The Film Daily (1939)

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"Jte Wednesday, August 2, 1939 SIX FILM STOCKS GAIN $22,739,029 (Continued from Page 1) Century-Fox, $3,701,805; and Warner Bros. Pictures, $4,276,512. Net change for the month in these instances were: Columbia, plus %; Loew's, plus 53/4; Paramount, plus 1%; RKO, plus %; 20th-Fox, plus 2%; and Warners, plus 18. Defense Substitution Permitted in Ohio Suit (Continued from Page 1) film rentals, with the ITO of Ohio using exhibitor Frank J. Ferguson and the MPPDA, Universal Pictures and Cleveland Theaters, Inc. First move by attorneys Carlton Dargusch (ITO) and Robert Barton (MPPDA) was the filing of separate dilatory motions yesterday. Inasmuch as the judges of the Franklin County Court of Appeals are vacationing, they will require approximately two weeks for a ruling on the technicalities, as questioned by the defense. Regardless of the judge's decision, the next move will be the listing of1 the cases on the docket prior to naming of trial date next month. English-Scottish Tele Network Planned by BBC Montreal — A network carrying television to every home in the United ingdom is a possibility in the near future, according to Sir Allan Powell, chairman of the BBC's board of governors, now in Montreal. Although programs are at present restricted to an area of between 50 and 70 miles in the neighborhood of London, plans are under way to establish a center for television in Birmingham which will be hooked up with the London studios, and from there, according to Sir Allan, it should be possible eventually to extend the sight and sound network to each city of size throughout England and Scotland. Tennis by NBC Tele First attempt to televise tennis on this side of the Atlantic is scheduled by NBC next week when it will use two cameras to cover the Eastern championships at Rye. Telefilm Festival U. S. tele's first international film festival began last night with the showing of "Generals Without Buttons" (French), over NBC's Station W2XBS. The second film feature will be "Edge of the World," an English production to be televised tomorrow at the same hour. Festival continues to Aug. 25, the pix temporarily replacing evening studio presentations. Scheduled are "My Heart Is Calling" (Friday), "Mile. Mozart" (Aug. 8) and "Hell's Angels" to be shown in two telecasts, (Aug. 10-11). "Grand Illusion" (Aug. 18), "The Marines Are Coming" (Aug. 22), and "Abraham Lincoln" (Aug. 24). ALONG THE with PHIL M. DALY; ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • THE COMMITTEE working through the Hays office is about ready to submit the Fiftieth Anniversary manual to the theater operators of the nation in looking over the advance proofs, what impressed us was the sincerity and co-operative spirit oi the entire undertaking the Committee makes no attempt to tell he exhibitor what he should do they merely submit a wide range of helpful suggestions it is up to the showman to adapt any available material to the particular requirements of his clientele and community T T T • • • PRINCIPAL emphasis of the campaign centers on the week of Oct. 1 to 7 because of the fact that Oct. 6, 1889, was the date when Thomas A. Edison perfected his Kinetoscope and witnessed pictures in motion, printed on Eastman film so that marks the birth of the motion picture industry so far as Amreicans are concerned ▼ T T • • • OFFICIAL announcement of the Anniversary will be made by Will Hays through a press statement on August 15 and so the manual impresses upon exhibitors the importance of stepping out with this announcement as the lead-off for their local activities it is assumed that every live theater owner or manager will have co-operated with fellow exhibitors in organizing a committee that will represent the industry in his community to establish and maintain contact with the press, libraries, schools, motion picture councils, clubs, merchants .... ▼ ▼ T • • • THE central theme of the Anniversary is "Half A Century of Progress" this enables the theater operator to enlist the co-operation of all constructive elements in his community in a general community -wide recognition of progress in the past 50 years the manual then lists a plethora of ideas and suggestions on how the various community organizations and business activities can utilize the idea to point with pride to their particular progress for the exhibitor, it gives him exceptional opportunities to tie his current attractions in with various civic and business organizations a highly entertaining series of four newspaper articles is available for local use, giving the highlights of the motion picture developments in the past 50 years these articles are splendid examples of journalistic brevity combined with reader interest and typical of the intelligent planning and hard work that has gone into the preparation of this splendid Manual T T T • • • HERE is another fine Manual sparkling with showmanship qualities Warners' Showmen's Manual for 1939-40 containing cast information and thumbnail story synopses of the new season's releases also a resume of the exhibitor and newspaper services these cover every possible phase of theater activities the exhibitor is asked to check any services in which he is interested and send the list to the home office Sales Manager Grad Sears has a foreword stressing the fact that 29 years of service and progress toward a definite goal culminates in the new season lineup and that the magnificent list of properties listed is the materialization of the company's motivating thought: "Quality Is Not a Passing Fashion" and glancing through such titles as "Life of Beethoven," "The Story of John Paul Jones," "Disraeli," "The Moon and Sixpence," "We Are Not Alone," and a score of others, brings the conviction that the above dictum is not merely a prettily turned phrase but a living and vital company policy that becomes the exhibitor's B. O. insurance , policy if he has the sense to so interpret the obvious ATLAS CORP. REPORTS SUBSTANTIAL RKO GAIN (Continued from Page 1) shareholders of Atlas Corp. by latter organization's president, Floyd B. Odium, coincident with the release of Atlas' report for thagjferst six months ended June 30, 19™ Odium also expressed the conviction that there will be prompt completion of the RKO reorg., since recent unanimous decision of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals on July 19. last. The Atlas statement put net income for the period at $569,257.98 for itself and investment company subsidiaries; surplus, after deducting net unrealized depreciation of assets, at $19,109,760.21; and net assets of $57,674,150.21 shown in the Statement of Financial Condition at June 30, 1939. Company listed in schedule of securities in portfolio RKO Corp. debentures 6 per cent 1941, represented by full-paid certificates, in principal amount of $2,169,850 and valued on June 30 market quotations at $1,459,224.37; RKO Corp. debentures 6 per cent 1941, in principal amount of $268,776, valued on same date at $180,751.92 according to June 30 market quotations; 4.300 | shares of Paramount Pictures, Inc. 6 per cent convertible cumulative First Preferred, at $382,700 on June 30, last; 5,000 shares of Paramount's 6 per cent Second Preferred, $45,000 on June 30; 7,000 shares of General Theaters Equipment Corp. common, $75,250 on June 30; 17,400 RKO common; $28,275 on June 30; and 310,412 RKO Corp. common, represented by full-paid certificates, at $504,419.96. Mayer & Burstyn Releasing 8 in First Half of 39-40 Eight imported productions will be I released by Arthur Mayer and Jos | eph Burstyn during the first half of the 1939-40 season. Titles of the pictures are: "Katia," starring Danielle Darrieux and John Loder, directed by Maurice Tourneur; "Louise," with Grace Moore in the title role; "Revolt of the Dead," "Song of the Streets," "Whirlpool," "Shadows of the Past," "Mozart" and "Gulliver's Travels," the latter featuring a cast of puppets. Chi. Schools Buy Film Chicago — Paul Edwards, director of visual education for Chicago schools, reports the purchase of 6,000 reels of film for educational purposes. Jumping the Gun Grand Rapids, Mich. — The Butterfield Circuit isn't waiting for the industry's Golden Jubilee. Circuit yesterday inaugurated its own Greater Movie Season, annually observed in August during the last 10 years.