The Film Daily (1940)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought FILE CUr-'Y DO NOT REMOVE The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Twenty-One Years Old -IF DAILY' VOX 77, NO. 12 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1940 TEN CENTS P.C. Pix, Strike Menace, Trade Relations Before Allied JUDGE HLW. GODDARD WTRY GOV'T EQUITY SUIT Silverstone Signs Gabriel Pascal to Produce for UA Covers Three Years; First, "Major Barbara," to be Made in U. K. Signing of Gabriel Pascal to a three-year contract as a United Artists producer was announced yesterday by Murray Silverstone, UA's world-wide chief. Pact gives the distrib. the exclusive call on Pascal's pix. Deal, in process of negotiation for some time, was closed by cable. First UA release which Pascal will provide will be Bernard Shaw's "Major Barbara." Pix will be made in [England, the cast including Wendy (Continued on Page 6) WILL ROGERS DRIVE WILL START APR. 18 Will Rogers National Theater Week for this year has been set by Major L. E. Thompson, its chairman, after conferring with Will H. Hays, for the seven-day period starting (Thursday, April 18. Proceeds, as the industry is aware, go for the upkeep of the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital at Saranac Lake and other philanthropies for the needy of the (Continued on Page 7) Air Giveaway Insurance Plan to Start Tuesday Columbus, 0. — Despite the fact that circuits approached by the ITO of Ohio with a view to participation in the insurance plan proposed to combat the Horace Heidt "Pot of Gold" radio giveaway of $1,000 in (Continued on Page 8) British Films Council Wants £1,500,000 Loan for Producers in Lieu of Quota Act London (By Cable) — The British Films Council will recommend that the Government loan or guarantee £1,500,000 to British producers as a substitute for the quota provisions of the Films Act after March 31, it was reported in usually well informed quarters here yesterday. Under the plan said to be favored by the Council, the money would be available only to reputable producers with proven records and would be administered by a committee with expert trade knowledge. A finalized draft of the Council's memorandum will go to the Board of Trade within two or three weeks, it is understood. PLAN JOINT CAMPAIGN ON TWO EDISON FILMS Breaking advertising and production precedents, Metro will nationally advertise and publicize "Young Tom Edison" and "Edison the Man" at the same time, with the first picture and its sequel to be released about one month apart, Howard Dietz, ad. and pub. director of M (Contintied on Page 8) 69th Regiment Day Will Plug Warner Pix in N. Y. New York's City Council officially took cognizance of Warners' forthcoming "The Fighting 69th" yesterday when, at the instigation of (Continued on Page 6) MOTION TO INCREASE LOEWS BOARD FAILS An attempt to elect two additional directors to Loew's board yesterday failed, but all present board members were renamed at the annual meeting of stockholders. The meeting, which was expected to be a routine affair, turned out to be a session of questions and answers, (Continued on Page 8) Designated by Judge Knox; Has Heard Film Industry Litigation Another step was taken yesterday by the Government towards trial of its New York equity action against the majors when the D of J secured the designation of Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard to preside over trial proceedings. Judge Goddard was chosen as result of an agreement between the D of J and attorneys for the majors, and was designated for the trial by Senior Judge John C. Knox. Judge Goddard presided over the anti-trust suit brought by the D of J against Ascap, but was not re (Continued on Page 6) N. Y. MELAREA GAINS FOUR HOUSES IN YEAR Brandt Buys Warner Pix for 24 Circuit Theaters Harry Brandt, ITOA prexy, has signed with Warners for the complete 1939-40 lineup, for 24 houses of the Brandt Circuit in New York (Continued cm Page 7) Korda to Produce One in Hollywood London (By Cable) — Alexander Korda plans to produce one picture in Hollywood within the next few months, it was learned here yesterday. Korda will leave for the U. S. in midFebruary, taking with him "The Thief of Bagdad" for final cutting there. Three New Subjects to Come Before Allied Directors9 Meeting Today Freeman Leaving for N. Y. With New Orleans Stopoff West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Y. Frank Freeman, Paramount vice-president in charge of studio operations, leaves here tor (Continued on Page 6) By AL STEEN FILM DAILY Staff Writer Washington — At least three subjects never before slated for discussion at a board meeting will come before the national Allied directors today at their annual executive session. One is the menace of a gen (Continued on Page 8) There is only one Year Book of motion pic The 1940 Film Year Book will soon be on the tures and that is published by THE FILM DAILY, desk of every important executive in motion — Advt. » pictures. — Advt. Only minor changes in the composite pattern of so-called Metropolitan territory film houses, comprising New York City, Long Island, Staten Island, all of N. Y. State south of Kingston, as well as New Jersey (Continued on Page 7) Wisconsin Outlaws Bingo; Court Rules It a Lottery Milwaukee — Bingo, regardless of whether sponsored by charitable organizations, was ruled a lottery by (Continued on Page 7) Advances of GWTW Double Pix "Takes" "Cone With the Wind" has piled up advance sales in every situation where it has opened which are approximately double the gross of any picture playing in the same houses for entire runs, it was learned yesterday. It was also disclosed that newspaper stories on the picture hit the front page of every one of the 1,800 dailies in this country. Total amount of newspaper space amassed far surpasses space given to any other picture.