The Film Daily (1941)

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8 • EQUIPMENT NEWS EQUIPMENT FIELD NOTES A RTICLES of incorporation have been ** filed in Milwaukee, Wis., by the Theater Equipment b Supply Co. Incorporators are Michael Levin, Oscar E. Olson and H. R. Vogel. * * * Just in the past few days, Arthur V. Sheckler of Central Theater Supply has sold Brenkert Suprex lamps to the Luna, Lafayette, Ind.; Motiograph projectors to the Park; Robins generator to the Rex, and lamp equipment to the Ritz. Three latter houses are located in CTS bailiwick, Louisville. * * * Two new Cyclex projection lamps have been installed in the Rivola Theater, Elkader, la. * * * Irving Lipnick has completed installation of 8,000 sq. ft. of wall insulation in his Shore Theater on Chicago's South Side. Step is part of his modernization program which is continuing. Last month, Irv put in a host of Kroehler PushBak chairs. * * * Out of Baltimore bobs confirmation that Thomas D. Goldberg, operator of the Walbrook Theater, will open his new house, the Hilton, around Easter. * * * Charley Brooks is refurbishing his Ritz in Marshfield, Mo., and another Brooks, Paul (who is treasurer of Chambersburg Theater Co., Chambersburg, Pa.), has inked an RCA Photophone contract calling for sound for the 1,400-seat Rosedale Theater in the latter situation. * * * L. R. Allen of Commonwealth Amusement Corp. writes that the circuit has selected Easter Sunday, April 13, for the opening of its new Fort Wood Theater, Waynesville, Mo. * * * That new Gem Theater in Villa Grove, III., has opened and is a model of modernity. * * * Court Square Theater, Springfield, Mass., has opened its second balcony for the first time since E. M. Loew circuit took over the house three years ago. Entire theater has been re-carpeted, chandeliers re-lamped, and new aisle lights installed. House books vaude three days a week. * * * Jesse Fine, prexy of Premier Naborhood Theaters, is reported ready to spend about $100,000 on two new theaters in Evansville, Ind., — the Franklin and the Woodlawn. Architects in charge of the plans are Favler & Logoman, Evansville, and Rapp & Rapp, of Chicago. * * * Frrom Albany, N. Y., comes word that the Cineola Corp., a Manhattan concern, has been chartered to make and distribute motion pictures and projection machines. Capital stock, it is said, consists of 200 shares of no stated par value. Filing counsel was D. K. Shappiro. NTS Detroit Branch Reports New Orders (Continued from Page 1) Hertner transverters, Walker plastic molded screen, Peerless Magnarc lamps, Bausch & Lomb F-2 coated lenses, Crestwood carpeting and a National marquee. Installation was made by the local branch of NTS. Simplex Four Star sound, Super Simplex projectors and Simplex high lamps were installed in Sol and Mac Krim's Krim Theater, Detroit, by NTS office here. Also Hertner transverters, Walker screen, Bausch & Lomb F-2 lenses, Crestwood carpet, and a National marquee were purchased for this theater. The Dearborn Theater, Dearborn, Mich., operated by Wisper & Wetsman, has been outfitted with Simplex Four Star sound, E-7 projectors, Hertner transverters, Walker plastic molded screen, Peerless Magnarc lamps, B & L coated lenses, National marquee and Crestwood carpeting. The Detroit office of NTS made the installation. Lee Carrow has installed in Lee's Theater Simplex high projection lamps and rectifiers through the Detroit branch. New equipment, including Simplex Four Star sound, Super Simplex projectors, Peerless Magnarc lamps, Walker screens, Simplex rectifiers, Bausch & Lomb F-2 lenses, National marquee, and Crestwood carpeting has been installed in the Esquire Theater, Toledo. Large Order for Holmes Chicago — Holmes Projector Co. of Chicago has been awarded contracts in the amount of $88,626 for motion Dicture sound equipment for the U. S. Navy. The many private shipyards, now converting old ships into modern vessels for the Government, are a part of the installations calling for Holmes equipment. Ruby Camera exchange with headquarters in New York are distributors of Holmes equipment in the Eastern territory. Remodeling Victory Detroit— Edward C. Johnson, who has just taken over the Victory Theater at Bay City, is remodeling the house and renaming it the City. Sound and projection contract went to George McArthur, and the marquee to Edward A. Long. An enterprise long associated with the best work In the field . . Executing PAINTING . . DECORATING MURALS . . TUDIOS 301 WE8T 42nd 8TREET t ew York City DAILY Friday, March 14, 194 PROSCENIUM CHATTER AFTER considerable delay and negotiation, definite arrangements have been made twixt Harris Amusement Co. and Harvard University for reconstruction of the latter-owned Alvin Theater in Pittsburgh. House, which was almost completely demolished when the roof collapsed last Autumn, will be rebuilt from the ground up, and work will start immediately. It's expected to be ready for opening not later than Labor Day. * * * RKO Radio offices and those of Columbia in Cincinnati are being remodeled and air conditioned. * * ♦ B. W. Johnson and R. R. Knight are putting up a new house in South San Antonio to be known as the So-San. RCA Photophone has been awarded contract for sound, booth equipment and screen. * * * The Trans Lux Theater in downtown Boston has completed installation of a new marquee, and Manager Lewis Newman is planning other improvements to "further dress-up the theater.r * * * A. D. Donnellan will show pix in the town hall of Winter, Wis., which is being renovated for that purpose. * •;:•'* H. Lorence, who formerly operated theaters in New York State and Youngville, Pa., has just taken over the Roose velt Theater in Erie, Pa. Stand will b shuttered for several weeks for extet sive remodeling, reseating and renovi tion, including new sound equipmen * * * M. M. Lewis, operator of the Par'( Lyon Theaters, Houston, Tex., is builoTn another to be known as the Holman Thea ter. * * * Phil Isley is adding another theate to his growing circuit in Texas. Th time it's the Brazos Theater at Monera Wells, now being completed. It's I 1 ,000-seater. * * * From plans by Architects Krokyn { Browne of Boston, for Graphic Theater Cir cuit, S. Kurson, owner, work has startei on Camden, Me., project which calls for t-hcater and store. General contractor ij Arthur N. Olive of Boston. Building will b< of concrete blocks with brick front, 40 : 132, one story and basement, concrete slal floor construction, tar and gravel roof, am cost will be $60,000. A tentative agreement has beet reached between City of Durand, Wis.' and the Durand Theater Co. with ref1 erence to leasing of the auditoriun\ building there, which is to be rebuil,\ with a large, new theater on the grounc\ floor and a dance hall on the seconc floor. GROUND » • • Back of every airplane pilot is a ground crew of men in grease-stained overalls. There's very little glamour about these men. The public rarely sees them. Yet you couldn't get an airplane off the ground without them. That's how important they are. Every industry has its ground crew that the public never sees. In your theatre it's the projection and sound, for without them you couldn't put a picture on the screen. That's how important they are. Simplex Projection and Simplex Sound make the best ground crew for any theatre. 3S g y/ ^ flATIOnAL Sw THEATRE ^ SUPPLY J COMPANY THERE'S A BRANCH NEAR YOU