The Film Daily (1939)

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€f*\ DAILY Monday, July 17, 193!! LOEWS 40-WEEK NET TOTALS $8,173,000 {Continued from Page 1) company's share of net profits for the 40 weeks was $8,173,060 as compared with $8,352,675 for the same period of 1938, when the contingency reserve was $500,000 lower at $1,120,000. Even after this substantial increase in reserves in the current year, the company's share of net profits for the 40 weeks was equivalent to $4.62 per share on the average number of shares of common stock outstanding in the hands of the public, as compared with earnings of $4.80 per share on the outstanding common shares during the same period of 1938. Mono. English Program To Include 32 Features London (By Cable) — Monogram English program for 1939-40 will consist of 32 features to be distributed through Pathe Pictures, Ltd., stated W. Ray Johnston at a press cocktail party late last week. Top bracket will be increased from six to 10 pictures, headed by a Jackie Cooper untitled production. "Tom Brown's Schooldays," English classic, is being considered for Cooper's first. (This story has been previously announced by Graham-Towne for release through RKO.) "Rip Van Winkle," also in the top flight, is being planned as a color film, with negotiations under way to star Jean Hersholt. Budgets on the new program have been increased by 50 per cent on top allocation films and 33 per cent on others. While Johnston is in London, he will screen several Pathe productions to consider if they will be added to the 1939-40 American program, following release of Pathe's "Dangerous Fingers" on the current schedule. Chi. Palace Reopening Chicago — Tentative plans call for reopening of the RKO Palace theater here on August 25. Best wishes from THE FILM DAILY to the following on their birthdays: JULY 17 James Cagney Frank Whitbeck Jack Conway Al Bondy Herschel Stuart F= ALCNG THE T T T • • • TWENTY-NINE years of continuous operation of a theater is a long time so Homer Mulkey, owner of the Pastime Theater in Clarendon, Texas, will celebrate this anniversary with a barbecue at the Blocker ranch near Clarendon at which the bookers of the various Dallas film exchanges will be the honored guests a committee of arrangements, who will handle transportation to and from Clarendon, consists of Harold Brooks, Metro T. P. Tidwell, 20th Century-Fox and Maxie Sexton, Republic Mulkey says that he is honoring the bookers because they are the ones who render the real service to the exhibs the host is the dean of the exhibitors in the Lone Star State ▼ T T e O • A NEW angle is all you need in any biz and Harry Conover has dug one up for his new model agency on Van derbilt Avenue formerly a model himself, and tagged "the most photographed man in America," Harry is out to explode the "beautiful but dumb" theory he believes in personal representation on a quality basis rather than mass production, and will only handle models who possess enough talent to go places if given the opportunity Harry is under 30 and only opened his agency four months ago, but already he has acquired a rep for his keen judgment in selecting types he also has acquired a neat tag for his girls, who are known as "Conover' s Cover Girls" T ▼ T • • • BACHELOR flops into matrimonial sea Tom Gerety of the Metro publicity was married last Friday afternoon at the Municipal Building to Natalie Hammerstein, his sec a surprise to everybody even Louella Parsons missed it and Walter Winchell, the other pre-nuptial palpitator in print the happy couple will make their home in Rockville Center where Tom will play golf and Natalie will keep the home fires burning T T T • e O RESIGNING from Warners home off ice Roy Winkler, the head layout man after a vacation, he will join Lord & Thomas. . . . • Twenty-two Governors of as many states have been lined up by Paramount's publicity staff to attend special previews of Bob Burns' new film, "Our Leading Citizen" It took a N. Y. Sun headline writer to make an Irishman out of the Senate's sponsor of anti-block-booking legislation "Senator McNeely Attacks Block Booking System" read the headline T T T • • • FIVE-YEAR contract signed by Johnny Pierce, former Gold wyn and RKO dance director, with Leo Morrison Pierce has been signed to stage the dances in the forthcoming show, "Houseboat On the Styx," before leaving for the Coast. . . • Jerry Livingston, young composer-conductor who recently completed a series of shorts for Warners, is now appearing nightly with his ork at Mother Kelly's Miami Room in our hamlet T T ▼ • • • AS Karl Krug, picture editor of the Pittsburgh SunTelegraph said in a note to us "It couldn't happen again in a hundred years" the remark is called forth by a swell human interest yarn that Krug bylined in his paper concerning the death of "Uncle Charlie" Melton, an old professor in the famous Randolph-Macon Academy for boys in Front Royal, Va whose life paralleled that of Mr. Chips and in the same mail announcing the death of this old schoolmaster beloved by thousands of oldsters and youngsters he taught through the years, Krug got notice of the transfer of "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" from Loew's Penn to Warners' Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh INDUSTRY CAMPAIGN EXPENSES $895,55 (Continued from Page 1) ical Bank & Trust Co. a total of $9£ 587.01. _ Participants in the campaign co: tributed $988,143.06, which repr sent the total receipts excludir those from the sales of accef^tie Producers and distributors p jfbi $500,000 affiliated exhibitors contril uted $250,000 and the independent gave $237,464.76. Sales taxes co lected to be paid to city and stal agencies amounted to $678.30. Newspaper advertising was th heaviest individual expense, costin $479,216.56. Other disbursement according to the statement, were Movie Quiz contest prizes, $250,OOC Movie Quiz contest fees and es penses, $25,540.59; Exhibitors' ceil test prizes and expenses, $2,143.: short subject, "The World is Ours, $26,097.71; campaign press bool $12,462.76; New York office salaries $39,437; New York office, regiona and local committee expenses, $34, 645.28; Hollywood office salaries am expenses, $7,837.73; salaries and ex penses of traveling publicity promo ers, $5,021.55. A loss of $3,021.46 was realized o: campaign accessories, principally o: the Movie Quiz booklets. Other acj cessory sales showed a profit of 100.21. It is pointed out in the statement that there are certain liabilities which have not yet been liquidated1 principally "because of the failure oi the parties to reach a mutually; agreeable basis of settlement. The unpaid invoices aggregate $19,485.93, which include an order for 25.00C press bocks, legal services renderec by Phillips & Nizer, a page adver tisement in the New York Sun pre> pared by Donahue & Coe and ex-; penses by Paramount in the preparation of a trailer and sales tax collected on accessories. WEDDING BELLS Miss Ruth Gclden, daughter ol Edward A. Golden, vice-president of Monogram, announced her engage-; ment on July 11, to Laurence Witten of New York City. At present, Misi Golden is in Hollywood visiting he: brother and sister-in-law, Mr. an Mrs. Robert S. Golden. Manitowoc, Wis. — Miss Margarel Buchner was married in San Frai cisco to Ronald C. McDonnell, wh< is associated with the advertisinj sales division of Paramount. The] newlyweds will visit the bride'sj parents here on their honeymoon. Albuquerque, N. M. — Alvin EymanJ assistant manager of Albuquerque] Theaters, Inc., and Miss Paulin* Warford of Denver were marriei here Sunday at the Monte Visl Christian Church.