The Film Daily (1940)

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m DULY Monday, July 29, IS Ask Top Terms for 'Ramparts We Watch' {Continued from Page 1) territory will be the date it opens in the first important city. First days of initial engagement at the Keith Theater in Washington gave the house a gross four times above average, it was reported. On Friday, biz topped that of preceding days, forcing the house finally to open a second box-office. It is predicted that "Ramparts" will more than double the house's average for a week. The grosses for Wednesday and Thursday are among the highest ever recorded by the theater in the summer, and ran ahead of the biz done by "My Favorite Wife." The Washington pre-selling campaign on "Ramparts" included nine newspaper ads totaling 5,200 lines and 147 radio announcements in one to five minute spots. Newspaper ads were run in news sections; the radio spots were strung over a period of four days, two of which were prior to opening. Jt Sees "Monopoly1 in 5-Picture Proposal {Continued from Page 1) attacked by Paramount partners last week and now by independents. The five-picture plan gives an exclusive selling advantage to the distributor, in the opinion of Max A. Cohen, head of the Cinema circuit. Cohen describes the proposal as a "distribution monopoly with Government consent." Another circuit head declared that buying in groups of five gave no assurance of a flow of product, so necessary in the operation of one theater or a string of them. Such a system, he said, would make it easy for a distributor to charge whatever price he wanted to for the block; and with right of cancellation, the exhibitor would be strictly "in the dog house," he added. Weinstock Building Two Two new 600-seat theaters are being built in the New York area for operating companies headed by David Weinstock. The Circle is soon to open in the Bronx, while work is progressing on the Mayfair at Flushing. Weinstock has signed contracts with RCA Photophone for sound equipment for both houses. Slurges to Direct "Lady Eve" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Hollywood — Para, has tentatively assigned Preston Sturges to direct "Lady Eve" from the Monckton Hoff play, "Two Bad Hats." Douglas Dumbrille has joined "The Roundup" cast. Ian Hunter is scripting "Second Chorus." "Outsider" Set In Boston Alliance's "The Outsider" opens its first-run engagement in Boston for the full week beginning Aug. 1 at Keith's Memorial Theater. TH€flT€R CHARGES Theater Closings ARKANSAS Lonsdale — Colony House; 7-1-40; Owner: J. D. Lonsdale, Jr.; Closed indefinitely. Hot Springs—Star, 7-5-40; Owner: Chas. Morrell; closed indefinitely. Star City— Star, 6-15-40; Owner: W. D. Mitchell; Burned, will not be reopened. Hope— New, 7-1-40; Owner: R. V. McGinniss; Dismantled. IDAHO Coeur d'Alene — Liberty, 6-1-40; Owner: Simons Amusement Co.; closed during summer months. Boise— Ada, 6-23-40; Owner: Boyd Braithwaite; poor business. ILLINOIS Du Quoin— Globe, 6-24-40. TENNESSEE Dyer — Dixie, 7-1-40; Owner: Strand Enterprises Inc.; closed indefinitely. TEXAS Ft. Stockton — Grand, 7-13-40; Owner: Korn; destroyed by fire. Crowell— Rialto, 7-10-40; Owner: H. S. Leon; destroyed by fire. Theater Openings MISSISSIPPI Pascagoula — Nelson, 650 seats, 7-10-40; previously closed 1-25-39. Warner Torrington House Goes to Brandt Sept. 1 (Continued from Page 1) and recently for the engagement of GWTW. Brandt announced in February he would build houses in 5 Connecticut towns, in addition to his operation of the Plaza, Stamford. Warner Bros, operate the Warner first-run and Palace secondrun in this city, and Levine and Jacobson run the Strand, secondrun and third-run. Cohen Managers Shifted Detroit — The Cohen Circuit has shifted managers at its three allnight houses, which operate with two managers each. Al Smith has been promoted to manager at the Norwood, replacing William Drozan. Mike Kareha and Phil McNamee are now managers at the Mayfair, replacing Phillip Katzin and Danny Drozan, with Drozan moving to the Roxy to replace George Baird. Arnow Replacing Nagel West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Maxwell