The Film Daily (1940)

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~CM< DAILY Tuesday, January 16, 1940 Vol. 77, No. 11 Tues., Jan. 16, 1940 10 Cents JOHN W. AUCOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10,00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber _ should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY — Marcc-Aurelio Galindo, Av. Coyoacan No. 100B, Mexico, D. F. BUENOS AIRES— Chas de Cruz, Heraldo Del Cinematografista, Corrientes 1309. _ m f i n n n c i n l NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 9'/2 93/8 93/8 — % 71/4 7y8 7Vs — Vs 21 Vl 21 21 — l/2 Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (2V2%) Columbia Picts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... East. Kodak 1 do pfd Cen. Th. Eq Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd.. . Paramount 2nd pfd.. . Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros do pfd NEW YORK Keith B. F. ref. 6s46.1 Loew's deb. 3!£s46.1 Para. B'way 3s55... Para. Picts. 6s55. . . . Para. Picts. cv. 3V4S47 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 NEW YORK Monogram Picts Sonotone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux 85/8 60 1 85/8 8% — Vs 58i/2 l58i/2 _ 11/2 121/2 341/4 12 12Vb 3334 34 Vs 7% 86 8% 9% U/4 12 7 71/g — V4 851/4 851/4 — 1/4 85/8 85/8 91/4 93/8 + i/8 l'/4 l'/4 113/4 11% _ l/8 35/8 31/2 31/2 — Vs BOND 015/8 1 021/4 1 491/2 MARKET 015/a 1015/g O21/4 1021/4 491/2 491/2 841/2 CURB 841/2 841/2 MARKET 14 1'/8 133/4 137/4 l'/s 1% Execs. Postpone Trek Arrival tomorrow of Darryl F. Zanuck and Joseph M. Schenck from the Coast has been delayed, with the two execs, held up by studio matters. They are scheduled to arrive Friday morning. SAFETY LLOYDS FILM STORAGE CORP. Storage by Reel or Vault 729 Seventh Ave. New York City BRyant 9-5600 SECURITY Columbia's Southern Meet On Tomorrow in Dallas Dallas — Columbia opens a two-day divisional meeting, the third of the current series of such conclaves being held in various sections of the country, at the Baker Hotel tomorrow with 27 delegates from the Southern division attending, under leadership of Sam Moscow, local division manager. A. Montague, general sales manager, and Rube Jackter, assistant sales manager, arrived here yesterday morning for the session. Six Columbia exchanges will be represented,— Atlanta, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Memphis, Charlotte and Dallas,-^and branch managers present include W. W. Anderson, Atlanta; C. A. Gibbs, Oklahoma City; H. Duvall, New Orleans! J. J. Rogers, Memphis; R. J. Ingram, Charlotte, and J. B. Underwood, Dallas. Conn. MPTO to Consider Test of Bingo Statute New Haven— Connecticut MPTO will hold a special luncheon-meeting at 12:30 today at Ceriani's Restaurant, with Arthur H. Lockwood presiding. Discussion will be had on the Neely Bill, the Connecticut Bingo legislation and the possibility of testing its constitutionality, and various Connecticut and national theater litigation. The Allied Theaters of Connecticut has postponed the meeting scheduled for today until after the regional Allied meet in Washington. Stockholders of Loew's Re-name Directors Today All 12 directors of Loew's, Inc., are slated to be re-elected today at the annual meeting of stockholders. The board consists of Nicholas M. Schenck, David Bernstein, J. Robert Rubin, David Warfield, Henry Rogers Winthrop, John R. Hazel, Leopold Friedman, Joseph Vogel, Charles C. Moskowitz, George Armsby, William A. Parker and Al Lichtman. Cleveland Exhib. Assn. to Elect on Thursday Cleveland — The Cleveland Motion Picture Exhibitors Association will hold its annual meeting for the election of officers on Thursday, in the association club rooms. Buffet luncheon will be served to members prior to the meeting. Ernest Schwartz has been the presiding officer for the past six consecutive years. 