The Film Daily (1938)

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Thursday, September 1, 1938 Vol. 74, No. 53 Thurs., Sept. 1, 1938 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer; Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00_; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Rauchstr, 4. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. hrrrcirl NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 171/g 165/g 16% — i/g 151/2 15 15 Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc. Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak do pfd Cen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd.. Paramount 2nd pfd.. Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros do pfd HA iy4 n/4 Va 171 1/4 1701/2 17iy4 + 21/4 15% 503/8 15V4 153/s + % 493/8 503/g + ll/2 111/4 88% 11% 10% 21/2 26% 42 " 6% 11 87% 11 93/4 2% 11 + % 88 + 1/2 11% + % 93/4 — 1/2 2% 25% 26% + % 42 42 + 1 61/2 6% + % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-0 6s46. ... 90% 90% 90% + 1 % Loew 6s41ww 1003/8 1 00 3/s 1003/8 — % Para. B'way 3s55... 62 62 62 — % Para. Picts. 6s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3 1/4S47 RKO 6s41 Warner's 6s39 77% 77% 77% — 3/8 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Grand National .... 3/8 3/8 3/8 — l/8 Monogram Picts. . . 2% 2% 2% + % Sonotone Corp 1 1/2 1 % 1 % Technicolor 22 1/4 21% 22%+ 3/8 Trans-Lux Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCK MARKET Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 100 Fox Thea. Bldg. 6%s 1st '36 6% 7% Loew's Thea. Bldg. 6s 1st '47 91% 93% Met. Playhouse, Inc. 5s '43 64 66 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 61/4S 1st '43... 56 1/2 58% SAFETY LLOYDS FILM STORAGE CORP. Storage by Reel or Vault 729 Seventh Ave. New York City BRyant 9-5600 SECURITY Daily In THE FILM DAILY "fllOTIOn PICTURES ARC V0UR BC-ST 6RTERTAIAA1EAT" Campaign News From Everywhere Local Drive Committees Named in Over 150 Cities (Continued from Page 1) and direct such local drives, through joint action of local theatermen, and with the co-operation of civic bodies. In many communities local campaigns started well in advance of the opening date of the national campaign and are in full swing. Below is a partial list of local committees already established, and officers chosen: San Francisco: A M. Bowles, George Nasser, Rofus Harvey. Los Angeles: C. N. Peacock. Bridgeport: Al Schuman. Hartford: Murray Schuman. New Haven: J. B. Fishman. Miami Beach: Sonny Shepherd. Chicago: William Hollander Elisburg, Larry Stein. Des Moines: G. Ralph Branton. New Orleans: C. J. Briant. Boston: Max Levenson. Providence: Ed. Fay. Minneapolis: Charles Winchell, Clifford Gill, Maury Abrams, Ben Blotcky, George Granstrom. PortLand, Me.: J. H. Steven. Detroit: H. M. Ritchie. St. Louis: C. D. Hill, B. B. Reingold, Harry Arthur, Clarence Kallmann, Harold Evans, J. E. Garrison. Kansas City: Senn Lawler. Buffalo: Sydney Samson. Syracuse: Gus Lampe, Frank Murphy, Nat Marcus. Rochester: W. H. Cadoret, Lester Pollock, W. C. Howell. Binghampton: T. J. Walsh. Cincinnati: E. V. Dinnerman. Zanesville: Caldwell Brown. Portland, Ore.: Ted Gamble. Pittsburgh: Joe Feldman, Ken Hoel. Philadelphia: Everett Callow. Dallas: R. E. Griffith, R. J. O'Donnell, W. J. Underwood, Hugh Owen. Memphis: M. A. Lightman. Nashville: Chai'les H. Amos. Seattle: Frank Newman, John Danz, Le Roy Johnson. Washington, D. C: John Payette. Baltimore: Carter Barron. Maryland: Sidney Lust. Virginia: Robert Smeltzer. Alberta-Calgary: Pete Egan, Gelen Peacock, Harry Friedman, Alt Shockleford, Mike Healu. ManitobaWinnipeg: Joe Huber. P. W. Mahon. Toronto: Derrey Bloom, James Nairn, M. H. Wilkes, Mrs. S. H. Falk, J. L. Smith. Montreal: Arthur Hirsch. New Brunswick: W. H. Golding A. J. Mason. Vancouver Hugo Ray. Wilmer Freeman on Tie-ups Wilmer Freeman, promotion manager of Warners, is contributing his services to the Motion Pictures' Greatest Year industry drive in connection with national tie-ups and promotional ideas. He will work with Sydney Davidson, on the staff of Paul Gulick, co-ordinator. N. Y. Up-State Exhibitors Launch Drive Campaign Albany — With Si Fabian and Harold B. Franklin in charge, exhibitors in the Albany-Watertown-Utica area met Tuesday and launched the industry campaign in this territory. It was decided that Albany film salesmen would contact every exhibitor before the end of the week to explain the drive and distribute necessary materials. Present from Albany: Lou Golding, Lawrence Cowan, Charlie Smakwitz, Julius Curley, Andy Roy, Alec Sayles, Abe