The Film Daily (1941)

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DAILY: Monday, March 17, 1941 Vol. 79, No. 52 Mon., March 17, 1941 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 mouths, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Kilmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, CalifRalph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LONDON— Ernest W. Fred man, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., VV. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). MEXICO CITY— Marco Aurelio Galindo, Depto. 215, Calle del Sindicalismo, 99, Tacubayo, D. F. FINANCIAL (QUOTATIONS OF FRIDAY, MARCH 14) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. <2'/2%> Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. IVi "IVl T}/l East. Kodak 132/2 132 132 — 1 3/s do pfd 174 174 174 Gen. Th. Eq 13 Vs 13 13—1 Loew's, Inc 32% 32% 32% + '/2 do pfd Paramount 11% H H + % Para. 1st pfd 98 98 98 Para. 2nd pfd 10% 10% 10% + Vs Pathe Film RKO 3 3 3 RKO $6 pfd 38% 38'/2 38% — 1% 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd Univ. Pict. pfd 151 149 151 + 2 Warner Bros 2% 2% 2% — % do pfd NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith B. F. ref. 6s46 102'/4 102i/4 102% Loew's deb. 3%s46.10S 105 105 Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. cv. 3%s47 95 95 95 + V4 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 94% 94% 94% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts Sonotone Corp 1% 1% 1% Technicolor Universal Corp. vtc... 6% 6% 6% — % Universal Picts LAST MILE MILLION/ ARE WAITING TO jfEETUIJ HUMAN DOCUMENT LI The Broadway Parade 11 Picture and Distributor Theater Night Train (Twentieth Century-Fox)— 12th week Globe The Lady Eve (Paramount Pictures) — 3rd week Paramount Andy Hardy's Private Secretary (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures) — 2nd week Capitol Meet John Doe (Warner Bros.-Capra-Kiskin) (d) Rivoli Meet John Doe (Warner Bros.-Capra-Riskin) (d) Hollywood Cheers for Miss Bishop (United Artists-Rowland) Music Hall Footsteps in the Dark (Warner Brcs. Pictures) Strand That Night in Rio (Twentieth Century-Fox) Roxy The Roundup (Paramount Pictures) Criterion Mr. Dynamite (Universal Pictures) Rialto School for Husbands (J. H. Hoftberg Productions) — 9th week (a-b) Central Mr. and Mrs. Smith (RKO Radio Pictures) (a-b) Palace Vivacious Lady (RKO Radio Pictures) (a-f) Palace Chamber of Horrors ( Monogram Pictures) New York ♦ TWO-A-DAY RUN ♦ The Great Dictator (United Artists-Chaplin) — 23rd week Astor Fantasia (Walt Disney Productions) — 18th week Broadway ♦ FOREi GiV LANGUAGE FEATURES ♦ Virgin Bride (J. H. Hoffberg Productions) — 9th week (a) Central Pepe le Moko (Mayer-Burstyn) — 3rd week World The Mad Emperor (World Pictures) — 2nd week 55th St. Playhouse The Soldiers' Little Lotta (Scandinavian Talking Pictures) 48th St. Theater ♦ future ope VI \GS ♦ Hard-Boiled Canary (Paramount Pictures) — March 19 Paramount Rage in Heaven (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures) — March 20 Capitol I Wanted Wings (Paramount Pictures) — March 26 (e) Astor Fools of Desire (Producers Distributing Corp.) — March 18 Miami The Monster and the Girl (Paramount Pictures) Criterion The Sea Wolf (Warner Bros. Pictures)— March 28 Strand Adam Had Four Sons (Columbia Pictures) (c) Music Hall Strawberry Blonde (Warner Bros. Pictures) — March 19 (a-b) Palace Sleepers West (Twentieth Century-Fox) — March 19 (a) Palace (a) Dual bill, (b) Subsequent run. (c) Follows current bill, (d) Dual showing. (e) Two-a-day run. (f) Revival. Omaha Exhibs., Distribs. Will Huddle on Apr. 22 Omaha — Sponsored by the Omaha Variety Club, a general meeting of exhibitors and distributors in the Omaha territory will be held here on April 22. The New York consent decree is expected to be the keynote of the sessions which will be open to everybody in the trade. Meeting was announced by Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA president, who was here last week to confer on a successor to the late Charles Williams, president of the MPTO of Nebraska and Iowa, who died recently. A business meeting of the Nebraska-Iowa group will follow the general industry session. Williams' successor will be named at the unit meeting. Hold Rites for Wilkes, Former Para. Executive New Orleans — Funeral services were held Saturday for Harold F. Wilkes 48, former Paramount Southern district manager, who died Thursday night after a long illness. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, a son, his mother and a brother. At the time of his death Wilkes was on a leave of absence from Paramount. Wilkes joined Paramount in 1913 as a booker. In 1916 he became executive manager for S. A. Lynch, stiving until 1923 when he became Paramount branch manager in New Orleans. He was made Southern district manager in 1939. He took his leave of absence last April. Nathanson Due This Week For Parleys on Contract Extension or renewal of N. L. Nathanson's contract as head of Famous Players Canadian Corp. is to be discussed in New York this week when he is to confer with home office executives of Paramount. Widespread reports in Canada have linked his name with the recently formed Canadian Odeon circuit of which his son Paul is the head. It is understood that the senior Nathanson's contract with Famous Players expires on June 1. Formal Stipulations End Sam Goldwyn-UA Actions Formal stipulations settling and discontinuing the two suits brought by Sam Goldwyn against United Artists were filed Friday in the Federal Court. The main suit sought cancellation of Goldwyn's contract and damages for alleged interference with distribution of "The Westerner." The secondary suit sought recovery of bonuses under the Silverstone plan. Col. Gets Until Mar. 31 To File N. Y. Suit Reply Stipulation extending the time for Columbia Pictures to answer the Government's amended complaint in the New York equity suit to March 31 was filed Friday in the Federal Court. Universal and United Artists have already interposed answers in the suit against the "Little Three." COminG and GOIDG MORRIS COODMAN, now in Mexico City, leaves for Havana in about 10 days. LESTER ZUCKER, Columbia's Cleveland branch manager, and MRS. ZUCKER are on a Southern holiday. TOM DONALDSON, Metro Boston manager, has entrained for a vacation in Florida. WALTER J. HUTCHINSON, director of foreign distribution for 20th-Fox, is expected to reffiy} to the home office today from Florida. FRANK PHELPS, labor negotiator for W....r Theaters, is vacationing in Florida. FATHER EDWARD J. FLANAGAN, founder of Boys' Town, left New York Friday. HARRY H. BUXBAUM, manager of the 20thFox exchange in New York, and JOE PODOLOFF, Minneapolis branch manager, are vacationing in Miami. CHARLES STEWART and his wife left Friday for Florida. JEAN CABIN arrived on the Coast over the week-end to start work under a 20th-Fox contract. NORMA SHEARER is here from the Coast. CHARLES COBURN arrived here yesterday from the Coast by plane. BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO arrive today from Hollywood via TWA Stratoliner. TOMMY HARMON arrived in New York at the week-end to sign a contract with Columbia. MAXWELL WEINBERG, FILM DAILY'S Balti | more correspondent, was due back home at the week-end from a New England honeymoon. Ruth Nolander on Stand As Schenck Trial Resumes Ruth Nolander, sole witness testifying on Friday in the trial of Joseph M. Schenck and Joseph H. Moskowitz, was questioned on personal expenses paid by Schenck. She also testified that Willie Bioff attended Schenck's office at which time $100,000 in cash was counted out, placed in an envelope and given to her to be turned over to John B. Codd. The witness maintained that deductions of $23,511 out of total expenses of $242,000 were made by Schenck in 1937, and that he did not deduct 50 per cent of his expenses as charged by the Government. Trial of the suit adjourned early and will continue today with Miss Nolander recalled to the stand. Harry Howard Stricken West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Harry Howard, 75, veteran actor, is dead from a heart attack. Edward Golden Sid Grauman Sonny Barkas Marie Quillian Robert W. McGrath