The Film Daily (1940)

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Vol. 77, No. 21 Tues., Jan. 30, 1940 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10,00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY — Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Av. Coyoacan No. 100B, Mexico, D. F. BUENOS AIRES— Chas de Cruz, Heraldo Del Cinematografista, Corrientes 1309. nnnnciflL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (2i/2%) 7 6% 7 Columbia Picts. pfd.. 23V2 23 >/4 23% + % Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd East. Kodak 161 % 161 '/4 161 V* — Va do pfd Cen. Th. Eq 12l/2 12'/2 12l/2 Loew's, Inc 35% 35% 35% + % do pfd Paramount 7% T*A 7% Paramount 1st pfd Paramount 2nd pfd.. 9 9 9 Pathe Film 10% 10l/4 10% + Vi RKO 1% 1% 13/4 + 1/4 20th Century-Fox ... 12% 12% 12% 20th Century-Fox pfd Univ. Pict. pfd 80% 79 79 — % Warner Bros 3% 3% 3% + % do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith B. F. ref. 6s46 Loew's deb. 3V,s46.102% 102% 102% Para. B'way 3s55 Paramount Picts. 6s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3'/4s47 RKO 6s41 5734 551/4 57% + 2% Warner Bros.' cv. 6s39 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 85 85 85 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts 1 1 1 Sonotone Corp 1 % 1 % 1 % Technicolor 15 14% 15 + Vz Trans-Lux Universal Corp. vtc. 3% 3i/4 33/g + % Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES Bid Asked Pathe Film 7 pfd 100% 104 Fox Thea. Office Bldg. 1st '46 Loew's Thea. Realty 6s 1st '47 Met. Playhouse, Inc. 2nd deb. "45.. 71% 73% Roxy Thea. Bldg. 4s 1st '57 66 68 SAFETY I LLOYDS FILM STORAGE CORP. Storage by Reel or Vault 729 Seventh Ave. New York City BRyant 9-5600 SECURITY Pathe Completes Purchase Of Cinema Lab.'s Assets (Continued from Page 1) tories, including the plant of Santa Monica Blvd. The new affiliate will be known as Pathe Laboratories, Inc. of California. O. Henry Briggs, Pathe president, and Robert Benjamin, its counsel, consummated the transfer. Briggs will remain here to put into effect the new laboratory's extensive expansion plans. Board of directors of the new company are Briggs, T. P. Loach, Trem Carr, Robert Benjamin, C. Merwin Travis, Arthur Miller and Russell H. Wilson. Briggs is president, Loach and Travis, vice-presidents, and R. E. Young, secretarytreasurer. Ricketson Shifts Managers Denver — Rick Ricketson, manager of the Pox Intermountain theaters, has moved Ed Nelson from city managership at Las Cruces, N. M., to Denver, where he will manage the Hiawatha; Die Byrne goes from the city manager post at Delta to the Nelson job at Las Cruces; Vern Fletcher, Billings, Mont., manager, will be city manager in Montrose, Colo.; Don Dungan, city manager at Montrose, goes to the same position in Delta, and Lloyd Boreing has been promoted from an assistant's job to be manager of the Babcock theater, Billings, Mont. Ripley Story for Cagney West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Warner Bros, have purchased "They Died With Their Boots On," authored by Thomas Ripley. Ripley served 25 years with the Georgian American newspaper. The story was bought with James Cagney in mind. Dave Bader handled the sale for Kathleen Clifford's Artist's Agency, Inc. Shooting All-Negro Pix West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Aetna Productions and Goldberg & Port, are producing "Mystery in Swing" with an all Negro cast and Arthur Dreifuss directing. Mack Stengler is doing the camera work. The picture will be released by International Road Shows. McDonald On Autry Pix West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Frank McDonald, who directed "Village Barn Dance" and "Jeepers Creepers" for Republic, has started work on "Rancho Grande" starring Gene Autry for Republic. Mrs. Barsham to N. Y. Wilmington, Del. — Mrs. Edmund M. Barsham will attend the 16th Annual Conference of the National Board of Review to be held Feb. 1-3 in the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York. DAILY Tuesday, January 30, 1940 Logical Sequel From the World Theater o'er on West 49th St. comes the announcement that the long, long run of the French feature, "Harvest," will conclude on Feb. 25. In the attraction, grain and bread play an important