Arnow succeeds Conrad Nagel as production executive on the new series of GulfScreen Guild radio programs, which Young & Rubicam are producing. Joe Miller Seriously 111 Chicago — Joe Miller, secretary to Dave Balaban, B & K district manager, is confined to the Edgewater Hospital by serious illness. Theaters Planned PENNSYLVANIA Chambersburg — New, 850 seats: Builder: James Slanicus; Architect: H. Jay Klimkant; Cost: $50,000. New Theater Openings TEXAS Lisbon — Lisbon, 700 seats, (7-1140); Lancaster St. (4134) Builder: Oscar Korn; House Manager: H. T. Covington. Renovations Planned INDIANA Logansport — Roxy; Work planned: Covering seats and repairing same, rewiring, redecorating, repairing stage; Owner: Allen Nelson; to be completed 7-30-40. KANSAS McPherson — Helstrom, transferred to A. F. Baker by C. W. Helstrom. House Manager: Vern Manning. TEXAS Ozena — Ozona, transferred to H. L. Senteney by Kersey. 20th-Fox Renews Deal For Paul Terry Reels (Continued from Page 1) mated cartoons. New contract will carry this distribution set-up into the second decade, as the company has already been handling TerryToons for seven years. With the current season schedule and the long term renewal to follow, Terry's New Rochelle organization is committed to deliver more than 100 pictures to 20th-Fox. Warner Casting Assignments West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Warner Bros, has cast Dennis Morgan with Miriam Hopkins for "The Lady With Red Hair"; George Tobias for "Calling All Husbands," and Harry Davenport for "Meet John Doe." Players Assigned by Metro West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Casting at the Metro studio include: Joyce Compton, Dorothy Tree and Reginald Owen for the new Nick Carter film; Raymond Walburn for "Third Finger — Left Hand," and George Sanders for "Bittersweet." Halperins in New Firm Chicago — I. H. Halperin, Paul Sander and M. Halperin, have organized Trade, Inc. with offices at 111 W. Washington St., to handle public relations. THEWEtr IN REVIEW | Consent Decree Near?* (Continued from Page 1) tion in hours for 5,338 out of an av age employment of 18,541 in the dustry . . . Gov't to apply restricts on moneys paid to employes of co tries invaded by Germany to * large sums from falling into \ hands ... O. Henry Briggs was elected prexy of Pathe Labs. FOREIGN OVERSEAS: Nazis slap ban I American pix in Holland, and Wa '< ington Embassy "presumes" the will be extended to other occur countries . . . Heavy admissions is hitting b.o. returns in the Unn Kingdom . . . Del Goodman, 20-] | Far East manager, on home v:| sees China a great potential mai for U. S. pix as Coast Chinese, f j ing to interior, carry their love films to the hinterland. PRC Opens 3-Day ParlePlans Program of 38 Producers Releasing Corp. yes day opened a three-day special m ing of its franchise holders at Woodward Hotel. Representat from company exchanges througl the country are here for the pa at which Harry Rathner, prexy, preside. Franchise holders wil! informed of the future plans activities of the company. I Fromkess will report on the eign status. PRC plans to release four cials, 16 features and 18 wester Jack Naples Wins $3,30 Verdict vs. Brandt et al A judgement of $3,300 in f:l of Jack Naples was rendered Fr :jj against William Brandt, Addie Inc., Sharbu Operating Corp., J Robinson Operating Co., Inc. Na as owner of the NTG Revue, so $20,250 damages for alleged br of contract which employed the i in the Flatbush, Windsor and < ton Theaters for three weeks minimum of $3,300 weekly. Dunningcolor Pix to Para. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM D. I Hollywood — Paramount has if quired distribution of two one travelogues of Hawaii, produced processed by Dunningcolor C J. "Pacific Paradise," the first, wi» released in the U. S. this nn .Ml Reel will be dubbed in Spanish qD Central and South American c otries and in Portuguese for the;|H of Brazil. George Roberts Convalescini Atlantic City — George Rob ■ 20th-Fox district manager headquarters in Cleveland, is i with his wife and daughter jM valescing from his recent illness