The Film Daily (1940)

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9Q DAILY Thursday, February 8, 1940 ASKMANDATORYARBIT. IN NEELY AMENDMENT (Continued from Page 1) suffering a fractured arm and other injuries. Co-operative Theaters, which recently assailed the Neely bill as a four-fold menace and proposed a Federal statute making local arbitration mandatory, will rely upon amendments to the Neely measure rather than new legislation, McGuire stated. The indie group feels that the latter would have no chance of passage at this session. At Washington, McGuire presented two suggestions to the Congressional committee along the following lines: "Section three: Mandatory provision that all disputes on contract over-buying, clearance, etc., be submitted to a fair arbitration board to be set up locally. This board to be comprised as set forth in the final draft of the code or as Allied suggested recently, but in any event, equitable to all concerned, with deciding vote always in hand of an outside party or neutral. This would still allow the right granted under the constitution of appeal to Federal District Court. "Section four: First, mandatory 20 to 25 per cent elimination or cancellation clause in all block-booking contracts. "Second, prohibition of forcing of shorts, newsreels, trailers, and reissues. "Third, prohibition against forced collective playing time on percentage pictures. "Fourth, prohibition against distributors charging score charges. "Fifth, provision providing identification of pictures contracted for, to eliminate, reasonably blind-buying. "Sixth, provide for cancellation by producers of part of block not to affect exhibitors' cancellation percentage arrived at numerically originally." "Geronimo" and Orks Draw A glass panel of a box office was broken and a doorman suffered chest injuries at the Paramount Theater yesterday morning when crowds greeted the opening of "Geronimo" with near-riot enthusiasm. Extra police were called to handle the crowds. Matinee admission figures were above the 11,000 mark, according to Manager Bob Weitman. Stage show included two bands, Matty Malneck's and Van Alexander's. Shea Books Alliance Film Pamo-0 Film Exchange, the Alliance Films franchise holder in Buffalo, has closed a deal with the Shea Theaters for Alliances' "North Sea Patrol." LaGttardia's Eastern Production Plans to Materialize Within 3 Mos., Says Aide While declining to give facts and figures, Clendenin Ryan, who heads Mayor LaCuardia's Eastern production campaign, said yesterday that definite plans would materialize within the next two or three months. Ryan told THE FILM DAILY that the optimism over the success of the venture may have been artificial a few months ago, but that recent developments had caused the enthusiasm to be genuine. Mich. Allied Sidesteps '40 National Convention (Continued from Page \) session of Allied's board in Washington. Meeting here yesterday, Michigan Allied's board, in a surprise move, failed to set the dates for the national parley. Following the meeting, Edgar E. Kirchner, Allied secretary-treasurer, said, "The Michigan Board doesn't think that the local unit can afford to swing the convention, in view of the expenses involved." As a result, it is expected Allied will name Chicago, which sought the honor but withdrew in favor of Detroit. The Neely bill was discussed at yesterday's meeting, but no new action was taken, the board standing by its previous endorsement. RKO Shifts Cincy Managers Cincinnati — RKO theater changes this week included Gene Works, former manager of RKO Family, moved to managership of Gifts. Arthur ficcola, former assistant manager at Palace, moved to Family as manager. James Geers, assistant manager of Orpheum, moved to Palace as assistant manager. Joseph Hensberry, former assistant at Lyric, goes to the Orpheum as assistant. Harold Waugh, chief of Service at downtown RKO Palace, is made Lyric assistant manager. RKO Books Fight Films RKO has booked the official pictures of the Joe Louis-Arturo Godoy championship battle which takes place in Madison Square Garden tomorrow night. Saturday, the film will be shown on the screens of the Palace, the Albee and other RKO Theaters throughout the Metropolitan area as an added attraction. 