Stone, Gene Vogel, Bernie Kranze, Phil Fox, Moe Grassgreen, Norman Ayres, Clay Eastman, Ralph Pielow, Ed Selette, Al LaFlamme, Bob Rosenthal. Troy was represented by Leo Rosen, Harry Black, Jack Swarthout, Sidney Summer and Edward J. Smith. Also on hand, William T. McNeely, Kallet Circuit, Oneida; Earl Slider, Schine Circuit, Gloversville; Frank Shea, Cohoes; Harold Lewis, Utica; Sid Dwore, Jack Gardner and Saul Ulman, Schenectady; Louis Buckin, Amenia; Sam Milberg, Watervleit; Mitchell Connery, Ravena; Pete Vournachis, Watertown, and Ward Craig, Catskill. To Enter Float Harrisburg, Pa. — Arrangements to enter a float in the Kipona, Harrisburg's water carnival on Monday, are being made by theater managers, it was announced by Sam Gilman, manager of Loew's Theater, chairman of the local Motion Pictures' Are Your Best Entertainment campaign. The float will represent a theater front and will be a plug for the Movie Quiz contest. COmiRG ARD GOIRG SIDNEY R. KENT, president of 20th-Fox, is expected to arrive here early next week from Maine where he has been vacationing. LESLIE F. WHALEN, director of foreign publicity for 20th-Fox, has returned from l^^rn bined vacation and business trip to tht'S^kiSt. F. J. A. MCCARTHY, Eastern sales manager for Universal, is in Dallas on a sales trip. He returns to New York next week after several more stops. MR. and MRS. LEWIS GENSLER are stopping at the Sherry Netherland. W. J. HEINEMAN, Western sales manager for Universal, has returned to the home office after visiting several of the company's branch Francis Deering of the Houston campaign committee reports a novel way of interesting window trimmers in "Motion Pictures' Greatest Year." Fifty dollars has been put up as a prize for best downtown window display utilizing motion pictures as the theme. Every bus and trolley car in the city of Richmond, Va. will carry a card on the $250,000 Movie Quiz contest, cost of printing being borne by the transportation company, reports Allen Sparrow of Loew's. After two weeks, new cards and copy will replace original set. Reading, Pa., Chamber of Commerce is mailing, gratis, 2,500 letters to member-merchants asking their co-operation on a series of "Movie Day Sales." J. E. BRULATOUR, sole distributor for Eastman film, and his wife, HOPE HAMPTON, arrive in New York today from the Coast. Miss Hampton is starred in Universal's new picture, "Road to Reno." MR. and MRS. P. J. WOLFSON are stopping at the Sherry Netherland. BOB LIVINGSTON, owner of the Capitol Theater, Lincoln, Neb., is in New York for a few days on business. LUTHER ADLER and his wife, SYLVIA SYDNEY, arrive today on the Champlain from England. GEORGE M. COHAN arrives from Europe today on the Manhattan. MORRIS GOODMAN, vice-president of Republic Pictures, Ltd., and MRS. COODMAN, also arrive on the Manhattan today. RAYMOND MASSEY, English actor, who is in "Drums," the new Korda picture, arrives here Monday on the Queen Mary to play in a new show. NANCY CARROLL has returned to New York after playing in a stock company at Cohasset. ANTHONY A. PABIAN, animated cartoon artist, leaves Hollywood tomorrow by auto for Miami, Fla., where he starts work in the new Max Fleischer studios on Sept. 12. HERMAN WOBBER, 20th-Fox general sales manager, is in Hollywood for product conferences with Darryl F. Zanuck. JOHN JOSEPH, Universal's ad and publicity chief, will spend the week-end in Chicago en rcute to the Coast from New York. LLNORE LORNE, Boston socialite, is in Hollywood for a Grand National screen test. JOSEF GIL"IN, studio manager for Warners, leaves for Europe Sept. 3 for an auto tour of the Continent. NATE WATT has returned to Hollywood after making a picture for Bob Savini for the National League in New York. GEORCIE STOLL and LEON ARNUAD left Hollywood over the week-end for New York to study the music requirements for a picture M-GM will make around the Ice Follies troupe. 2C yE4Ci 4GC IN PICTURES From THE FILM DAILY for Sept. 1, 1918 LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Producers of film; better wake up and give some consideratior to the story, for they are catering to people who think . . . "It's the story that counts.' The man who said that ought to be producing pictures for the good of the public. — John C Jenkins, Neligh, Neb. REVIEW of Pyramid-World's "Inside th Lines," starring Lewis Stone — Spy stuff wit well-developed mystery-suspense makes thi hold. REVIEW of Fox-Special's "Queen of' th Sea," starring Annette Kellerman — Serial actioi fairy tale with plentiful display of figures. Yes, 20 Years is a Long Time in Pictures