The Film Daily (1943)

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DAILY Friday, July 2, 1942 Vol. 84, No. 2 Fri., July 2, 1943 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable addressFilmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif.— Kalph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 520 Third St. N.W., Phone District 1253. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU — Eileen O'Brien. BUENOS AIUES— Dr. Walter P. Schuck, Casillo de Correo 1929. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Auielio Galindo, Apartado 8817, Mexico, D. F. New Investment Banking Co. In Mexican Pix Field Chicago — Charles F. Glore, partner of Glore, Forgan & Co., annaunced yesterday that an international investment banking firm, to be known as Impulsora Commercial Y. Industrial S.A. has been organized by American and Mexican interests with a capital of $1,000,000 to invest in Mexican enterprises, including films. The firm has already acquired the business of Kalb, Moran & Co. of Mexico City. Arthur Chilgren, well known Chicago attorney, is a director of the company. Its the quickest road to postwar equipment NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY'S Schine Ilion Theater Withdraws Complaint Clearance complaint filed with the Albany arbitration tribunal in January by Schine Ilion Corp., operator of the Capitol Theater, Ilion, N. Y., has been withdrawn. Demand asked reduction of clearance granted the Stanley, Avon and Olympic Theaters, Utica, be reduced, and named Loew's, Paramount, 20th-Fox and RKO. Rhine Hook Theaters Appeals Two Awards Two appeals of awards granted by the New York tribunal have been filed by Rhine Hook Theaters, Inc. One involves the Lyceum Theater, Red Hook, N. J. in a clearance complaint against Loew's, RKO, 20thFox and Vitagraph while the other concerns the Star Theater, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Arbitrator granted partial relief in both complaints which were heard concurrently but Rhine Hook asks further clearance reductions. "Inflation" Withdrawal Said Asked by Treasury Metro's decision yesterday to withdraw its special short, "Inflation" was in response to the request of the U. S. Treasury, it was reported. Treasury officials feared that the picture might cause over-buying. The OWI did not agree, and was willing to have the picture released. Part of the "America Speaks" series, "Inflation," starring Edward Arnold as Satan, showed overbuying, rising prices, etc.? as causes of inflation, portraying them with sarcasm, then devoted some footage to showing the chaotic condition resulting from inflation. The Treasury apparently did not believe that the sarcasm was sufficiently strong to keep Americans from rushing out to buy everything in sight. The short is said to have cost Metro $50,000 which probably will be a total loss. Reject "Russian Story' For Showing in Ohio The Ohio censor board in Cleveland has rejected "The Russian Story" for exhibition in Ohio unless the scenes covering the battleship Potemkin are eliminated, Joseph Burstyn, who produced the film for Artkino release, stated last night. It would be impossible to show the picture with the Potemkin scenes eliminated, Burstyn said, therefore it will not be exhibited in Ohio. Skouras on National War Fund Committee ■Spyros P. Skouras, president of 20th-Fox, will be on the executive committee of the New York Committee of the National War Fund, a joint national appeal of 16 agencies for $1.25,000,000. Cleveland Exhibs Suggest UA Serve 'Canteen' Gratis Cleveland, O. — Local exhibitor dissatisfaction with the terms asked by UA for "Stage Door Canteen" climaxed at a meeting here yesterday when the theater operators sent a wire to Grad Sears, UA vice-prexy, which read: "United Artists in selling "Stage Door Canteen' have dwelt on patriotic obligation of exhibitors to show this picture on 50 per cent basis. At a meeting held in Cleveland today, exhibitors as a patriotic gesture agreed to donate all of their receipts to their local USO in the name of exhibitors and United Artists if you will serve picture gratis." May Continue OWI H'wood Bureau at Industry's Cost West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Nelson Poynter, Hollywood head of OWI's motion picture bureau, believes the bureau will be continued despite any budget cuts made by Congress and that he understood the film industry has made an offer in the East to defray