The Film Daily (1939)

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Vednesday, July 19, 1939 iw DAILY; LlJREDIT "HOME FOLKS" WITH NEELY VICTORY (Continued from Page 1) toiiure to the Senate from the "folks ttyiack home." . It was pointed out that Allied le|indw>thers favoring the bill had tM %ie strategy of the slogan "Let heV immunity Decide" in an effort %o put over the thought that exhibitors were forced to take alleged 'objectionable pictures because of aii;he block-booking system. Parent-Teachers and women's ;lubs in the communities have long Deen converted to the theory, it was ;aid, that the Neely Bill would elimilate the showing of "undesirable" pictures, even though the moral is|sj5ue has not been a vital one since ™the adoption of the production code. However, observers yesterday expressed the belief that whether the '.moral issue was important or not, bhe various organizations used it as a peg on which to hang their arguments in favor of the measure. House Block-Booking Hearing Not Likely at this Session Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Hearings on the Edmistoh block-booking bill, a companion measure to the Neely bill, are extremely remote this session, a House interstate and foreign commerce committee sookesman said yesterday. The committee has other important national legislation to consider. The block-booking measure must go through the House committee before being brought to the floor. The Neely bill, passed by the Senate, ^cannot be sent direct to the House floor for action. Quint Bookings Tops The number of nation-wide bookings on the fourth of the Dionne quintuplets two-reelers, "Five Times Five," will top all others of the series, according to Harry Michalson, RKO short subjects sales manager. Indications point to a minimum of 10,000 playdates, Michalson said yesterday. Best wishes from THE FILM DAILY to the following on their birthdays: JULY T9 M. H'. Aylesworth Edward S'oman Lou Mentlik 4LCN6 THE WITH PHIL M. DALYi ▼ T ▼ • • • BIG DAY in the Hie oi Doug Fairbanks. Jr.. today "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Day" will be observed at the World's Fair the party is scheduled ior Doug and his recent bride with an elaborate program of entertainment such as few foreign celebrities have received at the Fair T T ▼ • • • OFFICIAL program will start at 10:30 a.m. when the Fairbanks party will be picked up at the Hampshire House on Central Park South and escorted to the Fair grounds by a motor cavalcade the party will be met at 11 a.m. by Grover Whalen at the Administration building and will be turned over to an escort of twenty-five beautiful hostesses who will constitute an escort of honor for the entire day • • • AFTER the official reception, Fairbanks will head the Children's Parade winding up at 1 p.m. at Frank Buck's Jungle Land, where the party will have a special Malayan luncheon from 3 to 7 p.m. the party will tour the Fair, escorted by the beautiful gals, and Doug will make personal appearances at certain exhibits dinner at 7 at the French Pavilion where the Fairbankses will be hosts to the Jack Whitings and the William Rhinelander Stewarts at 10:30 the party moves to Billy Rose's Aquacade, for a special program of water sports in Fairbanks' honor it begins to look as if the Fair is falling back on the Hollywood stars to help sustain interest in their show which we suppose is to be taken as some sort of admission that whatever the type of entertainment, it takes the Film Glamour to really put it over T T T • • • AGAIN the newspaper headlines give Darryl Zanuck his cue and so he schedules a forthcoming production "White Wings In Clover" the idea of the film being based on the recent acquisition of the Otto Kahn estate on Long Island by the Department of Sanitation as a recreation center for the New York workers T T T • • • DUE to popular interest the industry's official film, "Land of Liberty," will be shown three instead of two times daily in the theater of the Federal Building at the World's Fair this pictorial history of the U.S.A. contains 1,000 sequences from 125 feature pictures the starting times of the shows, beginning today, will be 2, 4:15 and 6:30 p.m T T T • • • UNIQUE honor bestowed upon James Cagney by the police of the nation with 5,000 chiefs of police having participated in a crime prevention award to Cagney for making the modern gangster a loathsome type of character through his screen portrayals the award is announced in the Police Call, official police mag T ▼ T • • • UNUSUAL gesture from George Bernard Shaw who has sent Howard Estabrook a complimentary note on his screen version of "The Doctor's Dilemma" for Ernest Pascal ..this is probably the first time in Hollywood history that anyone from the film capital has been complimented by Shaw, whose remarks about workers in the American motion picture have been pretty biting from time to time « « « » » » BRANDT AND D OF G DISCUSS PROBLEMS (Continued from Page 1) session, Dr. Thorp told Film Daily he expected they would have further confabs with Brandt. "Mr. Brandt obviously knows a great deal about the motion picture industry and we will confer with him again possibly at a later date," said Dr. Thorp. Thorp and his associates will confer this morning with Col. Cole, president, and Abram F. Myers, general counsel, of Allied. The Myers-Cole confab was arranged following senate passage of the Neely bill as Myers had stated they would not confer while the Neely measure was under consideration. The conference yesterday was of a general nature, Thorp said, with Brandt laying his views before the body. Asked if the confabs would result in a report with specific recommendations, Thorp said, "The industry has a certain number of nroblems and it is the duty of the Commerce Department to aid in finding a solution. We are now engaged in finding the problems." Thorp declined to state what Brandt and Toll advanced in the way of recommendations and suggestions. It is understood, however, that Brandt struck out strongly at radio competition with exhibitors, assailing the use of picture stars for radio shows. Brandt pointed out the value of "names" in the industry and is understood to have protested against excessive radio appearances which, he said, lessen their value at box-offices. Conferees declined to comment on whether Brandt aired his opposition to Allied and MPTOA as national exhibitor organizations not representing the voice of the independents or whether he advanced the cause of new exhibitor organizations headed by himself. It is understood, however, that ITOA head cited his general approval of film code. Brandt and Toll returned to New York immediately after the confab. "No Man's Land" Passes Chicago — Theaters in the "No Man's Land," adjacent to Evanston on the North Shore, will be taken into the village of Wilmette. Gov. Henry Horner has just signed a bill adding this strip of land to that town. Leading theater there is Sam Myers' Teatro Del Lago. Unpremeditated! Detroit — Earl Hudson, United Detroit ad man, blushingly insists it was all unpremeditated. But at any rate, this was the way current newspaper display copy for the Michigan Theater read: "All New — Two Years to Produce" " 'Tarzan Finds a Son' "