The Film Daily (1941)

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<?i* DAILY Wednesday, February 5, V See 150 Prospective Arbitration Demands (.Continued from Page 1) ecutives to be due to desire of most exhibitors to let the other fellow make the first move and start the ball rolling. However, approximately 150 cases are expected to be filed throughout the country during the first week and the American Arbitration Association is awaiting notification of the initial complaints. Meanwhile, the appeals board of the industry's arbitration system will establish offices on the 12th floor of the RCA Bldg. in New York. Headquarters will be open for business on Feb. 15. This board is composed of Van Vechten Veeder, a former Federal judge; George W. Alger and Albert W. Putnam, New York attorneys. The AAA is now getting settled in its new home in the U. S. Rubber Bldg., 1230 Sixth Ave., New York. Indiana Measure Would Okay Sunday Night Ball Indianapolis — A bill designed to legalize Sunday night baseball in Indiana was introduced in the state Senate, by members of the Marion county delegation. A 1909 law now permits baseball on Sundays only between the hours of 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. More London Theaters to Open? West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY London (By Cable) — With longer hours of daylight, it is expected that more London theaters will be opened. Only three of the 42 West End theaters, are running regularly at present. TO THE COLORS! Jack Le Vien, of the Pathe News contact department, has been ordered to active duty on Feb. 11 with the Second Armored Division, Fort Benning, Ga. He has held a reserve commission in the 61st Cavalry; will start his service with the regular army as a second lieutenant and becomes a first lieutenant in March. He has been given a year's leave of absence from Pathe News. Indianapolis — Abe Baker, assistant booker, Columbia exchange here, has been called to service and will leave about Feb. 10. New Haven — First Army service on Film Row is that of Edward Fitzgerald, assistant booker at the Paramount exchange, who is a Second Lieut, at Ft. Blanding, Jacksonville. Louis Posner of New York is the new assistant booker. Compulsory Pttrking Facilities Ordinance introduced in Youngstotcn City Council Youngstown, O. — A new fight on traffic hazards which create congestion began in City Council here with the introduction of an ordinance which would require all theaters and auditoriums built in the future to provide automobile parking facilities. Only churches would be exempted from the provision that places of public congregation must provide 200 square feet of parking space for each 10 persons in the total seating capacity of the building. Defense Tax Said Hurting In Some Indiana Towns (Continued from Page 1) industries operating on defense work. This is attributed to the fact that wages in these localities have not been advanced. In order to keep attendance and patronage up to standard, localities adversely affected now have bargain nights during the week at admissions below the tax limit. It has been pointed out that while the tax is small, it mounts up considerably where the whole family go to the movies, and the average wage earner cannot afford the increase in admission prices. Omaha Operators Win 5% Increase In Scale Omaha — Members of Local 343, IATSE, obtained a five per cent pay increase and one week's vacation with pay in contracts just signed with all local indie theaters and the Epstein circuit of seven houses. The deals run for two years. The local is now negotiating with Tri-States Theaters of Des Moines in connection with that circuit's Orpheum and Omaha theaters, firstrun downtown houses, and with the Mort H. Singer circuit in connection with Singer's Brandeis, the city's other first-run. These contracts expire Feb. 1. Dwight Taylor to 20th-Fox West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Dwight Taylor, who has been at Paramount for the last year and a half, goes to 20th Century-Fox to write the screenplay of "Coney Island," to be produced by William Perlberg. "Coney Island," is an original by Edward Van Every, who wrote "Sins of New York." Joe Penner Estate $100,000 West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Estate left by Joe Penner is valued at more than $100,000. His will leaves 66 2-3 per cent to his widow, and 33 1-3 per cent to his parents. Lana Turner for "Dr. Jekyll" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Metro yesterday replaced Laraine Day by Lana Turner for a leading feminine role in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," with Spencer Tracy and Ingrid Bergman. Japanese Diet to Get New Restrictive Bill (Continued from Page 1) week, it was reported yesterday. Bill would in effect only make current restrictions official, according to the letter of the law. All credits are frozen there now, at least in the case of the U. S. distributors operating in the country. At the present time U. S. distribs. have over $2,250,000 tied up in Japanese banks, with only infrequent withdrawals granted for print costs when a permit is allowed for importation of a new film. Massillon Mayor Vetoes Games Licensing Measure Massillon, O. — Mayor Harry W. Lash has vetoed an ordinance passed by council Jan. 20, to license and regulate Bank Nights and similar promotions in Massillon theaters. Mayor Lash said the ordinance is so worded that it would permit people to register upon payment of an entrance fee without attending the performance, thereby engaging in a lottery. He said also the license fee of $5 fixed in the ordinance is "entirely inadequate." The fee should be at least $25, he said. Rudy Knoepfle Re-elected Cincinnati — Rudy Knoepfle, representative for Republic Pictures was re-elected president of the Cinema Club. Mark Cummins, Paramount was elected first vice-president, Joe McKnight, RKO, second vice-pres., and Pete Niland was returned as secretary and treasurer. Installation dinner and ceremonies are set for Feb. 21. Signs Clive Brook's Daughter West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — RKO has signed Faith Brook, daughter of Clive Brook. She will make her debut in "Before the Fact" which Alfred Hitchcock will direct. Constance Worth was also signed to the film. 20th-Fox Assigns Writers West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Twentieth CenturyFox has assigned George Seaton to write the scenario of "Separate Vacation," and Philip Dunne to prepare the script of "Benjamin Blake." ell Ascap Suit Move Is Expected Today (Continued from Page 1) of board members, and send it Washington to confer with D o officials. Published reports fi Washington that the Governm was going ahead with its suit, cau Ascap to give up the proposed to Washington. Then it was le that the D of J was peeved whe' Ascap board members failed to aril in Washington yesterday. Dissension in the board was ported last night to have alte the plan for the full board to go Washington. The D of J was furt. said threatening to file its suit Milwaukee today. In the meantime, Lieut.-G Charles Poletti of New York, ag entered the case as Ascap coum He was reported last night to be Washington working on a possi agreement with the Governmc Ascap officials last night were in 1 stant touch with Poletti by long c tance telephone seeking to avert suit and work out an agreement, was expected that delay beyond I 48-hour limit set by the Governmi on Monday, would be granted, pei ing the acceptance of some sort a decree. Irving Caesar, Ascap board me» ber, and Oscar Hammerstein II al went to Washington yesterday alog with Arthur Garfield Hays, coun-1 for the Song Writers Protect e Ass'n of which Caesar is presided They were reported to have returrj to New York last night. "Journey to Jerusalem" In University's Theater Syracuse — Maxwell Anderso "Journey To Jerusalem," filmed tact by Theater on Films, Inc., 16 mm. size, will be presented h< at the Civic Theater February 15 under the sponsorship of Sy: cuse University. The University printing and selling the tickets ar it is stressed that the showings ;e non-theatrical performances. Joseph Pollak, producer and htd of Theater On Films, Inc., staid Friday that a number of bocl ings had already been made for le film of the Maxwell Anderson pl;r, with Dartmouth recently sponsori? a showing similar to the one sch<uled for Syracuse next month. SICK REPORT Bridgeport, Conn. — Morris Rosethai, Majestic manager, is ill withi streptococcus infection. Harry Rose, manager of the Glot, is ill at the Bridgeport City Hospitl with a kidney ailment. _