The Film Daily (1939)

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M l> lJUC)IJ A IJ 2 E3 W 44TH S T S T Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought DO NOT REMOVE The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-One Years Old VOMl 76, NO. 24 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 TEN CENTS ■ $2,325,525 Net for 26 Weeks Reported by 2Qth-Fox MAP PRESSURE CAMPAIGN TO PUT THRU NEELY BILL See No Chance for Equity Suit Trial Before Jan. 1 Shortage of Judges, Packed Calendar Are Bars, Court Indicates Federal Judge John C. Knox yesterday took under advisement the application of the Government to fix trial in the equity suit against the majors on Nov. 1, at the same time indicating that due to a shortage of judges and a crowded calendar the trial could not be reached until Jan. 1 of next year. The Court stated that efforts were being made to secure three new judges from Congress, but so far the efforts were unavailing. He ex {Continucd on Page 4) CODE ADMINISTRATION UNDER JOINT CONTROL With the release for publication of the revised trade practice code assured for next week, it is understood that the next problem of the distributors will be the setting up of a system of administration of the draft's provisions. It has been established definitely that the Hays organization will not participate in any way in putting the code into effect. While the dis (Coutinucd on Page 4) Nova Scotia Sales Deadlock Seen Near End With Truce St. John, N. B. — Peace — or at least a truce — looms on the distributor-exhibitor horizon here as a result of the decision by Nova Scotia indies to accept contracts contain (Continued on Page 4) Schenck Reports Disposal of 700 Shares 20-Fox Pfd. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY ■ Washington — Joseph M. Schenck •has disposed of 700 shares of 20th Century-Fox's $1.50 cumulative preferred, it was reported today by the SEC in its semi-monthly summary (Continued on Page 4) Frank, C. Walker Named MPTOA First Vice, Filling Vacancy Left by Comerford Death Frank C. Walker, president of the Comerford Circuit, has been elected first vicepresident of the MFTOA to succeed the late M. E. Comerford. The election was executed by a mailed ballot among the board of directors. In commenting on the election, Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA president, said that "Walker will add strength to the present board of directors. His advice and counsel will be valuable in problems of national importance." N. Y. Department Stores Would Enter Tele Field With Commercial Station Following yesterday's announcement by Abram & Straus, Inc., and Bloomingdale Bros., Inc., of the organization of Metropolitan Television, Inc., a subsidiary for the purpose of transmitting tele programs in the Greater New York area upon the granting of a license for a commercial transmitter by the FCC, I. A. Hirschmann, vice-president of Bloomingdale's told The Film Daily that the license application had been submitted to FCC early in July. He also revealed that films will play an important part in the programs which are planned for presentation. Such programs, he stressed, will be essentially of a (Continued on Page 3) lllin ois Legislative Council to Eye Pictures? Chicago — Duals situation here and other industry problems may get a thorough once-over from the State Legislative Council. Rep. Elroy Sandquist, sponsor of the anti-duals measure which passed at the last session of the Illinois Legislature only to be killed by Gov. Harry Horner's veto, told The Film Daily prior to his departure for Hollywood yesterday that he has received promises of co-operation from two members of the Council. They are Representatives Saltiel of this city and Warren Wood of Joliet. Sandquist had urged the Council study the film situation generally. Next session of the Council is scheduled in September. 20th.Fox's 52,325,525 for 26 Weeks Compares With $3,419,658 in 1938 Australia Considering Copyright Legislation Sydney (By Cable) — Australia may cast adrift its present copyright statutes in favor of wholly new legislation which is receiving "very careful consideration" from the Federal (Continued on Page 3) Twentieth Century-Fox yesterday afternoon reported a consolidated net operating profit of $2,325,525 after all charges including Federal income taxes for the twenty-six weeks ended July 1. This compares with a profit of $3,419,658 for the first 26 weeks of 1938. For the second quarter ended July (Continued on Page 3) Organized Groups to Turn Propaganda Guns on House Members Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Pressure campaign eclipsing anything that the film industry has experienced to date will be inaugurated in behalf of the Neely bill immediately upon the adjournment of Congress tomorrow or Monday, it was indicated here yesterday. Organized groups which participated in the successful "home folks" drive to line up Senatorial support for the measure propose to employ the same tactics to insure House consideration and passage at the next session of Congress. Such organizations as ParentTeachers Associations, Federation of (Continued on Page 22) AFFILIATES OF AAAA IN FURTHER REPRISALS Intensifying their drive against the IATSE for the latter's action in granting a charter to the AFA, the AAAA affiliates yesterday took further reprisals, with AFRA suspending Sophie Tucker. A special meeting of the Actors Equity Association is called for today with similar steps expected to be taken. A letter attacking IATSE officers (Continued on Page 22) Arcadia Decision Nears On Eastern Production Whether Arcadia will produce its pictures in the East for major distribution will be determined within (Continued on Page 22) National Organization Looms For Australian Film Trade Quebec — John Grierson, member of the British Films Council and producer, will discuss the organiza (Continued on Page 4)