The Film Daily (1941)

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i ACL X*ii$ ANP YEARBOOK TOO/ THE FILM YEAR BOOK .. . This is the only book published in the world that carries such valuable interesting information about the motion picture industry and motion picture people. Among the important features in the 1941 edition now being printed will be found a Theater List giving the names of theaters with seating capacities arranged by states and cities. Circuit theaters listed alphabetically by name with manager or officer of company, number and names of theaters in each circuit Pictures released last year with complete credits ... a list of 17,800 pictures released since 1915 with FILM DAILY review dates and/or release dates and name of company distributing. Work of Directors, Producers, Authors, Screen Writers, Players, Writers, Cameramen, etc. Financial Structure of important companies ... A new and revised Equipment and Supply Dealers Section ... A practical showman's Manual . . . Addresses of important producers, distributors, exchanges, trailer companies, agents, play brokers, projection rooms, and laboratories. A Survey of Television ... 1001 other bits of information that eveyone should know in this beautifully bound volume of more than 1200 pages. ;• All this, and the Year Book, too, is yours when you become a regular yearly subscriber to THE FILM DAILY. Only Ten Dollars a year for the works. Sign the coupon and mail today. FOR 52 ISSUE TRIAL SIGN CARD AND MAIL. THE FILM DAILY . . . The industry's oldest daily trade paper, published five days each week. Vital news of the industry that is essential to everyone in this industry today. Production, Distribution and Exhibition news. Constructive editorials. Analytical, showmanship feature and short subject reviews that will help any exhibitor in the selection of his programs. News of arbitration complaints, hearings and decisions of exceptional spot value to exhibitors and distributors. A daily paper keeping subscribers informed of the important changes and happenings in this industry as they happen. News presented in the same brief, readable, interpretive, interesting style which THE FILM DAILY has maintained uncompromisingly during these past twenty-three years of serving the industry. SHORT SUBJECT QUARTERLIES . . . Periodically, issues of THE FILM DAILY are devoted to the Short Subject Field. In each issue will be found the complete program of each of the Short Subject Producers and Distributors for the next three months. Pages of reviews of short subjects for guidance in booking. Suggested programs and up-to-date exploitation ideas that are being successfully used by others to sell shorts. A complete coverage of the short subject field will be found in these issues referred to as THE FILM DAILY Short Subject Quarterlies. "EQUIPMENT NEWS" . . . A fortnightly section of THE FILM DAILY printed separately, but distributed with the regular FILM DAILY devoted exclusively to the equipment field. Every two weeks "Equipment News" appears and is welcomed with open arms by all those interested in the Equipment Field. It carries live news of the industry presented in such a manner that it reads like a best seller. New developments, new installations by companies and by theaters. What theaters are being planned and those to be renovated. What supply dealers are making installations. Whose product they are installing. A paper that gives exhibitors, supply dealers, architects, manufacturers as well as bankers, studio and home office executives the essential news of the equipment side of the industry in a human style. There's plenty of meat in this paper presented every other Friday. I im NOSMm ^Mm Nlto au. no ww* I or mxr)QM^^wm»"^^AUTmnMi V^'DAILV ■' i THE FILM DAILY 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. I Gentlemen: I Please enter my subscription to the FILM DAILY and send my 1941 Year | Book immediately. I enclose my check for $10.00 (Foreign subscription, $15.00). ^ , Name: Street: I . I City: • ■ • . . State: I