The Film Daily (1941)

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w DAILY Wednesday, January 8, 19 lit: NAB Denies Consent Decree Effected (Continued from Page \) major networks and BMI had reached an agreement with the Department of Justice designed to leave Ascap as the sole defendant in the Government's impending music monopoly suit was officially denied by NAB insofar as a consent decree is concerned. This, it was stated, may be under consideration, but nothing has been done as yet. At NAB headquarters the entire executive committee of Independent Regional Networks Ass'n, the board of directors of BMI, and the full executive committee of NAB are understood to be discussing possible industry support as well as all phases of the Government's recent announcement. While no decision was reached late last night sources close to the NAB promised that an announcement would be made today. Anti-Ascap Measure Introduced in Colorado Denver — A bill designed to curtail the activities of Ascap was introduced in the Colorado House of Representatives yesterday by Representatives Clem Crowley (D) Denver, and William A. Carlson (R) Greeley. Crowley said the bill, similar to those in other states, was "intended to cut out payment of royalties by Colorado industries to New York monopolies." The measure also requires copies of all songs for which property rights are claimed by virtue of copyright to be filed with the Secretary of State and would make illegal the pooling of copyright interests in songs as only the owner of a song would be permitted to file its title with the Secretary of State. Midwest vs. Mich. Co-op. Suit Postponed to Jan. 21 Detroit — Trial of Midwest Theaters' suit against Co-operative Theaters of Michigan has been postponed till Jan. 21 because of the illness of the attorney for the defendant. Plan Cuban Year Book Havana (By Air .Mail) Ramon Peon, director and Pedro Pablo Chavez, writer, will publish a Cuban Year Book of Motion Pictures. THE FILM DAILY to Larry Dumour Matt Moore James Farley Alexander Cray Joe Weil Argentine Industry Plans Control Board • • • THAT spectacular storming of Bardia was not without its cinematic flavor Not only did the Australian troops launch their attack against the Italian ring of forts by singing the chorus of "The Wizard of Oz" from Metro's famed production of that name but the gallant Major General Iven Gifford Mackay commander of the second Australian Imperial Force — and nicknamed "Iven the Terrible" — led the attack into the town How this veteran warrior got such an evil appellation is not quite clear from overseas dispatches Perhaps it was because he won during the first World War Ihe reputation of being a nemesis of his foes as is attested by the awarding to him of the Distinguished Service Order and Bar. the French Croix de Guerre, and the British decoration of Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George Then again he might have been given the designation "Iven the Terrible" via his traditional prowess as a rugby player But most likely, the nickname was placed upon him because of all the scenes he deleted from movies in Australia ■where he was a film censor T T T • • • ANOTHER African note: Metro short subjects are fit for a king and Leo, Jr., can prove it via a request from the company's offices in Egypt for a print of Pete Smith's "Double Diving" to be forwarded to King Farouk who wants it for his private collection The communication followed a private screening of the short in the Palace of Abdine Needless to say, Metro is complying with the request T ▼ T • • • CHARLES F. Millett last year inaugurated a Winter Carnival at Sedgewick, Maine where he operates the State Theater and it proved so successful that this year he repeated it with even better results Each patron of the theater was requested to bring "some article worth 25c, or which can be sold for that amount, — no more, no less" The lobby was piled high with articles ranging from cooking utensils to streamlined toys and gadgets of all types Manager Millett then conducted an auction and the proceeds amounted to several hundred bucks since most of Ihe patrons brought several articles each The dough will be used to advertise Sedgewick as a year-'round resort aiding materially the picture biz there T T ▼ • • • STUFF: It's Colonel Mitchell Wolf son, Suh!,— for this co-owner of Wometco Theaters in Miami, Miami Beach, West Palm Beach and Nassau, has been appointed a Lt, Colonel on Gov. Spessard Holland's Florida staff (Mitch's comish took effect yes'day, the inaugural day for the Governor) Anent Wometco, circuit's managers welcomed Hal Pearl, new Miami Daily News film critic, with a party at Monte Proser's Beachcomber, Miami Beach (Pearl replaced Eddie Cohen on the News staff after latter resigned) Glenwood Sherrard, proprietor of Boston's Parker House, Bellevue and Somerset hotels, and recently named a Major on the staff of Governor Saltonstall, was selected by a group of motion picture officials as the best-dressed man in Boston And now anent Beantown, — films of the Boston College-Tennessee football game were sent by special messenger, with an operator, to the home of Chucking Charlie O'Rourke so our hero's mother and fiancee could view the contest (the stunt was done by Metro's local boys in a tieup with the Hearst newspapers there) (Continued from Page 1) | eacb group, will have the power settle all disputes, and decisions v be final. It has also been agreed to divi B. A. into four theater districts, addition, first-run houses will limited to showing two features a shorts, no other house can sh> more than three features on 1 same bill and no more than t1 episodes of a serial can be sho^ on the same program. An arranj ment governing clearance and pi tection has also been worked c on the basis of admissions, wi clearance running up to a year some cases. Free tickets have been abolish and the free lists are being replac by "bonus" tickets charging 20 p cent of the admission fee. Mininvu entrance fees have also been esta lished. N. J. High Court Upholds Movie Game Conviction Conviction of Philip M. Berger, Newark motion picture theater ope ator, for violating the state gamii act in violating a game called Pa me, similar to Bingo, as part of tl theater program, has been upheld 1 the New Jersey Supreme Court Trenton. Berger was found guilty in Ess< County Court of Special Sessions < March 20, last. He was placed < probation for one year and fined $2 The Supreme Court, in an opinii by Justice Joseph B. Perskie, ruli that game is comprehended in tl gambling act which provides that "i playing for money or other valuab thing with any device having oi or more figures or numbers thereo shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Kenney Backs Malverne House Malverne, N. Y.— Charles H. Ke ney has received permission from ti village board to erect a 700-se theater and four stores on Hem stead Ave. near Francis St. and Tri ity Place. John S. Olsen, of Olsi and Johnson, is one of Kenney's a sociates in the venture. Kenney head of Charles H. Kenney Studic theater decorators. Moloney In Hospital Pittsburgh — John J. Maloney, di trict manager for M-G-M here, confined to the Mercy Hospiti where he recently underwent a thro, operation. TO THE COLORS1 Dallas — Fred McFadden, of tl Majestic Theater publicity staff, hi the distinction of being the fir) from Movie Row to be taken by tl draft.