The Film Daily (1941)

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// CHARLEY'S AUNT •I^Vcol— ;T,»S55s'fL0 MkU)E. B0T" READS' g^tstop p«ct.«« L BREUHI'l'iEB. COLLECT* irEs^ccavUL fiST EVfRy ' C.ULAfi A USE RIOUS EECAust OF hi ■ »« HE,RD ,N ^ 'uu™ LEVEL WE J°E ftfniinil„ . t UPROA HEIGH ADVANCE TtJP So«» Level" * I"'5 THE U *E COULDNT TOP ICCLA/M ?,TH CENTURY FOa FIL»CORP= JiMfEST ?«ST NYK= (fy//-"* CH.PUX'S MINI IN VERY HOT WEATHER ^EST ACCUMULATE MDSS Cilt SUNDAY OP ANY CORRESPONDING DAYS FO. L. Mm to date, stop laughs arc terr.f.c stop r ' . «..t r»l« TFTTll stop this ™;« LAUGHS ARC TERR.F.C STOP ONE* ^ TONSILS K!CKED OUT FALSE TECTH STOP THIS FACT ED 1(Y USHER «0 RECOVERED LAPY-S TEETH STOP UM • r,.,r OF KIND CONSIDER TRAILER Otl CHARLEY' AUD-— jn HY USHER WHO Ktv.vvtntu _... • 'Tm;f,m „, OPT.-T.C FRAKE OF «. CONSIDER ADVA ,,s AUNT SMARTEST EVER PRODUCED. STOP REGARDS = UPTOWN THEATRE FRANK E RITTER ' WESTir EXTRA COLLECT* OTl«n „"r.""«<« ""• itLC ILL JW "*■"*"■ cehtury rOX FILII CQ >•■ NT«SPR|MSF', U|sf_IQN.^ 89/88 . HT . COLLECT . *. EXT«Aa«CH (t^ Km "j " ""*" ~ '" it* „„ , CCUTBRT FOX. FILM. CORP M4.IEST.3fi. ST HTM • /. CHARLIES ABUT. 0fE»»IIQ.8EW*I|oW.Tt.pi|» 8R£AI SMTWCST «*1.«|E. ZOOM. TO»i. FIR8I. THREE MT» *TJl« A»T ^ -^ 22175*1'110"''" IM"i.t«»l»a.f«.|BHiiIAn holidays S2%2!*^£ "^U!»n«ri.I«.CATai..OHE.OF" THE """ "»»» *I.rt«I.I« tlUliJp.aUICla MRT TERRIrtC .CHAHCtft.Mir "-4C .REOARM. F« - "»l NTKI ^ VI ^ , ^ / C C UUh«AY FOX SS^»jr BJEHCE )tti«" .OTHCEHTUB^nLKCORPWUXNYK. CH.LEYSAU, AUD.E.E THOROUGHLY E^TA.HED A, -6hed,m::t;:;hhell«aJe8T,ct„eatRe. FLL ABOVE P^VIOUS V"^ AU« H* ** ^ci:r»s ^^tior" tf « 56 ST HE«0»C.« SY= Wi» WEST 56 W**«-*OT BF TH.S THE FUNN.EST tIoGHOUT ENT.HE P,CT.«-mid ER(CKS0M MANAGER.