costs of operating the bureau. He asserted the cost of operating the Hollywood office was only $50,000 and that he would be willing to have the status of a $l-a-year man if necessary. Poynter's annual cost of maintaining both Washington and Coast liaison bureaus could be continued for approximately $100,000. Poynter said largest share of $1,300,000 budget was for raw film for 26 shorts, plus production costs. Columbia Will Release O'Brien's "Pile Buck" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A deal was set between Columbia and Terneen Corp. which consists of Pat O'Brien and Phil L. Ryan for the production of "Pile Buck" to star O'Brien. This story by John and Ward Hawkins about a war-time shipyard worker which ran in the Saturday Evening Post under title of "Saboteur" will go into production at Columbia later in the year under the producership of Ryan. Kay Joins Warners as Eastern Story Editor Ellingwood Kay, former associate editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine, will join Warners as Eastern story editor on July 12, succeeding Helen Herman, who left the company last week to become a bride. Permanent Recordings Ban Is Ordered by Petrillo At a brief meeting yesterday afternoon sponsored by the Government to mediate in the AFM ban on recordings, James C. Petrillo, AFM prexy, stated that he had ordered the ban on transcriptions made permanent. COmmC and come CHARLES EINFELD plans to leave Burbank for New York next Wednesday. DR. HERBERT T. KALMUS, president and general manager of Technicolor, accompanied by KAY HARRISON, managing director of Technicolor, Ltd., and DONALD SMITH, have left Hollywood on a business trip to New York. i the to MATTHEW FOX is scheduled to leave Coast today for New York, prelimb*! reporting for Army Service. fio ED GARDNER, the "Archie" of the "radio program "Duffy's Tavern," left New York for Hollywood where he will star in the SkirballSpitz screen version of "Duffy's Tavern" which Jack Moss will produce for UA release. STEVE EDWARDS of Republic's home office publicity department leaves Monday, for Chicago, for promotion in connection with Roy Rogers Month there. OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II and RICK RODGERS leave for the Coast July 7 to report to 20thFox. DICK MURRAY of the Paramount short subjects department leaves today for California. MURPHY McHENRY, Paramount studio publicist, leaves for the East on Tuesday. TEX RITTER opens a Southern p. a. tour in Spartansburg, S. C. Wednesday. JOSEPH R. VOGEL is on a tour of New England Loew stands. ABE BURROWS, MAC BENOFF and PARKE LEVY, writers of the radio program, "Duffy's Tavern," leave Monday, for Hollywood. GEORGE B. WEST, Monogram St. Louis franchise holder, has left the Coast for home. HERMAN RIFKIN, New England Monogram franchise holder, is en route East from Hollywood. HUNT STROM BERG departs for the Coast today. WARNER BAXTER starts a USO-Camp Shows tour of four California Army bases at Fresno on July 9. His final appearance will be at Minster Field, Bakersfield, July 16. CHARLES LAUGHTON begins a voluntary tour of Army camps in the Northwest at the Army air base at Portland, Ore., tomorrow. The tour will end on July 12 at the Seattle port of embarkation. PETE PANAGOS, booking director of the Alliance circuit, is back in Chicago after attending booking huddles in Indianapolis. FINANCIAL (.Thursday, July 1) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Seat 16 16 16 Col. Picts. vtc. (2i/2%) 1834 1834 1834 + Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind 234 234 234—' Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... 17% 17% 17% — East. Kodak 1653/4 165i/2 165% — do pfd Net Chg. A 'A % A 22% + % 61% + 3/8 273/4 _ i/8 9 94 — % 21 % — % 32% — % 14% Gen. Prec. Eq 23 % 2234 Loew's, Inc 61% 61 Paramount 28Vi 2734 RKO 9% 9 RKO $6 pfd 94 94 20th Century-Fox ... 213/8 21 % 20th Century-Fox pfd.323/8 32% Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros 14% 14% do pfd 88% 88y4 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Para. B'way 3s55 . . 77% 77% 77% — % Para. Picts. deb. 4s56 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 1005/8 100 19-32 100 19-32 — 13-32 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts 3% Radio-Keith cvs. ... 1 7/8 Sonotone Corp 314 Technicolor 12% Trans-Lux 334 Universal Corp. vtc Universal Picts 19 33/8 13/4 3% 121/2 334 + % 3% — % 1% + % 3% — % 12% + % 33/4 . 1834 1834 + %