The Film Daily (1941)

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% Friday, March 14, 1941 W Dill* EQUIPMENT NEWS GE Reopening Plant To Turn Out Plastics (Continued from Page 1) quent replacement of non-ferrous metals with plastics, and the natural growth of the plastics industry. ~ ^n the Taunton plant, General itric will install nearly 300 molding presses of the compression type which will give them more than half the capacity they now have at their main factorv at One Plastics Ave., Pittsfield, Mass.— the largest plastics molding plant in the United States. Approximately 400 persons will be employed. New Haven Territory Busy with Construction (.Continued from Page 1) Hall. Peter Perakos and Joseph Quittner, prominent Connecticut exhibs., are excavating for a 1,000-seat house in East Hartford. Fred Quatrano, co-operator of the Lido, Waterbury, is preparing to build a 700seater at Newington, Conn. Strand Amusement Co, operator of a Bridgeport chain, will remodel the 700-seat Strand-Palace, installing new heating, new marquee, new modernistic glass front, and new seats. Bids are out for renovating and enlarging Michael Daly's 700-seat Plainfield Theater. Philip Schwartz of the 400-seat Parkway, Bridgeport, will improve and enlarge his house this Spring. The Roger Sherman and other ace Warner houses in the district are trying out a new type of lamp for improved interior lighting. Theater Fires Buffalo — Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the Walden Theater just over the city line. Damage was estimated at $10,000. Malvern, la. — The Empress Theater here was seriously damaged by fire which swept through the theater and nearby buildings. Blaze started in the basement of the pic house during the night. Eastport, Me. — On March 6, fire destroyed the local Acme Theater, Red Men's Hall and three waterfront buildings, including the U. S. Customs House. Loss was more than $50,000. Vandalia, 111. — Damage by fire to the Liberty Theater here is estimated at more than $35,000. Herman Tanner, house's manager, states that all of the theater's equipment, including a $20,000 air conditioning system, was a total loss. Blaze occurred on the night of Feb. 25, doing a total damage to Odd Fellows Lodge of an estimated $45,000. Blaze started in the theater's furnace room. Snow Hill, Md. — Fire destroyed the O. W. Outten Building here which houses the Gem Theater. SHOWMAN HINTS-By Showmen By CHAS. E. KURTZMAN Division Manager, Loew's Northeastern Theaters Good pictures make for good business . . . and in the same sense, good house maintenance is insurance against loss of much of this business. Though product is the backbone of a theater, we have yet to meet the theater operator who did not lose a certain amount of business through neglect of his physical properties ... or by indifferent house management. Good housekeeping in a theater is not "one man's opinion" as are advertising and lighting, for example. Theater maintenance is simply a matter of right and wrong. One either does or does not have a clean marquee and an inviting front. The cashier is pleasant and alert or she is a "chewing gum mechanic" interested only in the hour her day stops. A doorman's uniform may not be brand new and the smartest in the city but it should be clean. A theater lobby should be wiped down and dusted regularly and the carpet vacuumed daily. Seats with broken springs and extending wires or loose armrests do not contribute to a patron's comfort. Take us into a rest room that is untidy or throws off an odor and you are taking us into a theater operated by a man who does not work at his job. Uncontrolled ventilation, poor projection and sound that is either too loud or too dim are faults of the theater . . . more uncommon today than common, but nevertheless still to be found. Not every theater manager can have the best picture of the week nor is he always manager of the best physical property in his town, but he can protect what business he has by being a good housekeeper . . . and in the long run, at far less cost than by deliberate neglect of his property. Haven't we often heard "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine?" F. L. Lowe Speeds Work On His Missouri Stand Lebanon, Mo. — Construction is being pushed on the new motion piccure theater being erected here by F. L. (Doc) Lowe of Lyons, Kans., who is interested in the Star Theater Co. The house, which will have 500 seats, is to be known as the Star Theater. It will be ready for opening about April 15 or May 1. Lowe has moved his family to Lebanon and will make his headquarters in this city. The Gasconade Theater Co. has the 580-seat Lyric Theater here. That house has been in operation for a number of years. The close proximity to Fort Leonard Wood, the training camp for the Seventh Armp Corps, has made Lebanon a logical site for a1 new theater. Strand Being Improved Provo, Utah — Strand Theater here is being entirely remodeled and renovated. Equipment for this 400seater is being furnished by Service Theater Supply Co. of Salt Lake City. Remking Remodeling Swan Terre Haute — Morris Remking is remodeling his Swan Theater, replacing the front with enamel steel, building a new box-office, modernizing the lobby and foyer. COMPLETE THEATRE RENOVATION 1 S OUR S P E C 1 A L T Y Lighting Efiects • Draperies • Acoustical Correction • Wall Covering • Painting and Decorating • Stage Rigging • Steel Tracks • Curtain Controls • Carpets Send for circular showing other recent installations, CHARLES H. KENNEY STUDIOS, INC. 112-18 W. 44th St.. New York City Field Supervisors Named For G-E Air Conditioning Paul M. Hooven, Jr., has been appointed Eastern field supervisor, and Dorcey F. Hines, Western field supervisor of the General Electric air conditioning and commercial refrigeration department, it has been announced by Elliott Harrington, sales manager. Both men will report directly to E. B. McClelland, assistant sales manager in charge of field operations. Hooven, who will make his headquarters in Cleveland, joined G-E as a sales representative in what was then the oil furnace division of the air conditioning department. Hines, who will maintain headquarters in Kansas City, was one of the first G-E refrigeration distributors, having opened his firm in Baltimore around 1927. 20th-Fox Betters Exchange Indianapolis — Twentieth CenturyFox exchange is being remodeled here. Included in the new equipment is air conditioning system; screen room, with new seats; new screen and general new office equipment. IE Plans 1,000-S eater Quincey, Fla. — Interstate Enterprises have announced tentative plans for a 1,000-seat theater, work to be started in the near future. RCA Newsreel Type Single System Mitchell Recorder with 2—12 V. motors, dry galvanometer, etcL Worth $2,500.00 Now $495.00 Hundreds of other bargains in printers, cameras, motors, recorders, moviolas, developers, dollies, etc. Ask for Studio, Recording and Laboratory Bulletin Recor* 3LF. S. O. S. Cinema Supply Corp. 636 Eleventh Avenue New York AIR DEFENSE CUJCUMAt > SUMMER r BLITZKRIEG DOLING EVAPORATIVE IMIDIFYING CONDENSER RCULATIMG UNIT UNIT ALL IN > ONE PACKAGE 'Qfifayvuttext Engineered Into a Single Unit for Efficiency and Economy Refrigerated Kooler-aire is a complete, automatic, refrigerated air cooling and dehumidifying system engineered into one integrally-related, balanced unit. As a result, Refrigerated Kooler-aire does the job better and — Costs Less to Own and Operate Installed in a few hours. No cooling towers, special superstructures, deep wells, or intricate wiring and piping. No engineer needed to run it. Comes factory engineered, assembled, and tested, fully equipped and ready to operate. Write for "Your Best Air Defense", — learn how this amazing Refrigerated Kooler-aire can boost the box office and beat the nut in any theater, large or small. Address your request to Department RK-1 usAIRcc llieatto. IZaJH^pexttt&ct UNITED STATES AIR CONDITIONING CORPORATION NORTHWEST TERMINAL MINNEAPOLIS. MINN