The Film Daily (1940)

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Ijiday, July 29, 1940 <#te ider Mexican Pix iayed Under Law By MARCO-AURELIO GALINDO LM DAILY Staff Correspondent ilexico, D. F. — While native pro tion continues almost at a stand•l with only two pictures in work, 4»itors throughout the country ft found it necessary to abide by Central Department's decree of t October which provides that they • a Mexican-made film at least >ry two months, or be fined on an reasing scale. As a result, many native pictures, ne two or even three-years old, 3 being brought out. No less than ur of these were released in the t week or 10 days, three of which 3 of comparatively recent make, lociucciones Raul de Anda's "El (.arro Negro" (The Black Charro), fth Raul de Anda, Maria Luisa a and Emilio Fernandez, and megaloned by de Anda himself, opened the new Venecia; Lux Films' "La ibsa de Xochimilco" (Xochimilco >se), with Maria Luisa Zea, Victor lanuel Mendoza and Alicia Ortiz, id directed by Carlos Vejar, played e Balmori; the Regis had Produc)nes Ramon Pereda's "Los Olvida(■s de Dios" (Men God Forgot), !th Ramon Peredo, Adriana Lamar d Pedro Armendariz, and directed • Pereda himself; Producciones Enruie Herrera's "Los Apuros de arciso" (Nai-ciso's Troubles), with nique Herrera, who himself dieted, Matikle Palou and Antonio causto, was released at the Orfeon. Few Native Pix In First-Runs Very few of the most recent Mexan-made films have gotten into the j:st-run houses in Mexico City, the ajority of them having secured bookings for only a second or even third-run house. Bookings are beiven to Mexican productions ac>rding to the rating which they reive from a committee appointed vr the Central Department. Producciones Farnando de Fuentes' El Jefe Maximo" (The Big Chief) one of the two pictures now in reduction here. It is being filmed t the CLASA studios and has Leoold ("El Chato") Ortin, Joaquin ardave, Carlos ("El Chaflan") Loez, Pedro Armendariz and Emma ioldan topping the cast under De 'uentes' direction. The other is Proucciones Tilgmann's "El Dia del uicio" (Judgment Day), which Anonio Helu is megaphoning, with imilio Tuero, Arturo de Cordova, Preparedness Hillside, N. J. — Albert Besson, manager of the Mayfair, isn't waiting for any blitzkrieg before doing his bit. He's converted the basement of this township's only movie house into a fivetarget revolver range, and local police started using it last week, to be ready, according to Police Commissioner Vogel, "for any emergency that might arise in these trying times." The Mayfair range is the first the municipality has ever had. WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD • • • Introducing Interesting Personalities • • • CEYMOUR NEBENZAHL Producer. Born in 1899 in New York City. At*^ tended Public School in New York, but graduated from College in Berlin. Worked in a bank. Entered production in Berlin and made a comedy feature starring Ernst Matray, who is now a dance director at M-G-M's Culver City Studio. Produced "Shall We Be Silent?" starring Conrad Veidt. Also made "Ariane" starring Elisabeth Bergner. Produced seven pictures directed by G. W. Pabst. Some of his other directors were Fritz Lang, Anatole Litvak, Paul Czinner, Kurt Bernhardt and others. Produced "Mayerling" in Paris, and "M" in Berlin. Made "Betrayal" in Rome, in French and Italian. Has produced seventynine pictures. Came to Hollywood in 1939 and joined M-G-M where he is now a producer. Produced "We Who Are Young." Contempt Move Dismissal "Laugh Week" in Balto. Asked by Omaha Exhibs. For "Boys from Syracuse' (Continued from Page 1) that Prosperity Clubs were revamped Bank Night didoes, and the bench ruled Bank Night a lottery long ago. Omaha's exhibs., Will Singer, Brandeis; William Miskell, Orpheum-Tri States; Ralph Goldberg, Independent theaters; Sam Epstein, Neighborhood Theaters, and others claim there is a distinct difference between Bank Night and Prosperity Clubs. Omaha's Judge Palmer refused to see consideration present in the Prosperity plan, although price and chance were admitted. The high court here has always maintained that any action, however slight, taken to win is consideration. This makes registration fall into the class of consideration. No Restraint, Paramount Answers in Trendle Suit (Continued from Page 1) provision restricting Trendle from operating theaters within 150 miles of Detroit in the next 50 years is in restraint of trade. Trendle seeks to upset a contract made in 1929 in which he and Kunsky sold their theaters to Paramount. Carmen Heramosillo and Maria Luisa Zea heading the cast. It is occupying the Azteca plant. Producciones Grovas-Oro Films finished camera work on "Ahi Esta el Detalle" (That's the Question), starring Mario ("Cantinflas") Moreno under Juan