20th-Fox's Spots on WQXR Twentieth Century-Fox is buying a series of spot announcements for a period of 52 weeks over WQXR to plug pix playing currently in the New York area. Court Nixes Interference With Lone Ranger Deal Federal Judge Alfred C. Coxe yesterday issued an injunction restraining Republic Productions, Inc., from interfering with negotiations for the sale of the Lone Ranger radio series for motion picture production. At the same time, Judge Coxe, restrained Republic from advertising its film "The Lone Star Ranger" in a manner which would connect it with the Lone Ranger. The Court in its decision, however, denied an application of the plaintiff, The Lone Ranger, Inc., to prevent Republic from releasing a Lone Ranger serial already produced. Papers revealed that the plaintiff is negotiating with Universal Pictures for the sale of a Lone Ranger series, but that Republic had allegedly interfered with this transaction. Suit was brought for $10,000 and an injunction after the plaintiff had sold rights to the defendant on two serials. Murphy and Jackson May Get Senate Okay Today Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Senate confirmation of the nomination of Attorney General Frank Murphy as Supreme Court Justice, of Solicitor General Robert Jackson as Attorney General and Judge Francis Biddle as Solicitor General is expected today, following approval by the Senate Judiciary Committee. 'Old New York" Premiere Is Set For Miami House Miami premiere of "Little Old New York" has been set by 20th-Fox for Jan. 31 at the Lincoln Theater. Film will get all the trimmings opening night, advanced prices, lights, etc. Carl Erbe of the company's exploitation department is in Miami now working on campaigns and advance publicity and he will be joined there next week by Christy Wilbert, also of the exploitation department. Receiver for Kolorama Newark, N. J. — Herbert J. Hannoeh, local attorney, has been named receiver of the Kolorama Laboratories, Inc., or Irvington, by Vice Chancellor Stein. Company operates plants and labs, for experimental color television. Receiver application was made by Donald Jacobs, of Montclair, Kolorama's prexy. Set for Chi's RKO Palace Chicago — Universal's "Green Hell" will follow RKO's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" in to the RKO Palace, giving way in turn to RKO's "Swiss Family Robinson" and Disney's "Pinocchio." Riskin as Indie Producer West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Everett Riskin is reported leaving Columbia for indie production. comma mid Gome JACK L. WARNER leaves the Coast Friday for New York, having delayed his trip two days. Accompanying him will be PAT O'BRIEN and CEORGE BRENT, stars of "The Fighting SixtyNinth," all coming for the dinner to he given by members of the 69th Regiment }( \ '.4 atl|« the Waldorf-Astoria when the filnA.. all be screened. JAMES CACNEY will come for the event from his Martha's Vineyard home. HOWARD DIETZ, M-G-M ad-publicity chieftain, and MRS. DIETZ arrived back from Hollywood yesterday on the Twentieth Century Limited. :: a. 1 if HERB MaclNTYRE, captain of RKO's Ned E Depinet drive, accompanied by CRESSON E. SMITH, Western and Southern sales manager, H. C. COHEN, Western district manager, and HARRY GITTELSON, editor of RKO's house organ, will visit the company's Coast studios tomorrow. M. J. SIECEL, president of Republic Productions, arrived in Hollywood from New York yesterday morning. A. MONTAGUE, Columbia's general sales manager, and RUBE JACKTER, assistant sales manager, arrived in Dallas yesterday to attend the third of the company's divisional sales meetings. JOHN CROMWELL, director of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," arrived from the Coast yesterday. After a week here he will go to Washington to attend the picture's premiere on Jan. 22. MILTON KRIMS, a Warner staff writer, left K New York for the Coast yesteday. ERNST LUBITSCH and his wife, the former Vivian Caye, arrived from Hollywood yesterday on the Twentieth Century Limited. WILLIAM DIETERLE and MRS. DIETERLE are guests at the Waldorf-Astoria. SIMON SIMANSKY, of the Simansky & Miller theater circuit, Chicago, is spending his annual winter vacation in Florida. DAVID BLANKENHORN, Cosmocolor prexy, trained out of Hollywood at the week-end for a business trip to New York. MARY McCALL is back at the M-G-M studios after a flying trip to New York. ALICE FAYE is back at the 20th CenturyFox studios after a month's vacation in New York. ALAN HALE will shortly start on a p.a. tour in connection with the openings of "The Fighting Sixty-Ninth" in which he appears. COL. MAX STUART and MRS. STUART left for a four-week vacation in Florida. 3c You'll get your job when you want it . . as you want it. Our facilities make service a matter of routine. PHOTO ENGRAVING CORP. 250 WEST 54th STREET, NEW YORK Telephone COIumbuj 5-6741