The Film Daily (1941)

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16 Cf*VCUULY Friday, March 14, 1941J .v .V SHORT SUBJECT REVIEWS :< "Greece Fights Back" Paramount 10 mins. The courage of the Greeks in resisting invasion and their determined desire to preserve the democracy they have enjoyed for 2,700 years is the keynote of this short subject now available to exhibitors. Minus flagrant propaganda, the reel strives to show what one small nation is doing to outwit the dangers of aggression and, without attempting to preach a sermon, it subtly points out the necessity of preparedness. Regardless of which way the tide ol war may turn, the picture is timely, interesting and done in good taste and worthy of exhibition in the nation's theaters. "Fishing Fever" Paramount 10 mins. Swell Sport Reel The piscatorially minded public will be green with envy when they see the fishermen and the fish they get in this reel, and the ordinary movie fan who never succumbed to the lure of the wily trout should get a yen to try his hand at this sport. The reel has additional interest for the average audience as a number of film personalities are seen at their favorite occupation, fishing. Ted Husing provides the commentary. Trout fishing in the Pecos River in New Mexico and the McKenzie River in Oregon; deep sea fishing off Catalina and still water trolling in Bouler Dam are seen in the reel. "So Long Mr. Chumps" Columbia 17 mins. Fairly Funny The Three Stooges will undoubtedly get a lot of laughs from fans that appreciate their particular brand of comedy in this release. On the whole it is a fairly funny comedy with a fair number of laughs. The three boys get mixed up with a young lady with a sob story. So, being good natured, they get themselves put in jail to try and effect the release of her supposedly innocent sweetheart, but he turns out to be a crook and they have to do a stretch for their efforts. "Swankiest Isle In The World" Universal 9'/2 mins. Scenic Travelogue Mount Desert Island, first discovered by Champlain, and now better known as Bar Harbor, is depicted in this subject. Graham McNamee provides the commentary. A number of imposing homes are seen as well as the various native industries, making of pottery, lobster catching and fishing. "Going Places" Universal 9 mins. America's Deserts The average person knows that there are such things as deserts some place in the United States and a few know where these wastelands are, but the average audience will get a surprise from this reel. It depicts a number of deserts in this country from Maine to California, some small and some vast. The reel should be of interest to audiences generally. "Fight, Fish, Fight" Warners 10 mins. Corking Fishing Reel Michael Lerner and his wife, Helen, who are among tho best known big game fishermen of today, are depicted in this subject fishing for giant marlin in New Zealand waters. Subject should not only greatly interest anybody who has ever done any fishing, but should be of interest to audiences generally. Mrs. Lerner gets the first catch and then Lerner sets the hook in a seven hundied and six pound marlin that gives him a back-breaking fight before being brought to gaff. Wendell Niles gives an interesting commentary. High Spots In American History" Universal 7 mins. Fair Cartoon Starting with Columbus this cartoon burlesques a number of famous American historical events. A running gag is worked through the picture where two old maids try to detour the soldiers into their home every time an army marches. Reel has a few laughs. "Popular Science" Paramount 11 mins. Interesting Subject Up to par for this series, this subject is highly interesting. Hatching and breeding of quail, a number of synthetic articles made in the laboratory, Professor Oakes and a gag, and the operation of the new Stratoliners are dealt with in the subject. Any audience should enjoy this short. "The Streamlined Donkey" Columbia 7 mins. Amusing Cartoon A young donkey is told by his mother that it is undignified for him to be frisky and frivolous and he should follow in the best traditions of the family. But the young donkey is a gay blade and pays no heed. Finally he has to rescue his mother from a cruel taskmaster that is breaking her down with too much work. "Stranger Than Fiction" Universal 9'/2 mins. Good Subject Matter Subject opens with a sequence depicting the Ave Maria Grotto, at St. Bernard College, near Cullman, Ala., which comprises a remarkable collection of miniatures. An ingenious device to hold cows' tails still; a fountain in Texas that also burns due to gas in the water; a woman who works in