The Film Daily (1941)

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cWf DAILY Friday, February 14, 1 , AAA's 15 -Years' Experience At Call of Industr Arbitration's Unique Feo> tures Discussed by Allied's Counsel, Abram Myers {Continued from Page 1) ports that "we want to use the first year to find out whether arbitration is a system which business groups can afford to install and to run practically as a method of self-regulation and as an integral part of their business mechanism." System's Unique Features Unique features of the arbitration system prescribed bv the decree are discussed by Abram F. Myers, Allied general counsel. In this reeard, Myers points out that 1. The decree provides for the institution of arbitration proceedings by exhibitors asainst distributors, but it makes no provision for the institution of proceedings b y distributors against exhibitors. 2. Although the exhibitors stand to gain by the awards, actually the proceedings have for their main purpose the enforcement of a decree entered in a suit by the Government under a public statute. 3. Controversies can be arbitrated which could not be subjects of civil actions at law; not, at least, without allegations and proof of combination and conspiracy, which will be unnecessary in proceedings under the decree. 4. The arbitration tribunals are charged with the duty of deciding certain controversies on abstract principles of "reasonableness," with no fixed standards to guide them. 5. A complaining exhibitor may be awarded a run, or be given a reduction in clearance, at the expense of another exhibitor, without joining the latter as a party; although, of course, the affected exhibitor may intervene. Pertinent statements by other writers are as follows: Keough's Statement AUSTIN KEOUGH, Paramount general counsel: "To the extent that the decree imposes obligations voluntarily undertaken by the distributors, it imposes upon them new rules of trade conduct. It does not go beyond this. It does not make new law. It does not empower the arbitrators to establish additional trade practices or put additional re IF PICKETED, JUST JOIN IN Bob Pfotenhauer of Oklahoma City Cashes in on Labor Row "Thank You" Bill Detroit — "Land of Liberty" was shown at a special screening at Lansing for the entire membership of both houses of the Michigan Legislature, and the House of Representatives passed a Bill, HR 12, thanking the management of the Butterfield houses involved for the screening. Oklahoma City, Okla.— Bob Pfotenhauer, manager of the State theater h°re, took advantage of union sign painter pickets in front of his theater bv emplovine a youth to carry a card alongside the pickets which read: "Unfair To Hitler. All Fellow Travelers will not see 'Foreien Correspondent'. Alfred Hitchcock production playing at the State Theater." Three pickets have been patrolling in from of the theate' for more than a week because the display company who prepares art work, fronts and posters for the theater on a ";«fe-wo'-k basis is not a member of the A F of L building trades union. French Studios Open But Face Handicaps (Continued from Page 1) zation of pictures made in the Free zone and distributed only in that zone, and export restrictions and difficulties. The situation in Marseilles is improving. Fernand Rivers has one feature in production; Roger Ferdinand has one; Marcel Paenol is at work on "Le Petit Ange" (Little Angel). Rivers' film, "Mon Cure Chez Les Pauvres," was started before the invasion. Andre Hugon is making "Chambre 13" with Josse' line Gael. Robert le Vigan and Jules Berry. Victor Francen is expected ; to return to act the role of Dr. Emile Roux, a disciple of Pasteur. The film will be made with Government subsidy. A new studio for the dubbing and I synchronization of films has been | installed at Endoume. Only Amer : ican and German pictures will be dubbed, selection to be made by the Ministry of Propaganda at Vichy. Illinois Exhib. Files Arbitration Demand Bostonian Committee Will Sponsor "Liberty" in Hub Boston — Committee of 100 leading Bostonians will sponsor the local engagement of "Land of Liberty" at +>>° St.n+p and Ornheum theaters. Gov. Leverett Saltonstall has teleo-rar-hed Will H. HavS, MPPDA prexy, that he "shall be hapnv to recommend the film to the citizens of Massachusetts, the state where Liberty was born in this country." "Citizen