SEEN IN SI, M-G-M DEAL No obstacles are present that will hold up culmination of the SelznickInternational and M-G-M deal for distribution of "Gone With The Wind," except for the time neces (Continued on Page 3) Mexican Producers Say They Will Be Forced Out if Demands are Won Ed Ruben Asks Dismissal Of La Crosse Trust Suit Madison — Dismissal of the $1,050,000 action against him and three major film companies, the Wellworth Theaters of Wisconsin, Inc. and the Minnesota Amusement Co., is sought by Ed Ruben in a petition filed in federal district court here. Ruben claims that the court has no jurisdiction in the action, inas (Continued on Page 8) Mexico City — Climax is expected to be reached here shortly in the current warfare between motion picture producers and the Confederation of Workers of Mexico as the result of the formers' relative ultimatum that they would leave the country rather than accede to the "impossible" demands of the labor organization. The Confederation is taking an adamant stand in its insistence upon collective contracts, both with (Continued on Page 3) Two Circuits Pledge $5,000; Kuykendall Addresses Big Pep Meeting St. Louis — Inspired by a stirring address by Ed Kuykendall, president of the MPTOA, a meeting of some 170 motion picture theater owners and film exchange managers and salesmen at the Hotel Coronado at noon yesterday practically went over the top 100 per cent for "The Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment" campaign. Only a few of the exhibitors on hand failed to sign the necessary pledge cards, but all of those indicated they would swing into line when they learn more about the benefits to their own houses. President Kuykendall, said the campaign is the most constructive step taken by the industry in many (Continued on Page 6) INDUSTRY PRESS BOOK READY FOR SHIPMENT Shipments of the 24-page advertising and exploitation section of the Motion Pictures Greatest Year campaign press book got under way yesterday. The publicity sections will be included as an insert and are (Continued on Page 6) New Financing Will Take Harman-lsing Out of 77B West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Completed plans for financing the Harman-lsing pictures corporation have been announced by (Continued on Page 6) Serials Come Back Oklahoma City — Serials, for some time rapidly losing ground here in the open spaces, have again taken an upward turn. Every nabe house locally is featuring week-end chapter plays with three subsequent downtown nouses having recently started serials with success.