32 Dates for "Grapes" Announcement was made yesterday by 20th-Fox that 32 pre-release engagements for "The Grapes Of Wrath" have been set, starting Feb. 29. Meanwhile, "Little Old New York" is being held over at the Roxy. Dealy as Receiver's Counsel Federal Judge William Bondy has appointed James F. Dealy as attorney for James A. Davidson, receiver of Educational Pictures. Dealy will represent Davidson at hearings to be held in the near future before referee John E. Joyce. Cinema Lodge Ceremonial Expected to Attract 400 More than 400 members and friends will attend Cinema Lodge of the B'nai B'rith's ceremonies tonight at 8:30 o'clock in the Hotel Edison to induct Dr. David de Sola Pool, who for the past 32 years has been associated with the Spanish Portuguese Synagogue. Guest speakers will be Dr. Charles N. Johnson, Past Grand Master, F. & A. Masons, State of New York, and Louis Nizer, prominent film attorney. Rabbi Ahron Opher of the Hebrew Tabernacle will deliver the invocation, and the benediction will be given by Rabbi Saul Applebaum of Central Synagogue, New York. A musical program has been arranged, under the direction of Dr. Leo Braun, by Harold Rodner, chairman of Cinema Lodge's program committee. A. W. Schwalberg will preside. A. Ralph Steinberg, chairman of the Century Membership Campaign Committee, and Harry B. Epstein, president of District Grand Lodge No. 1, B'nai B'rith, will also be present. Butterfield Will Build Traverse City House Detroit — Edward C. Beatty, president of Butterfield, was tendered a community dinner by civic leaders of Traverse City. Occasion was announcement of plans for a new Butterfield Theater, the third to be erected in the town. Construction is to start in March, with a late Summer opening. May Reopen Minn. Theater Minneapolis — It is likely that the Minnesota Theater will reopen it was stated following a meeting of the bondholders. A 60day option was granted to George Benz & Son of St. Paul, according to Benz. "We have no definite plan regarding the reopening," Benz said. "Any plans will have to hinge on legal technicalities determining whether or not we can obtain pictures." Elmer Rice as Arbitrator Elmer Rice has been named to the national panel of arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association. He will serve in theatrical disputes. Max Roszkoski Dead Grand Rapids, Mich. — Max Roszkoski, 73, operator of the Fulton Theater here for 16 years, is dead. THOMSON NOT COMING EAST ON AGVA DUTY (Continued from Page 1) a new head for AGVA will be chosen soon. K It was pointed out that the. (litest Coast problem facing AGVA win increase in importance with the reopening of the San Francisco Fair in May and that Thomson will make his advice available to AGVA in the West in addition to his SAG duties. Representatives will be received from performers' branches in New York and Los Angeles. Agreement was reached on future policy of 4A's plan for "one big union" and co-operation on completing the organization of AGVA. Representatives are to submit their report to the Guild's board of directors. UFA No Longer Requires Foreign Markets, is Claim Berlin (By Cable)— The Ufa Film Company is no longer dependent on foreign markets, its General Director Klitzsch points out in the annual report. Formerly, 40 per cent of the production costs were absorbed by purchasers in other countries. Attendance at UFA-controlled theaters has increased to 47 million during the past year, as against 27 million in 1933 and 40 million in 1938. UFA production in 1939 included 36 features, among them six foreign language films, also 15 sound shorts, 28 German and 32 foreign language educational films, 156 weekly reviews and 125 industrial pictures. Para. Cameramen Rescued Three members of a Paramount camera crew were rescued by a Cuban destroyer recently when the motor of their launch failed and they drifted into rough open water, it was learned yesterday from a cable received at the Para, home office. Members of the camera crew, Dewey Wrigley, William Heckler and Andy Durkus were scouting locations for a forthcoming Paramount picture. Madill Again a Regent Albany — Grant Madill of Ogdensburg has been reelected by the legislature for a 12-year term as a member of the Board of Regents. The Regents now constitute the appeals source when exhibition license applications are rejected by the censor. Scenic Artists' Title West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Correct title of scenic artists is Sign, Scenic and Painters Union, Local 831. It is not at present affiliated with the A F of L but is joining it. To Get New Marquees New Haven — Loew's Palace, Meriden, Palace, Hartford and Elm Street, Worcester, will have new marquees.