part. Coincidentally, the new film moving into the World Theater for its American Premiere on Feb. 26 is also a French production titled "La Femme du Boulanger," which in plain English means "The Baker's Wife." Fine Arts Preparing Three Pictures; Buys New Story West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With the purchase of "Flying Heels" by Franklyn Warner, for his newly organized Fine Arts Producing and Distributing Corp., this producer now has three stories being scripted. He has assigned Bradley King to do the script for M. Coates Webster's "Derelict Street"; Arthur Hoerle and John Krafft have been given the Charles Nevill Buck original, "Flying Heels." The Hoerle original is expected to be the first to go before the cameras with Otis Garrett directing. To Honor George Ritch Stamford, Conn. — George Campbell Ritch, managing director of the Strand and Palace Theaters, who has resigned his position, effective Feb. 1, will be guest of honor at a testimonial dinner, tomorrow night. Arrangements for the dinner, to be held at Rich's Restaurant, Old Greenwich, are in charge of William Michalson, manager of the Plaza Theater. Ritch, it is understood, will be associated with one of the larger theater chains. He was a former division manager for the Skouras Theater Corp., before coming here three and a half years ago. To Argue Col. Application Special Assistant Attorney General Robert L. Wright arrived here yesterday from Washington to oppose the application of Columbia Pictures for an order to vacate the government's notice of examination of Harry and Jack Cohn and A. Montague. Argument of the application will be heard today by Federal Judge William Bondy. Cortez On Bums Film West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Stanley Cortez, who recently returned from Honolulu where he photographed backgrounds for "It's A Date" starring Deanna Durbin, is now doing the camera work on "Alias the Deacon" starring Bob Burns. SITUATION WANTED New York C.P.A. — Expert organizer and systematize! — personnel manager — • comptroller — 6 years' experience in motion picture industry. LEO LIVINGSTON 993 Carroll St. Brooklyn, N. Y. comma nno come BARNEY BALABAN is vacationing in Florida EDWARD C. RUFF, Paramount New Haven exchange manager, leaves for Havana on the S. S. Oriente Feb. 7. ^,ln MR. and MRS. JOSEPH SHULMAN^. . the Rivoli and Webster Theaters, Hartford, and the newly-constructed Plaza, Windsor, are vacationing in Miami. CARROLL DUNNING, head of Dunningcolor is due here today from the Coast on a business trip. JOSEPH MOSKOWITZ, 20th-Fox exec, is scheduled to leave for the Coast this week-end. HARRY M. KALMINE, Pittsburgh zone manager for Warners, has left for a month's trip to Mexico and Cuba. EMIL STERN, president of the Essaness circuit in Chicago, has returned to that city after a Florida vacation. JOHN STAHL and his wife were in Chicago over the week-end. HARRY A. BRUNO, of H. A. Bruno & Associates, left New York yesterday to visit the Floyd B. Odiums in Hollywood. BRIAN AHERNE arrived here yesterday from Hollywood. MADELEINE CARROLL is here for a short stay before she sails for Europe. DOROTHY LAMOUR, OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND, BRENDA JOYCE, MICKEY ROONEY, CLORIA JEAN, JAMES CAGNEY, EDWARD G. ROBINSON, TYRONE POWER, PAT O'BRIEN, GENE AUTRY and BILL BOYD are in Washington today to attend the President's Birthday Ball. Mclntyre Heads 343, Omaha Omaha— Local 343, IATSE, elected R. L. Mclntyre, Fox screen room operator, as prexy for 1940, succeeding Adolph Fells. Howard Jackson, Omaha Theater, is the new business agent, replacing Carl Krumrei. Other officers are Alvin Kostlan, Brandeis, first vice-president; Shep Owens, Benson, second vice-president; Clyde Cooley, Winn, rec. secretary; G. E. Jordon, Muller, financial sec, and Baird Loomis, Brandeis, treasurer. Weiser Joins CCNY Jacob A. Weiser, formerly with the Theater Guild and M-G-M, will give a 16-week course in dramatics, playwriting and history of the American theater at the College of the City of New York during the coming school term. Best wishes from THE FILM DAILY to the following on their birthdays: JANUARY 30 Gradwell L. Sears C. C. Burr E. V. Richards Greta Nissen Oscar Serlin Henry McCarthy