Kane" Will Get Test at Higher Admissions straints or limitations upon either the distributors who consented to the decree or exhibitors who arbitrate under it. Economic and social theories are not to be legislated into existence bv arbitration." WALTON H. HAMILTON, nrofessor of law, Yale University: "The signing of the consent decree in the motion picture case is an event of consequence in the national economy. It provides the dominant trade, upon which the people depend for amusement, with an instrument of gov°rnment. It marks a long step forward in anti-trust proceedings and oromises to turn a weapon usually employed for trust-busting to a more constructive use. And it presents an opportunity to shape a judicial orocess to the very life of an industry at work." Ensure "Fair, Full Hearing" Among other summarizing statements was one written by James < Continued from Parte 1) New York theater in which it will play. Meanwhile, Welles plans to start his second picture for RKO about April 1. It is planned to make the entire picture in Mexico City with Dolores Del Rio starred. No title has been selected but the script is finished. Between now and April 1, Welles and John Houseman expect to produce a stage play in New York. Play is "Native Son" and rehearsals start shortly. (Continued from Page 1) aribtrarily refuses to licens^jJ second-run films for his towr^v complaint is also directed ago Morris and Times theaters of Anderson circuit, which also o ates in Morris. A hearing is expected to be before a local arbitrator in 30 d (Editor's Note: First arbitra demand, originating with the > brook theater, Baltimore, conceit clearance). It is reported that several o' arbitration demands are being mulated here. One is understood ing prepared by the Bartelstein B Circuit, and will allege over-bm in Cicero. Blumberg and Two Oth( i Issued "U" Stock Warrals Ascap Quint In Vaude Bow Chrrles Tobias, J. Fred Coots, Pete) DeRose, Jean Schwartz and Jack Lawrence, five of Ascap's composer-members, have organized a vaudeville unit and open at the RKO Theater, Dayton, 0., today. The act will be billed as "Songwriters on Par; de," and is booked for a local annearance at the Loew's State, Mar. 6. Continue Clearance Survey Toronto — Members of the Ontario Clearance Board, the body recently formed for the purpose of instituting clearance reforms in this province, state that the special committee appointed to survey the clearance situation in leading Ontario centers has found there is so much material (Continued from Page 1) 5,000; W. A. Scully, 3,000; and JB Seidelman, 3,000. As of Jan. 10 1ft versal had outstanding warrants^ purchase 273,066 shares. A January report of Param<Bt states the $1,000,000 promissory it of Feb. 20, 1940 is now fully rfc following the last payment of $.rl, 000 on Jan. 29, last. The $35,771* promissory note of Dec. 30, 1939 «v amounts to $27,023.47 as of Janlv following a payment of $60.42. I holder of the note in consideration the payment and completion of laments on the million-dollar note ■ revised the installment dates onl< outstanding note. AAAA to Manage Varie Guild for Sixty Days Hayes, special assistant Attorney , General, who said: "In short, instead ! available it may be a week or more of attempting to limit free and open | befoie thls data is compiled. operation of this arbitration system, . . there is virtually an open invitation 1° Pay 3y2 P.C. Dividend to all who might be affected by an Montreal — Directors of Marcus award to come in and present their Loew's Theaters, Ltd., have declared grievances or their claims to the a dividend of 3% per cent on the pre arbitrators. These rules insure a ferred stock, payable Mar. 31, to fair and full heHring." shareholders of record Mar. 15. The 4A's will manage the Ar ican Guild of Variety Artists f( a period of 60 days, Frank Gillmore prexy stated last night, follov resignation of AGVA's prexy, De Barto, and the ousting of its se tary, Hoyt S. Haddock. At the of the 60 days the Guild meml will elect new officers, Gilln stated. Pro-Bingo Measure Before Conn. SenaU New Haven — Senator Coles ha filed a Bingo bill (S.B. 703) in rh State Senate which would permi municipalities to keep Bingo, fo civic, fraternal and religious organi zations only, indefinitely, after vor ing favorably on Bingo for two sue cessive years. Present law require annual voting on popular petition