a railroad yard; production of old muzzle-loading rifles, and a windup sequence showing an unusually intelligent Brazilian bird follow in order. All of the material is interesting. "Western Wonderland" Columbia 10 mins. Fine Travelogue The majestic sweep of the Grand Canyon, the beauties of Zion and Yosemite national parks and the mighty Sequoia trees in the latter park are depicted in the subject. The natural beauty of the scenery is breath-taking and the material used is excellent. Reel is a fine subject for any audience. It was filmed and produced by Andre de la Varre. "Speaking Of Animals" Paramount 9 mins. Novel And Amusing Through a new wrinkle in trick photography and animation this short is one of the most novel and amusing one-reelers seen in some time. Any audience should get plenty of laughs from it and exhibitors can't go wrong in booking it. The trick processing produces a perfect illusion of animals talking, and their comments are highly laughable. The commentator takes the audience down to a farm and then introduces it to the various animals, with the animals commenting on what they are thinking about. Fairbanks and Carlisle produced the short. "Stranger Than Fiction" Universal 9 '/4 mins. Interesting Reel Presenting a number of unusual occupations and people this reel is interesting screenfare for the average audience. Subject depicts a man who makes a comfortable living out of making trout flies, started as a hobby; a hotel made completely from driftwood and articles salvaged from wrecks; a new motor fuel made of water and lye; an artist who makes his paintings with pieces of postage stamps; and it concludes with a fiveyear-old girl who is an amazing acrobatic dancer. "Movie Magic" Columbia 10 mins. First-Rate Production of lipstick and the methods used to test its efficacy and life under "pressure" should interest any audience. At the same time, in the second half of the subject the audience is taken behind the scenes in a shop where Floyd B. Thayer, inventor and manufacturer of magical paraphernalia, is at work on new tricks to mystify the magicians' audiences. Reel as a whole is first-rate entertainment. "Quiet! Pleeze" Paramount 7 mins. Weak Cartoon The kids may like this one, but it is not up to the standard of other Popeye cartoons. Popeye walks in on his Pappy and finds he is suffering from a terrific headache, actually a hangover. Immediately Popeye starts quieting all the noises in the neighborhood by ingenuity and brute strength. However, when he returns from one of his anti-noise can/ paigns he hears a riotous par^' going on in his own apartment house and discovers Pappy performing as the life of the party. Reel is a Max Fleischer production. "Canine Sketches" Paramount 10 mins. Excellent Sport Reel Any audience will get a bang out of watching different types of hunting dogs at their work in this reel. Subject opens with a sequence devcted to Springer spaniels. Labrador retrievers, setters and pointers are also seen at work, and all of the dogs give first rate performances. A novel touch is given the reel by first introducing the dogs in the studio of the noted artist, Lynn Bogue Hunt, where they are seen being drawn. An interesting commentary is provided by Ted Husing. So* I "Music In The Morgan Manner" Universal ny2 mins. Entertaining Musical Russ Morgan and his orchestra provide the music for this short with the customary bandstand, dance floor background. The music played is tuneful and is effectively put over. In addition, a number of acts, including Modie & LeMaux, dancers, Arthur Boran, Southern Sisters, Jane Frazee, Nina Orla and George Davis are presented. "Screen Snapshots" Columbia 10 mins. Hollywood Folks Larry Simms, Columbia's Baby Dumpling in the "Blondie" series, acts as a sort of master of ceremonies for this subject. Reel depicts a number of Hollywood stars hard at work entertaining our armed forces in the nearby Army and Navy posts. Abbott and Costello, Burns and Allen and Rita Hayworth are seen. "Red, White And Blue Hawaii" Paramount 11 mins. Fine Travelogue Hawaii, vividly filmed in Technicolor, presents not noly a beautiful subject in this reel, but one of intense interest to the public today as the U. S. first line of defense in the Pacific and the home base for the mighty Pacific battle fleet. The sugar and pineapple industries are interestingly dealt with, and the film as a whole is a first rate short subject that any exhibitor will find an asset to his program. ItF ii .'it ■ii> Kl ■lit llll ! Ki1 lol -': ■II 111 km ilili Hap Hadley Convalescing Hap Hadley is convalescing at Misericordia Hospital, 531 E. 86th St.