Bustillo Oro's direction. There is only one other production being prepared for shooting in the immediate future, this being Producciones Jesus Grovas y Cia.'s "La Companera de Viaje" or "La Voluntad de Dios" (Act of God), which Alejandro Galindo will direct with the largest cast ever brought together in any one native picture. Cast will be headed by Arturo de Cordova, Rafael Falcon, Domingo Soler, Carlos Orellana, Julio Villarreal, Tomas Perrin, Sara Garcia, Matilde Palou and Susana Guizar. Baltimore — This city took official cognizance of the first double-theater picture showing when Mayor Howard W. Jackson decreed that "Laugh Week" will start Aug. 9 when "The Boys From Syracuse" opens at both the Keith and Hippodrome. An exploitation staff of more than six men, including I. Rappaport, H. Ted Routson and Bernie Seaman of the Hippodrome; and J. Lawrence and Fred Schamberger of the Keith, are staging a big campaign. Personal appearances of stars at both theaters are planned. San Francisco — "The Boys From Syracuse" opened here to the biggest gross the Orpheum theater has had since last Winter. The business was attained on a straight advertising and publicity campaign. Maynard May Produce Six for Indie Release Lincoln, Neb. — Ken Maynard, now touring with Cole Bros, circus, said here he would be ready to start shooting his new western series by Nov. 1. He said he believed, according to present situation, he'd make six, do them on his own, and secure independent release. Aviation Pix at Museum A showing of a series of documentary sound films dealing with aviation has been arranged by Air Youth of America in co-operation with the Museum of Modern Art Film Library. The films, which are believed to have been assembled as a series for the first time, will be shown in the auditorium of the Museum, on August 5-8. Jimmy Burge With Metro Oklahoma City, Okla. — Appointment of Jimmy Burge, for 12 years theater executive here for Regal and Standard Theaters, as Metro publicist for the Oklahoma City branch was announced by W. B. Zollner. Burge will cover Oklahoma, Western Arkansas and the Texas Panhandle. HCLLTWCCD $PC4I\ING« = By RALPH WILK = —HOLLYWOOD A NNA NEAGLE has agreed to appear ** with Gracie Fields in Vancouver and other Canadian centers. Augmented by a group of volunteer artists, they will on Aug. 2 leave Hollywood with the intention of touring the whole of the Dominion, giving no fewer than 40 concerts in different cities and towns for the benefit of the Canadian Navy League and the British Red Cross. Following her Canadian trip, Miss Neagle will fly to New York to appear as guest star of RKO Pathe's screen version of "Information Please." Sometime next month her schedule calls for her to start work before the cameras as star of "No, No Nanette." O O LJELEN PARRISH and Dennis O'Keefe ' ' will have the romantic leads in the Kay Kyser picture, "You'll Find Out," at RKO. This marks Miss Parrish's return to the studio where, as a child actress 10 years ago, she made her film debut with Richard Dlx in "Cimarron." • • ^URRENT list of 10 best-selling novels ^^ includes four books either already filmed or soon to be filmed by Warners. Included are "Kings Row," by Henry Bellamann, "Mr. Skeffington," by Elizabeth, and "High Sierra," by W. R. Burnett. In addition, Rachel Fields, ATAHT has enjoyed such a heavy sale since release of the film version that the book has bounded back into sixth place rank. • • XA/ITH four productions filming and 14 "' all but ready for camera call, RKO Radio has rounded the first lap in its new season schedule calling for 53 major pix. • • X/IRGINIA FIELDS has been signed by ™ 20th Century-Fox for the leading feminine role in "Hudson's Bay Company." • • DRADBURY FOOTE, currently collaborating " on the script of Metro's "Osborne of Sing Sing," has released the Canadian rights to all of his vaudeville skits to the Dominion Government so that they may be available at no cost, for the entertainment of troops. Foote had a lengthy and successful career as a stage writer. • • QEVERAL thousand "ham" radio operators, ** as well as hundreds of "sparks" on ships at sea and ashore on the West Coast, are thoroughly familiar with Eddie Albert's next role in "Four Mothers," here's why. While sailing North from the Galapagos, in his schooner, the "Moilie," Albert realized he would get to Los Angeles way behind schedule. With his boat equipped with two-way radio, the actor contacted the long distance telephone operator at Ensenada, and put through a call to Hal Wallis at Warners' studio. Wallis agreed to read that portion of the script applicable to Albert, as the actor's ship's captain took it down in long hand. When Albert arrived in Los Angeles, he had his role thoroughly memorized and rehearsed and actually had saved time.