The Film Daily (1941)

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4| Thursday, September 4, 1941 3fe Paramount Advances Common Div. to 25( (Continued from Page 1) X''. first preferred stock and a quarterly dividend of 15 cents on its second I preferred. Dividends are payable Oct. 1 to common stockholders of ■ r^^i'd Sept. 12 and preferred stock | '^^rs of record Sept. 15. Reliable sources estimate that Paramount's September earnings may double those of September, 1940, •. while a notable showing is expected for the third quarter. Wall Street circles reported considerable buying of Paramount common by Hollywood interests as well ■J' as financial people. All three of > Paramount's issues hit new highs for the year on Tuesday. Loew's to Pay 50 Cents On Outstanding Common Board of directors of Loew's, Inc., yesterday declared a regular dividend of 50 cents a share on the common stock, payable Sept. 30 to stockholders of record Sept. 19. Five Film Stocks Reach, Two Maintain, New Highs (Continued from Page 1) ;' ' other three dropping back fraction j ally. J RKO's $6 pfd. closed at 54 for a . quarter-point gain and new high, ; while a similar advance was made j by 20th-Fox common which closed at 9% as against the old 1941 high j ■ of 9%. During the day, this issue • was up to 9%. Loew's common went to 37% for ! a new high, then dropped fractionally to 37%. Paramount common, which went to 15 V2 for a new 1941 high yesterday, was up to 15% at one time, but closed at 15*4, off one ; quarter. Paramount's second pfd., ;l which hit 13% yesterday for a new high, went to 14%, then dropped back to close at 137/8. Bar Children Under 18 In Hackensack, Englewood Hackensack, N. J. — In a move to prevent the spread of polio, health officers here and in Englewood yesterday issued orders barring all children under 18 from film theaters. TO THE COLORS! Rochester — Lt. Michael M. Kar lene, on leave from Eastman Kodak Co., is managing editor of the official publication of the Middletown Air Depot, Olmsted Field, Middletown, Pa. Lt. Karlene, personnel adjutant Of the depot, is also post athletic director. T T T • • • AT the risk of being whistled-at around 729 Seventh and 630 Ninth it must be reported that Miss Frances Burke the Miss America of 1940 will crown her successor on Saturday at the Atlantic City Beauty Contest and in the process will wear a stunning Edward Stevenson design of white cotton Chantilly lace Creation is from the ingenious brain of the chief designer at RKO Radio's studios Ed's current screen contributions can be viewed aboard the sleek forms of Ann Shirley in "All That Money Can Buy" and Lucille Ball in "Look Who's Laughing" ... • Which reminds that there's a Warner Bros. Corp. in Bridgeport that makes corsets Only similarity between the companies is that they're both darn close to the public T T T • • • AFTER being ill for some six weeks Rodney Bush, assistant to Charles E. McCarthy, is back at his desk and lookin' fit as a fiddle ... • Majors should look sharply at factor of exhib. and reviewer comfort at trade showings Crowded projection rooms, poor ventilation, and outmoded chairs are anything but assets to pic properties in which a helluva lot of dough is invested ... • Joan Castle and William Post, Jr., members of "My Sister Eileen" cast, are gonna git hitched late this month They'll quit the comedy Sept. 20 and head for Hollywood by Ickesmobile where Groom Bill commences seven-year contract with Leo the Lion Bride Joan appears to pack potent power romantically having appeared in "Collision" and "Sailor Beware!" ... • Non-theatrical orgs, are squinting with decided interest at who's gonna get the Government film printing and distribution contract bids on which were opened in Washington Aug. 23 T T T • • • THE New York World-Telegram is set to announce name of new drama critic Meanwhile, Frank Farrell, sheet's amusement editor, holds the spot following naming of Sid Whipple as assistant to the executive editor. . . • Paramount's studio solons are bringing Susanna Foster along rapidly and intelligently by carving out a special niche for this eye-and-ear-filler somewhere between the film positions held by Judy Garland and Deanna Durbin In "Glamour Boy," she's swell Indications are that lohn Q. Public, the Missus and the kids despite the lyrical admonition will soon be crying for Susanna T ▼ T • • • AS part of Uncle Sam's good-neighbor program the national A.A.U. basketball squad of 20th-Fox will tour Latin America Slated for the jaunt, 'mong others, are: Centers, Frank Lubin and Fon Johnson; Forwards, Ed McGrath, Les O'Gara, Paul Cloyd and Lee Woodward; Guards, Art Millner, Carl Knowles and Ray Weldie plus Trainer D. Shifter, Assistant Trainer Ray Harris, and Manager Bud Fischer ... • Tomorrow will go into Bloomingdale's windows a series of water colors depicting the New York scene The paintings, from the brush of Milton Marx of Warners' h.o. advertising dept., will be used as pictorial background for the special window display based on the theme, "New York Is a Colorful City" ... • Harry Kaufman says it ain't so that Olsen and Johnson will have to hie back to Hollywood for retakes on the celluloid "Hellzapoppin" and thereby delay the scheduled advent of their new footlights fling, "Crazy House" . . . • Howard Barnes will be Liberty mag's new "Beverly Hills" thus filling the cinema-critical boots of the late Freddie James Smith Skouras Finds Pix Biz Best Since '37 (Continued from Page 1) and that the new product appears very promising. The National Theater execs, will confer with Elmer Rhoden, Fox Midwest operating chief, on the first RKO block, and with Harold J. Fitzgerald, head of Fox Wisconsin, in Milwaukee. Skouras and Zabel plan to return on Saturday. RKO Sales Execs. Leave for Midwest to Close Fox Deals RKO sales execs., Ned E. Depinet, A. W. Smith and Cresson E. Smith, left last night by plane for Kansas City to close circuit deals on the first block with Fox Midwest. They will also visit Milwaukee to close with Fox Wisconsin. Wisconsin Exhibs. Report B. O. Business Picking Up Milwaukee — An improvement in business has been reported by exhibitors within the past several weeks particularly in neighborhood houses. Many theaters which during the Summer experienced only good business on week-ends, report receipts showing an upward trend on week-day nights as well. Exhibitors are hopeful that the money resulting from increased payrolls due to the defense program is finally finding its way to the boxoffice and that business will continue to show an improvement from now WEDDING BELLS William Levy, of the UA sales force in Chicago, was married Tuesday night in New York to Norma Selwyn of Hartford. Hot Springs, Ark. — Fredrik S. Niemann, Warner writer and artist (Merrie Melodies) and his bride, the former Gypsy Cathryn Yoes, are honey-mooning here following their Little Rock marriage. Cleveland— Elsie Reese, M-G-M inspectress has announced Sept. 29 as the date of her wedding to Spencer Wilson of Cleveland. Kenosha, Wis. — Announcement has just been made of the marriage Nov. 20, last, of Doris Picken, of the Gateway theater here, and Norman Rover in Dubuque, la. Grand Rapid, Mich. — Marilyn Nor;, daughter of Walter J. Norris, Butterfield manager here, was married Saturday to Donald Burrell Canham of Oak Park, 111., at St. Stephen's Rectory.